Chapter 262: Where Did the Missing Gold Medal Mattress Tester Go?

On the way to the first villa in the past, Xia Yutong suddenly remembered something, then turned to Wang Yue and asked, "Master Wang, the villa lost another gold medal tester before, why wasn't he in the ghosts we just saw?"

"Did he not turn into a ghost?" Wang Yue, having seen the fate of several ghosts before, thought of the reason, smiled slightly, and said lightly, "Haha, he indeed did not become a ghost!"

"What? Why not?"

"Both were killed by the fox demon, why didn't he become a ghost?"

"Did the fox demon also eat his soul?"

"Or is there a condition for becoming a lonely ghost?"

Xia Yutong asked in confusion.

She couldn't understand, why it wasn't the same?

Wang Yue said slowly, "Because he didn't actually die."

"How could he become a ghost?"

"Some girls who often came to cook for him would casually call him a ghost!"

Xia Yutong stood there dumbfounded, unable to react.

The disappeared gold medal tester didn't die?

Then how did he vanish?

What's going on here?

Seeing Wang Yue walking further away, she hurried to catch up and asked, "Master Wang, are you saying that the gold medal tester didn't die?"

"But he clearly entered the villa at the time, and the next day he mysteriously disappeared without a trace, and all the surveillance cameras didn't see him come out of the villa!"

"If he didn't die, where did he go?"

"How did he vanish?"

"Could he be like Master Wang, a practitioner with the ability to disappear and fly?"

Xia Yutong blurted out all the doubts in her heart.

Wang Yue shook his head with a smile, and said lightly, "No!"

"He's just a slightly bold ordinary person!"

"And he was sent by your boss's little nephew to solidify the infamous reputation of that haunted house!"

When he entered the villa, the fox demon was in the midst of cultivation and had no time to pay attention to him.

And before those ghosts could make a move to deal with him, he had already left from inside the villa!

Then he went back to his hometown, making sure you couldn't find him, playing the disappearing game, making you think he was killed by something in the villa, with no body to be found.

And the reason you didn't see him leaving on the surveillance footage was because someone tampered with the surveillance.

At the time, the night shift employee took 200,000 from your boss's younger uncle to assist them in this matter.

So you definitely wouldn't see him leaving.

Xia Yutong was completely taken aback!

She never expected things to turn out this way!

No wonder he could disappear out of thin air, leaving no trace of life or death!

Together they conspired to take down the boss!

Nearly got all of us fired!

This must be reported to the boss, let the boss deal with them!

Thinking this, she indignantly said:

"Master Wang, can I inform the boss about this matter?"

"We can't let those two off so easily!"

"They must pay the price!"

Wang Yue shook his head, chuckled and said:

"Haha, go ahead and speak your mind, it's no big deal!"

"But they have already paid the price!"

Xia Yutong expressed her confusion???

Could it be that the boss already knows?

And has already taken action to teach those two a lesson?

"The gold medal tester received a huge sum of money, then went back to his hometown, he kept a low profile for a while before starting to splash out."

"Frequently called for the exclusive home service, and was generous in tipping, adding an extra 200 each time."

"Then he drew attention, the woman who provided the exclusive home service, along with a few hooligans, tried to extort money from him."

"But he, being bold, didn't fall for it, directly confronting them, accidentally killing one of them."

"Then he was accused of harassing married women, and when the other party tried to intervene, he killed that person."

"Not only did he lose all his money, he also went to jail, still doing hard time!"

Xia Yutong: d(ŐдŐ๑)

Ah, this...

Well, they have indeed paid the price!

And that price seems quite heavy!!!

Not only lost all the money, but also went to prison, intentional murder, at least starting with 10 years?

When he gets out, he'll be a wreck!

So, it doesn't matter whether to tell the boss or not anymore.

Oh, there's another one.

After coming back to her senses, Xia Yutong turned to Wang Yue and asked:

"Master Wang, what about the other one?"

"That freeloader, has he also paid the price?"

Wang Yue nodded, and slowly said:

"The other one who took 200,000, he is a gambling addict."

"After receiving the 200,000, he went to the casino to try his luck, wanting to experience the feeling of being a gambling god."

He didn't expect to win 8,000 dollars in just one night, which made him feel like his luck had arrived.

"Then the next day, he went again, this time winning another 10,000, and then on the third day, another 15,000..."

"This streak of winning streaks made him feel invincible, thinking he had the god of gambling on his side.

With this skill, why bother working anymore?"

"So he quit his job directly and threw himself wholeheartedly into the gambling business."

"As he kept winning more, he started increasing his bets, only to end up losing all the money, and eventually losing his mind."

"Just like in the casino, borrowing money at high interest rates, thinking he could turn it around, believing he could strike it rich!"

"But how could he know that it was all a trick by the casino?

They let you win a little at first, and if you stop in time, they can bear that slight loss."

"But if you get addicted, they will make you lose everything, down to your last penny."

"In the end, the casino lent him money again, and he ended up losing everything once more!"

"He borrowed from all his relatives and friends, and they all ended up losing as well."

"Finally, he even mortgaged his wife, daughter, and even himself."

"Now, the deadline is approaching, and he can't repay the money, the people from the casino are coming after him."

"He will be taken abroad, have his kidneys and various organs removed to pay off the debt."

Xia Yutong was speechless!

This is even worse than that gold medal sleeper!!

So, never ever touch gambling, it's poisonous!

Never harbor any illusions, thinking you're special and can surely win money.

How many people can actually make money from this thing?

Most people end up losing everything, their families ruined and lives destroyed, right?

In that case, there's really no need to tell the boss!

Even if the boss wants revenge, there's no one to take it on.

And during the small talk, they arrived at the first villa they were considering.

After Xia Yutong opened the door with the keys, Wang Yue turned to her and said: "Miss Xia, there's nothing much here, you should go back first!"

Xia Yutong: (◎_◎;)???