Chapter 270 Don't rush, don't you want to know what will happen next for you guys?

"Dragon Two~~~"

"It's actually you?

Daring to play with me, huh??"

"I'm going to break his three legs..."

Feeling the fury in Dragon Three's voice, onlookers automatically conjured up the image of Dragon Two having three legs broken!

Pull... stretch... tear... snap... twist... bite...

Suddenly, a chill shot up from the soles of their feet, causing their butts to clench, goosebumps to form, then rising up to the top of their heads, a feeling of icy coldness washing over them!

Unable to help it, they shivered involuntarily!

Then silently mourned Dragon Two for three minutes in their hearts!

There was nothing they could do in these situations, so all they could do was wish him good luck!

Meanwhile, Dragon Two, who was eavesdropping outside the door, also shivered!

A sensation as if all three legs had been broken...

He had just run 10 kilometers in one go, but he couldn't help but wonder, what would Wang Yue say to Dragon Three?

Because the person Dragon Three mentioned just now wasn't him, would they meet offline?

Would Dragon Three end up with that person in the end?

Would Wang Yue reveal the things he had discussed with Dragon Three?

If he did, how would Dragon Three react?


He had too many things he wanted to know in his heart, so he quietly turned back, hiding outside the door to eavesdrop!

When he heard Wang Yue say that person was actively asking to meet Long San, he felt a sense of unease in his heart...

Then he heard Wang Yue say the other person was a rotten peach blossom, out for money and pleasure.

He was equally angry and wanted to make the other person pay a painful price!

And when he heard Wang Yue say he was Long San's true peach blossom, he felt very happy in his heart!!!

He thought to himself, he and Long San were truly destined to be together!

Since he didn't dare to tell Long San the truth, it was not a bad idea to reveal it through Wang Yue!

Then his heart became uneasy, not knowing how Long San would react?

He kept imagining in his mind, after Long San found out, would it be like before when they chatted online, tenderly falling into his embrace?

Or would it be half push, half retreat, feeling shy at first before giving himself fully?

After all, in his eyes, Master Wang had said, "I am your true peach blossom," so they would definitely be together!

But then he heard that Long San actually wanted to sever his three legs!!!

It almost made him practice the Shrink Yang technique...

At the same time, he felt extremely fortunate, indeed, dodging first after an injury was the right move!

Otherwise, he would have been caught off guard by now, with no backup plan!

He couldn't help but lament, why was there such a difference between the online chat and reality???

At this moment, Wang Yue smiled lightly and said:

"Ha ha, don't get too excited. Actually, he didn't mean to hide it from you."

Wang Yue's words nearly moved Long Er, who was eavesdropping at the door, to tears!

The one who gave birth to me is my parents, and the one who knows me is Wang Dashuai!

He vowed silently in his heart that as long as he could get through this hurdle, he would definitely repay Wang Dashuai well!

Then he heard Wang Yue continue:

"At first, he really didn't know it was you!"

"Even after he found out later, he was just immersed in the joy of teasing you every day."

"He really didn't intend to toy with you on purpose, even if he did, that wasn't his intention, you have to believe it!"

"He doesn't have the kind of laughter after teasing you every time, like a child weighing over 100 pounds!"

"He definitely didn't set your nickname as: this girl is a bit silly, but fun!"

After Wang Yue finished speaking, the scene fell into silence for a moment!

The onlookers stared in shock, their mouths agape, looking at Wang Yue with blank expressions!

Master Wang, are you explaining for Long Er?

Why does it sound a bit off?

Master Wang, are you sure that saying this won't make Long Er die faster and more miserably??

They observed another three minutes of silence for Long Er!

Poor Long Er, he probably doesn't even know he's been accidentally hurt by Master Wang...

Long San also stared blankly after hearing this, then gritted her teeth and said one word at a time:

"I... will... definitely... chop... him... into pieces..."

"Master Wang, where is he now?"

"Tell me, I will make sure he knows the price of playing with me!!!"

Meanwhile, Long Er, who was eavesdropping outside, was also dumbfounded...

One moment ago, he was touched that Master Wang actually explained for him, secretly swearing to repay the favor. The next moment, his jaw dropped straight to the ground.

What kind of explanation is this?

Is it not like placing me alive on a fire to roast???

Is this an attempt to send me to the eighteen levels of hell...

Master Wang, I don't think I've offended you, right?

He doubted whether Wang Yue was retaliating against him, but without evidence.

At this moment, Long Er's heart was shouting:

"I didn't, it's not true, Long San, don't listen to Master Wang's nonsense..."

"It's not like that..."

"╭(′▽`)╯=凸, okay, although the mentioning is true, and my laughing out loud is true, but... still..."

Then he heard Long San's murderous words from inside, which scared him so much that he became alert all over, wanting to slip away at the first opportunity and explain to Long San later!

However, the words from Wang Yue that followed made him involuntarily stop his attempt to escape, and he moved back!

Inside the villa, Wang Yue looked satisfied at Long San's reaction.

Then, with a faint smile, she said lightly:

"Don't rush, don't you want to know what will happen next?"

Long San instinctively wanted to say: No!

But the words stopped at her mouth and she forcefully swallowed them back.

Then she fell silent, maintaining a fierce appearance.

The onlookers were all ears, wanting to hear what Wang Yue would say.

Then Wang Yue continued slowly:

"Originally, if you didn't know this today."

"He would never tell you, and after being hurt by that dirty peach blossom, you closed your heart, no longer believing in men or love, and numbed yourself with intensive work all day."

No matter what the task, no matter how dangerous, you always rushed to the front line at the first possible moment.

During a mission, you fell into an ambush, were surrounded by multiple enemies, sustained severe injuries, on the brink of death.

Long Er, upon seeing this, immediately sacrificed his own life force, fighting desperately to rescue you.

But your injuries were too severe to overcome, and you ultimately passed away in the hospital.

Long Er, in the process of saving you, was wounded to his core. Your death dealt him a massive blow.

From then on, he was desolate, living in constant self-blame.

He believed that if he hadn't been so weak, if he had confessed his feelings to you sooner, you wouldn't have encountered that disaster, wouldn't have suffered emotionally, wouldn't have turned to work to numb the pain, and ultimately, wouldn't have died...

So, he loathed himself, drowning his sorrows in alcohol every day.

Combined with the depletion of his life force from before, two years later, he also perished in anguish...

However, now your destinies have already changed.