Chapter 269: Who is Master Wang?

"Thank you, Master Wang, for telling me all this. Now I know what to do next!"

"I will make that person pay for their actions, so they won't have a chance to harm other sisters again."

"I won't trust the internet anymore, I will uninstall that crappy software as soon as I get back."

"No, I'll just have that crappy software taken down to prevent it from harming more people."

Long Sanqiang managed to hold back her inner anger without exploding on the spot, she had already pronounced a death sentence on that scammer in her mind!

Onlookers all instinctively shrank back, feeling the terrifying murderous intent emanating from Long Sanqiang.

Suddenly, a chill ran down their spines uncontrollably.

They all thought, is this woman really being deceived by a man?

Doesn't she value her life?


Wang Yue smiled faintly and said slowly:

"Hehe, there's actually no need, even though you can shut down that platform."

"There will still be other platforms emerging."

"And you did gain something from using that software."

"At the very least, that platform allowed you to develop feelings with your true love, a red line has been drawn between you both."

Wang Yue's words left Long Sanqiang completely bewildered...

Who did I develop feelings for???

How come I don't know?

Confused, she asked:

"Master Wang, what do you mean by that?"

"I've only talked to this scammer now, there's no one else!"

"Where did this true love come from?"

"Are you saying if I continue to use it, the next person I meet will be my true love?"

The surrounding onlookers, equally puzzled, all had expressions of confusion.

As Long Sanqiang just said, she had only talked with three people, and now, the third one turned out to be a rotten peach blossom, so who is this true love?

Is it like what Long Sanqiang said, the next person she meets?

At this moment, Wang Yue shook his head and said slowly:

"No, your true love is actually the first person you met."

"He, just like you, wanted to start a romantic relationship, but felt embarrassed to make a move on someone close by, so he thought of going online to see if he could meet the right person."

"Before meeting you, he talked to a few others, one offered a deal of cooking 4 dishes and a soup for 3000, fast food for 800...

It was just a mess, he was looking for a girlfriend, not private dining!"

"There was also one about helping his grandpa pick tea leaves, asking him to buy tea leaves."

"Until he met you, as you said, while chatting, you both discovered that your values and interests were very similar, the more you talked, the happier you felt, he also thought he had met the right person."

"And then he found out that you were in the same city, so he suggested meeting offline."

"At first, he was quite nervous, and excited, he even bought a new set of clothes, got a new haircut, and was imagining how you would look like, it felt like opening a blind box."

"Who knew that you suddenly sent a photo, when he saw the photo, he was completely taken aback, he even dropped his phone due to the shock."

"He stood still for a full 10 minutes before coming back to his senses."

"Then he picked up his phone, quickly blocked you, felt it was not safe, and even uninstalled the app."


Long San had a face full of black lines... and a rising anger.

Am I really that scary?

To the extent that you were so frightened that you threw your phone, and took ten minutes to recover from the shock?

Finally, even uninstalled the app???

Long San was getting more and more furious as he thought about it...

Then Long San turned to Wang Yue and said:

"Master Wang, are you sure you got it right?"

"If someone is so scared that they uninstall the app, how could it possibly be my love charm?"

Wang Yue smiled faintly, shook his head, and continued:

"Hehe, no mistake.

The reason the other person was scared silly was because he realized you were actually an acquaintance."

"So he was completely terrified!"

"In the end, he quickly blocked you and uninstalled the app, afraid of you finding out."

Long San was speechless, being acquainted is really something.

Knowing someone inside out, skipping the awkward introductions and diving straight into the main topic, isn't that better?

Then Wang Yue continued:

"But after uninstalling the app, he couldn't resist wanting to chat with you, to find out what you were up to!"

"Basically, he just couldn't help thinking about you."

"So he reinstalled the software, registered a new account, but this time he was clever, he set his location in another city, not the same as yours."

"Then he added you actively through that account to chat with you."

"Because he knew who you were, so when you asked for his photo, he just found a picture of someone else online and sent it to you."

"He enjoyed chatting with you like this, but was scared to meet you in person, so every time you suggested meeting up, he would come up with various excuses."

"Because he was afraid that after meeting, both of you would feel awkward."

Upon hearing this, the onlookers all had puzzled expressions.

Acquaintances after all???

One couldn't help but think, what a small world...

Encountering an acquaintance in a random online relationship?

But, who could it be?

An old classmate of Long San's?

Or perhaps a colleague?

Maybe a relative's son?

The gossip in the onlookers' hearts was stirred, each speculating who it could be.

At this moment, even Long San looked bewildered!

She hadn't expected things to turn out this way.

So, the two people she chatted with earlier were actually the same person?

She quickly pondered in her mind, who could this person be?

After reviewing everyone, she still didn't know who this person was!

Then Long San turned to Wang Yue and asked,

"Master Wang, who is he?"

Wang Yue's lips curled slightly, then she said lightly, "Hehe, in fact, you are very familiar with him, he is a member of your Dragon Team!"

"Moreover, just now, after hearing the question you asked here, the person who got so scared that his 'internal injuries recurred' and ran to the hospital himself—Dragon Two!"

Upon hearing Wang Yue's mentioned name, the onlookers, including Long Five, exclaimed in astonishment:

"Oh my god!!"

"No way? It's actually Dragon Two???"

"This can't be true, can it???"

"Is Dragon Two really that reserved?

He's actually into online dating?"

"And even matched with Dragon Three???"

"Hahaha, this is too surreal, even novels wouldn't dare to write this!!"

No wonder everyone was fine just now, but after hearing Dragon Three's name, they kept sweating and their faces turned pale...

So this is the real Dragon Two, hahaha...

This is simply the gossip of the century!!!

Oh no, the Dragon Team is definitely going to explode!!!

At this moment, Dragon Three was also shocked at the name mentioned by Wang Yue, her mind went blank!

Dragon Two???

She remembered the things she had said to the other person on that app before, for a moment, she was socially dead on the spot...

Dragon Three's face was a mix of embarrassment and anger, her fists clenched and made a cracking sound.

Then Dragon Three gritted her teeth and growled in a low voice, "Dragon Two~~~"