Chapter 263: Well then, let's go meet this mysterious master right now!

Xia Yutong had originally thought that being alone together might lead to some interesting stories.

But as soon as she walked in the door, Wang Yue told her she could leave.

Am I really that unappealing?

She glanced down at her C-cup chest and her long legs, then gave her perky butt a reassuring pat.

Surely I'm not so bad looking, right????

Why is there no attraction at all towards Master Wang?

Could it be that Master Wang isn't interested in women?

She inwardly chuckled, ultimately attributing it to the fact that Master Wang, with his unique talents and exceptional capabilities, was beyond her reach, not someone she could possess.

With an awkward smile, she spoke up: "Alright then, Master Wang, I won't disturb you any longer."

"After the contract is taken care of, it will be brought over for the Master's signature."

"I'll go back to my busy schedule now."

Wang Yue nodded, watching Xia Yutong leave before turning to enter the villa.

Meanwhile, the person responsible for tracking Wang Yue had split into two.

One continued following Wang Yue to the outskirts of the villa for surveillance, while the other quietly tailed Manager Pang and led him to an empty corner for questioning.

After listening to Manager Pang's account, the questioner's eyebrows almost knitted together.

This sounded like something out of a fantasy...

He then confirmed, "Are you saying that inside that villa, there was originally a fox demon and several ghosts?"

"And those ghosts were the previous owners of the villa, killed by the fox demon and turned into spirits, lingering in the villa all this time?"

"Have you been inside for so long because Master Wang is dealing with the fox demon and helping those spirits pass on?"

Manager Pang wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and replied, "Yes, yes, that's exactly it."

"I haven't held anything back."

Seeing no sign of deception in Manager Pang, the questioner nodded, saying, "Alright, I understand.

I hope you can keep this matter confidential."

Whoever it is, don't tell anyone, and make sure to tell your colleague not to speak out either, to avoid causing panic," Manager Pang nodded quickly. "

Alright, I understand. I will keep my lips sealed, I won't tell anyone," he assured.

He had briefly considered using this incident as a bragging point, exaggerating with his buddies about how he had battled a fox demon and evil spirits for three hundred rounds, with the fox demon ultimately perishing and the evil spirits vanishing.

Now he swiftly squashed that idea, lest he draw the attention of the authorities and be summoned for a chat over tea.

The man then allowed Manager Pang to leave, while he himself entered the eerie mansion to investigate.

Inside the wine cellar, he did find signs of a scuffle as Manager Pang had mentioned, but the fox that Pang spoke of was nowhere to be seen.

After confirming the situation, he departed to rendezvous with someone else.

Meanwhile, outside the mansion, another person saw Xia Yuotong leave, leaving only Wang Yue inside.

He hurried to catch up with Xia Yuotong to inquire further, and upon hearing her response, he too furrowed his brows in disbelief at the existence of such things in the world.

After advising Xia Yuotong, he let her go and quickly returned to keep watch outside Wang Yue's mansion. Soon enough, the man who had questioned Manager Pang returned, and they shared the information they had gathered.

The details were mostly consistent - both parties had investigated the mansion and found signs of a scuffle.

Finally, they quickly reported the situation they had learned.

At headquarters, Long Er and the others listened to the report from the people following Wang Yue, and all fell silent.

It could be seen that there were two more familiar faces in the room at this time, Officer Tang and Officer Qin.

They hadn't even started work early in the morning when they were asked to come over.

As soon as they arrived, they were asked various questions about Wang Yue because the information gathered by Long Er and the others showed that Officer Tang and Officer Qin had met Wang Yue several times.

So they were asked to come and inquire. Upon hearing everything, Officer Tang and Officer Qin were a bit surprised.

Their surprise was, "You actually sent people to monitor Master Wang?

Did Master Wang do something wrong? That shouldn't be possible, right?

Master Wang is not that kind of person. Could there be some mistake?"

Also, someone as mysterious as Master Wang, if he really wanted to do something bad, your surveillance probably wouldn't be of any use!

Of course, this was just their thoughts.

At this moment, Long Er took the lead and said, "I believe everyone now has a better understanding of this person named Wang Yue and his abilities, right?

Also, Officer Tang and Officer Qin just mentioned that this Wang Yue person had helped them before and had no issues in terms of character."

"So, let's go meet this magical master now!" Long San nodded and said, "Sure, I'm also looking forward to meeting Master Wang."

"Then let's go meet him together!"

Long Wu didn't speak but stood up directly to show his stance.

Long Er smiled and then turned to Officer Tang and Officer Qin, saying, "Officer Tang, Officer Qin, we'll need you both to accompany us."

"We don't know that Master Wang, so it might be a bit abrupt to show up at his place suddenly; we don't want any misunderstandings later on."

"Since both of you have had interactions with Master Wang, having you there will also help introduce us."

Officer Tang and Officer Qin nodded and replied, "Sure, no problem."

"Let's set off now!"

Following a line of five people, driving an SUV, left the base and headed towards the villa where Wang Yue was located.


Meanwhile, in Wang Yue's villa.

After Xia Yutong left, he returned to the villa.

He then took out the essence-blood obtained from Gao Yaguo and the inner core of a little fox demon.

Then he started browsing the system mall.

Now he already had 16920 merit points.

Although he could exchange for a foundation-increasing pill to enhance his strength.

But Wang Yue was also worried, if he directly broke through to the Golden Core stage.

It would attract celestial tribulation, with his current means, he seemed uncertain.

He didn't want to end up with just a head and two kidneys left due to the tribulation.

Since he couldn't make a breakthrough for the time being.

He could only enhance his strength from other aspects.

The treasures in the mall are so expensive,

He wanted to exchange for some practical and inexpensive materials from the mall, and together with the atmospheric essence-blood and fox demon inner core, refine a treasure himself.

Suddenly, Wang Yue's phone rang.

Caller ID showed it was Officer Tang.

Wang Yue answered the call.

Upon hearing that Officer Tang wanted to come and meet him, saying that some people wanted to get to know him.

Wang Yue agreed and gave him his current address.