Chapter 268 Thank you Master Wang for telling me all this.

Should I meet up with him offline this time?

"Master Wang, do you think this time will be the same as before?"

After Long Three finished speaking, the onlookers in the room had varied reactions.

Both Officer Tang and Officer Qin were somewhat incredulous, sizing up Long Three from head to toe and thinking to themselves:

"Could it be?

Someone with such looks and physique doesn't have a boyfriend?"

"Are the men in the Dragon Team all bros? Don't they know how to charm a lady?"

"But even if the men in the Dragon Team are all bros, aren't there still college classmates?

Do they have to resort to online dating?"

"And even if it's online dating, getting blocked after sending a picture?"

"This is outrageous!

Typically, in this kind of online relationship, wouldn't they be so excited they couldn't sleep for days?"

"Did the guy on the other side make a mistake due to trembling hands?"

"Or could it be that the person on the other side is also a girl who felt inferior after seeing Long Three's photo, leading to a direct block?"

Officers Tang and Qin couldn't quite fathom it!

Long Five was somewhat surprised and also taken aback.

In the Dragon Team, where Long Three proclaimed her lack of interest in men, she actually has romance on her mind?

Is the sun rising from the west?

Or is doomsday upon us?

And she even resorted to online dating?

And in the end, got rejected and blocked???

Thinking about this, Long Five, whose face was originally expressionless, struggled to suppress a smile.

His face turned bright red...

This is truly earth-shattering gossip!!!

If this news were to spread within the Dragon Team, it would explode!!!

Another onlooker, Long Two, had a strange expression at this moment, with his eyelids twitching and the corners of his mouth constantly twitching...

At the same time, cold sweat kept dripping from his forehead...

His back was completely soaked too!

As if he was scared by this news!

Seeing his reaction, Long Five quietly asked him:

"Long Two, are you feeling hot?"

"Why have you been sweating so much?"

Did you ever imagine that Long San actually wants to fall in love?

Did the news shock you?

Long Er had no mind to deal with him at this time, so he shook his head to indicate that everything was alright!

But when Long Wu saw that even his complexion had become somewhat pale, he got really worried and spoke up:

"Why do you look so terrible?

What's really going on?

Has the internal injury you suffered before recurred?"

"Do you want to go to the hospital for a check-up?"

Long Er was already feeling frantic, his brain spinning rapidly, figuring out how to handle what was about to happen next.

Suddenly hearing Long Wu's words, his eyes lit up.

That's right!

I can just feign an injury and slip away, deal with the rest later!

Thinking this, he stood up, facing Wang Yue and the others said:

"Um... Master Wang, my old injury has suddenly flared up, I gotta rush to the hospital."

"In that case, I won't disturb Master Wang today!"

"Long San, Long Wu, will you accompany me?"

Long Er wanted to call Long San and Long Wu to leave together, in order to prevent certain things from happening.

Long San frowned and looked at Long Er, full of doubt!

Right now, Long Er really didn't seem right.

But wasn't he fine just a moment ago?

How did his old injury suddenly flare up?

And I just revealed my own secret, haven't even found out the outcome I wanted; I can't just leave like this!

So Long San said to Long Er:

"You don't seem too serious, why don't you let Long Wu accompany you first?"

After consulting Master Wang over here, should I go find you guys?"

Upon hearing Long San's words, Long Er was dumbfounded!

At that moment, Wang Yue stared straight at Long Er, a hint of a meaningful smile on his face.

It made Long Er's heart race.

He became even more certain that he couldn't stay here for long; Master Wang must know everything!

If he didn't leave now, he might not be able to leave later! So, he quickly said, "Well then, I'll head over first!"

"You guys can come find me later!"

After speaking, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

So urgent that he didn't even wait for Long Wu!

This left everyone else feeling puzzled!

How serious could his internal injuries be to make him this anxious?

But with such serious injuries, he could still run so fast – his skill must be profound!

Long Wu had initially wanted to accompany Long Er, but now, considering the situation, he probably couldn't catch up even if he tried!

In the end, all he could say was: bizarre! And then continue watching the show!

Meanwhile, all eyes were back on Wang Yue. They wanted to know what would happen to Long San next.

Even Long San was a bit nervous, feeling shaken by the events of the past two times.

She had decided that if things didn't go well this time, she would just uninstall the software.

Wang Yue smiled slightly, then spoke slowly:

"Hehe, you don't need to arrange a meeting with him offline, he will suggest meeting you himself."

Uh~ Long San obviously didn't expect such a result, almost cried with excitement.

Me, a member of the Dragon Team, getting a little excited and content because the other party took the initiative to ask me out for a date... really embarrassing!!!

Wang Yue continued:

"But I don't recommend meeting this person."

Long San was stunned, instinctively asked:


Wang Yue smiled and said:

"Because this is your ill-fated peach blossom, not a good match!"

"The other party is a married man, with 5 kids, but pretends to be single online, casting his net for money and pleasure."

"Multiple women have already fallen victim to his scams."

"If things progress normally, he will quickly message you to meet offline."

"And you didn't use your authority to investigate him before meeting."

"After meeting, you find that he looks good, 185cm tall, handsome features, and a humorous personality. You both hit it off, quickly enter a romantic relationship."

"They say that women in love have an IQ of 0, but yours seems to be negative, perhaps due to your lack of experience in dating."

"After some time together, you two end up in his rented room."

"He then starts asking you for money under various pretexts, and before you know it, you've lost both heart and wealth."

"When you investigate and see the truth, you go berserk."

"Then you grab him, disable his tools, and finally send him to jail."


After Wang Yue finished, the onlookers were dumbfounded.

This can't be true, right???

As members of the Dragon Team, their intelligence shouldn't be this low, right?

Getting scammed for money and pleasure?

If this got out, no one would believe it...

Long San at this moment also looked dumbfounded, she had never thought about investigating the other party first, feeling it was not right.

Despite being sharp in other aspects, when it came to love, she was truly clueless...Therefore, she fully believed what Wang Yue said could indeed happen.

Thinking about this, her whole being exuded a thick murderous aura, and she coldly said, "Thank you, Master Wang, for telling me all this. Now I know what to do next!"