Chapter 265: Just Talking

"Tell me, what do you want to have me calculate!"

Wang Yue said, and the attention of both Long Er and Long Wu shifted to Long San, their faces showing a hint of doubt.

Even though they had agreed beforehand to test Wang Yue's skills, wasn't it supposed to be Long Wu who did the testing?

They didn't expect Long San to be the first to speak up like this.

Wasn't she resistant before?

Why the sudden change in attitude?

Detective Tang and Detective Qin exchanged a glance, then shared a knowing smile.

They both understood what the other was thinking.

This scenario felt all too familiar.

Looks like there's some juicy drama coming up.

After thinking for a moment, Long San realized she didn't really have anything specific she wanted to calculate.

She just suddenly felt curious and wanted to experience Wang Yue's fortune-telling method for herself.

So, Long San spoke up, saying, "Hehe, Master Wang, I don't really have anything particular in mind to calculate.

I'm just genuinely curious how you can derive such detailed experiences from someone's appearance."

"I just wanted to see it for myself.

How about you try reading my face and see what you come up with?"

A small smile played on Wang Yue's lips as he nodded and said, "Hehe, sure!"

"Then tell me a few things you find memorable, so you can get a feel for it."

Long San's heart suddenly skipped a beat, not knowing what Wang Yue had seen or what he would say next.

He felt a sudden urge to back away – too impulsive just now!

The others looked on with interest at Long San, enjoying the drama of stirring up trouble, especially when it involved a female companion.

It was quite thrilling to contemplate.

Then their gaze shifted to Wang Yue, all eagerly anticipating what he would say next.

In a slow, deliberate tone, Wang Yue began, "Your eyes are large and bright, crystal clear, radiating a summer-like glow, hence your true name is Xia Linying."

Long San: ...

Long Er: ???

Long Wu:

They were all utterly baffled by Wang Yue's opening statement.

What did having large, bright, crystal-clear eyes have anything to do with being called Xia Linying?

Was there any real connection between these two things?

And must those with small, lifeless eyes be called Xiao Xiao Wu?

If it wasn't for the fact that Wang Yue had been shadowed all along, they would have suspected a sudden change of personnel.

They had stumbled upon a phony expert now!

Unfazed by their reactions, Wang Yue continued, "You were an orphan from a young age, raised in an orphanage."

"When you were 7, you fell ill with a fever that wouldn't subside, reaching a temperature of 43 degrees."

"No matter what fever-reducing medicine you took, nothing worked.

Even the doctors exhausted all options without success."

"Fearing for your life, the orphanage head had no choice but to immerse you in ice water."

As a result, it ended up raising your temperature even higher, and you fainted on the spot.

You had a high fever for a full 7 days at that time, just when everyone thought you were beyond saving, you miraculously recovered from the fever on your own.

Moreover, no abnormalities were found, you did not become demented or experience a drop in IQ.

The people at the orphanage were happy for you, saying that surviving such a calamity surely meant good fortune awaited you.

Upon hearing this, Dragon Two and Dragon Five both looked at Dragon Three, trying to determine if this was true from her expression.

Such a young child, with a fever over 43 degrees for 7 days, and even being thrown into ice water, and yet survived???

This couldn't be possible?

Even if it were an adult, their mind would be fried.

But seeing Dragon Three's expression at that moment, they knew Wang Yue's words must be true.

They couldn't help but think to themselves: Has the King of Hell forgotten about you? You haven't been taken away yet!

At that moment, Dragon Three was also not calm, personally experiencing Wang Yue's miraculous ability, she was deeply shocked.

She was very sure that Wang Yue didn't know her before this, so being able to speak of this incident must have been based on what he saw on her face.

But she still couldn't believe it, this was simply too incredible!!!

At that time, the people at the orphanage later told her about this.

She only remembered being sick, not knowing how long she had been ill, as she was mostly in a daze afterwards.

But Wang Yue could recount the details so clearly, truly impressive!

At this point, Wang Yue continued:

"After your fever subsided, the orphanage director was concerned and took you to the hospital for a comprehensive examination."

"In the hospital corridor, a man rushed past you frantically, about to collide with an elderly man in hospital clothes in front of him."

"You immediately shouted: Ah~ Grandpa, be careful."

"The next moment, the man passed directly through the elderly man."

"This sight frightened you into screaming."

"Everyone around looked at you, and the orphanage director asked what was wrong?"

"The elderly man you saw also walked over to you and asked: Little one, can you see me?"

"After you described what you saw, they did not find any elderly man ahead, so they ignored you and instead warned you not to scream in the hospital."

And you clearly saw an old man in front of you, speaking to you, but others just couldn't see him, and you finally realized something was wrong.

Being someone who has heard ghost stories, you knew that the old man in front of you was not human, and you were suddenly scared to tears, crying and shouting that there's a ghost!

The old man realized he had scared you, and reached out to comfort you, but this only caused you to wet yourself in fear, thinking he was going to take you away.

You struggled desperately, trying to run out.

Seeing this situation, the orphanage director became more convinced that this was definitely a high fever, burning your brain, and needed to take you for a check-up quickly, holding you and not letting you leave.

The more the old man comforted you, the harder you cried, and it wasn't until he left that you stopped crying.

After all the tests were done, the doctor said you were healthy and had no problems.

Then you saw an uncle with blood all over his face, rushing to the doctor, constantly asking the doctor to help him with treatment.

But the doctor ignored him, as if he couldn't see him at all.

The uncle with blood all over his face thought you could see him, so he quickly asked you to help him tell the doctor, which made you cry again in fear.

Finally, the doctor could only suggest taking you to a psychiatric hospital to see if there was a neurological problem.

However, this time you refused to cooperate at all, insisting on going home.

Helpless, the orphanage director had to take you away first.

Since then, you discovered that you had a certain ability - you could see ghosts and hear them talking.

But, for a 7-year-old child, this ability was undoubtedly a disaster!