Chapter 264 Invitation to Join the Organization

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yue continued to search for suitable materials in the system mall.

After a bit of searching, he quickly found all the materials he needed.

However, because Inspector Tang and the others said they were coming over, he did not start refining them.

After waiting for a while, the doorbell rang.

Wang Yue opened the door, and Inspector Tang and the others were standing outside the gate, greeting him,

"Master Wang~"

"Inspector Tang, Inspector Qin... please, come inside, all of you."

Wang Yue responded with a smile on his face.

After entering the villa, Inspector Tang jokingly said,

"Master Wang, you change villas quite often, don't you?"

"Yesterday you were at the Pure Water Shore Villa, and today you've switched to this one.

Are you going to switch to another one tomorrow?"

Wang Yue chuckled helplessly and slowly replied,

"Well, I have no choice. I didn't want this either."

"But since the previous villa was destroyed, I had to find a new place to stay."

Upon hearing this, everyone laughed.

After they all took their seats, Inspector Tang spoke up,

"Master Wang, actually today I'm not the one looking for you.

It's these few individuals who have something to discuss with you."

"Let me introduce these few to Master Wang.

They are from the capital, and although their identities are a bit special, I believe Master can tell for himself.

So I won't tease you. They are all members of a special department of the country."

"This is Dragon Two, this is Dragon Three, and this is Dragon Five," Officer Tang said.

Dragon Two then smiled and greeted, "Master Wang, nice to meet you!

Your reputation precedes you, and it's finally a pleasure to meet you in person.

Master Wang, your presence is truly extraordinary."

Dragon Three also greeted with a smile, while Dragon Five, not one for socializing, simply nodded faintly.

Just now, Wang Yue did not use the 'Seeing Clearly' skill to check the information of these individuals.

So, upon hearing Officer Tang say that they are members of a special department, Wang Yue was slightly surprised.

What special department?

Why are members of the special department looking for me?

Are they here for fortune-telling too?

Despite the doubts in his mind, Wang Yue still smiled and responded, "Hello, everyone! May I know the reason you've come to find me today?"

After speaking, he then used the 'Seeing Clearly' skill to investigate the destinies of Dragon Two and the others.

From their destinies, Wang Yue saw a lot and realized that the other party did indeed have a significant background, somewhat similar to an organization of national guardians, where each member possessed extraordinary skills.

They specialized in handling extraordinary events and had high-end capabilities for external affairs.

However... they were actually secretly sending people to track and monitor him??

Heh heh... Wang Yue's mouth curved into a meaningful smile.

At that moment, Dragon Two spoke up, "Master Wang, here's the deal.

Our organization is a special existence that gathers talented individuals and righteous heroes from all around the country to safeguard the nation's security together."

"Based on the information we have gathered, Master, you are a cultivator and also adept at fortune-telling."

"For talents like you, our organization is eager for your involvement.

Therefore, we would like to invite you to join our Dragon Team."

"By joining the Dragon Team, your family will receive national protection.

You will also gain some authority and be able to mobilize local military forces or government units when necessary."

"The nation will also support you by providing and seeking out cultivation resources for you to advance to higher levels!"

"Of course, with the gains come corresponding responsibilities.

Members of the organization are required to follow its arrangements and undertake dangerous missions."

Long Er finished speaking and quietly waited for Wang Yue's response.

He believed that Wang Yue would definitely agree.

Because he knew that cultivating alone was too difficult!

With the country as a backing, there was no need to worry about resources for cultivation, so the progress would definitely be different.

No one could resist such temptation.

The others also looked at Wang Yue, wanting to know what choice he would make.

But it should be that he would join.

At this moment, Wang Yue thought for a moment, then said lightly:

"Long Er, thank you for the invitation."

"The conditions you mentioned are very tempting!"

"However, I am lazy by nature, so I don't think I am suitable to join your Dragon Team, I'm sorry."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, Long Er and the others were stunned, not reacting.

Didn't expect Wang Yue to refuse so decisively!!!

Was what he just said not clear enough?

The power of an entire country searching for and providing resources for cultivation for you, and you're not even a bit tempted?

Don't you want to pursue higher realms?

Or do you think you can break through on your own?

Detectives Tang and Qin were also surprised by Wang Yue's choice.

Such great conditions, if it were them, they would have probably agreed long ago.

Master Wang actually directly refused.

It can only be said that the thoughts of Master Wang, as a high-level practitioner, are beyond our understanding.

At this point, Long Er, who had come to his senses, said to Wang Yue:

"Master Wang, are you sure you don't want to reconsider?"

"Except for the need to carry out tasks, members within the organization still have quite a bit of freedom in their usual lives, the organization won't restrict your personal freedom."

"Of course, tasks won't be frequent, there is still plenty of time for members to cultivate well."

Wang Yue smiled slightly, but still declined Long Er's invitation.

Disappointment showed in Long Er's eyes.

Although he felt regretful, he did not insist.

Then he said:

"Alright, since Master Wang has made up his mind, I won't force it anymore."

"Let's exchange contact information, if Master Wang changes his mind in the future, he can contact me, our Dragon Team will always welcome Master Wang's joining."

Wang Yue nodded, not refusing this time. He directly exchanged contact information with Long Er and added him on WeChat.

At this moment, Long San beside them suddenly spoke up, saying, "Master Wang, I was amazed when I saw you telling fortunes for others before."

"Could you also read my fortune, so I can experience the magical abilities of Master Wang?"

Wang Yue smiled faintly, nodded, and said, "Of course!"

"But my rule is, 3000 yuan per reading!" "Just because you are from a special department, doesn't mean I'll provide it for free."

Upon hearing this, Long San was taken aback for a moment.

Then she couldn't help but laugh, and slowly said, "Haha, fair enough!

But I also happen to know that Master, your rule is not to accept money!"

"I can even track you down through the internet!"

Wang Yue also laughed upon hearing this, and said, "Haha, indeed!"

"So tell me, what do you want me to read for you?"