Chapter 267: Now, tell me about your problems.

Wang Yue's lips curled up slightly as he smiled at Long San and said, "Hehe, don't you want to experience my skill in physiognomy again?"

"I was just about to talk about your wonderful college life," Long San said.

At that moment, Long San's face flushed a little, as Wang Yue's words evoked certain memories deep within her.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, she said, "N-no need to say anymore!"

She thought to herself, If I tell you, will I still have any face left?

Wang Yue nodded with a smile and said, "Alright, I won't say anymore!"

"After all, we should respect the privacy of those we have a connection with, right?"

The onlookers around, all curious, looked at Long San and Wang Yue, sensing something big was about to unfold.

But then, Wang Yue suddenly fell silent!

Leaving them feeling like a cat on hot bricks.

It was just too uncomfortably hard to bear.

Especially Long Er and Long Wu, now staring wide-eyed at Long San.

They had never seen Long San like this before.

What on earth had happened to make Long San show such a posture?

It was truly making them incredibly curious.

Words left unsaid, a lonely future awaits!

Master Wang, if you don't want to be single in the future, then speak up quickly.

Their gossiping hearts were completely ignited, and Long Er teased,

"Master Wang, what really happened back then?

You can't just tell half of the story!"

"Finish telling this first..."

After Long Er finished speaking, he suddenly felt a murderous aura locking onto him, sending shivers down his spine.

Turning his head, he saw Long San glaring at him with a murderous look on her face, then heard her coldly say,

"If you're so curious, let Master Wang read your fortune and tell you your fate!"

"I'll cover the cost!"

"Master Wang, can you also read Long Er's fortune?"

"See if he has any memorable experiences."

Awkwardly, Long Er chuckled and quickly waved his hand, saying,

"No need, no need, I'm all good!"

"I've already felt the magical abilities of Master Wang deeply."

Long San rolled her eyes at him.

Then she turned to Wang Yue and said,

"Master Wang, I'll pay for that divination gold for you."

Wang Yue gave a small smile, then opened his payment code and handed it over.

Long San paid by scanning the code directly.

[WeChat payment received 3000 RMB]

After the money came in, Wang Yue said to Long San coldly, "Now, speak up about your question!"

Long San smiled bitterly and slowly said,

"Master Wang, as I mentioned earlier, I actually have nothing to ask for a fortune telling."

"I just wanted to experience your extraordinary fortune-telling abilities."

"Now that I've witnessed your strength, there's nothing else I need."

"I just hope that you seriously consider joining the Dragon Group."

Wang Yue gave a faint smile and said to Long San,

"Are you sure you have nothing you want to know?"

As Wang Yue asked this question, Long San's heart skipped a beat involuntarily.

She understood Wang Yue's rules well,

Since Wang Yue asked in this way, it must have implied something mysterious.

Could it be that some great calamity was about to happen to her?

Thinking this, Long San's heart suddenly tightened.

She said to Wang Yue:

"Master Wang, did you see something from my physiognomy?"

"Is it about some danger I will encounter in the future?"

"How serious is it?"

Long Er and Long Wu, upon hearing Long San's words, also looked at Wang Yue with serious expressions.

They all wanted to know what was going on.

Officers Tang and Qin also felt that something major was about to happen.

Wang Yue, seeing their serious expressions, smiled slightly and said slowly:

"Hehe, don't be nervous!"

"I just wanted to tell Long San that you can ask me any question you have."

"If you are sure you have no questions, then let's end it here today."

The onlookers were stunned!

Huh? No other meaning?

Is this really all there is to it?

Have we been overthinking it?

At that moment, a look of conflict crossed Long San's face.

Then she became resolute and said to Wang Yue, "Master Wang, speaking of which, there is indeed something that puzzles me."

"I would like Master Wang to help me take a look."

She glanced at the onlookers, her pretty face turning slightly red, and continued, "I, being not so young anymore, also want to find a boyfriend and experience what it's like to be in love."

Even Long San felt a bit embarrassed after saying that, especially in front of Long Er and Long Wu.

She didn't know how they would tease her later on...

But she couldn't care less at that moment. Since she had said it, she proceeded, saying, "However, the people around me haven't met anyone suitable."

"So I registered an account online to chat with people and see if I could meet the right person."

"At first, I met some who would easily invite you to eat cheap and spicy skewers or to watch the sunrise on the mountain, to discuss the meaning of life in a small inn..."

"This isn't a dating platform at all; it's more like a platform for setting fires—truly disappointing.

I was about to uninstall the app."

"Then, I met someone different, interesting and humorous. We chatted a lot and for a long time, discovering that our values and interests were very similar."

"It felt like meeting the right person, so we decided to meet offline."

I thought, in order to not to be unrecognizable when we meet, I sent a photo to the other person.

As a result, the other person immediately blocked me!

I think I'm not bad, right?

I have good looks, a good figure, and abilities, but the other person just blocked me without saying a word.

I don't even know why?

But I'm not the type to be persistent, so I deleted the other person too.

Although this incident was quite a blow to me, I'm not a fragile person.

Later, another person added me as a friend, and we chatted quite well.

This time we exchanged photos, and we were both quite satisfied with each other.

But when I suggested meeting offline, he always had various excuses and eventually disappeared...

I just took it as not meant to be and didn't contact him again.

Recently, I've been chatting quite happily with another person, and I'm quite satisfied with everything about him.

But because of the experiences with the first two instances, I don't know whether to suggest meeting offline.

If I suggest meeting offline, will the other person disagree?

I just want to ask Master Wang, am I only suitable for chatting online and not for meeting people in real life?

Should I suggest meeting offline this time?