Chapter 272: Long San's Decision

For a moment, all the onlookers in the room had their eyes fixed on Long San, eager to see what choice she would make.

Would she choose to be with Long Er and stand against her romantic rival together?

Or would she stubbornly refuse to go along with Long Er and face a lonely old age alone, just to prove a point?

But wouldn't most people choose the first option anyway?

Even though there might be a love rival looming, which made people uneasy, now that she knew Long Er's true feelings, he was utterly uninterested in that love rival!

So, what was there to worry about?

Unless Long San really detested Long Er, only then would she prefer to face a lonely old age by herself rather than be with him.

Wang Yue also smiled as he looked at Long San. Under everyone's gaze, Long San gritted her teeth and said, "I choose to chop him up first!"

"Chop him into pieces and see how he dares to stay indoors for a week with that woman!"

"Master Wang, do you know where Long Er is now? Please tell me..."

Long San now knew that Long Er had definitely not gone to the hospital, but had hidden away out of guilt.

So, getting him to reveal his location was probably impossible, which meant she could only ask Wang Yue where Long Er was hiding and then go and confront him.

Regardless of the consequences, she would give him a beating first, making him understand that he couldn't offend any woman, lest he pay the price for his earlier mockery.

Of course, there were some things she needed to clarify face to face!

The onlookers in the room were horrified by her choice, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Once again, they mourned silently for Long Er for three minutes!

Poor Long Er... It seemed like this beating was inevitable, let's just hope he doesn't end up dead!

Outside the room, upon hearing Long San say she chose to chop him up, Long Er was taken aback!

Hey... why aren't you following the script?

When they ask you to choose between option A and option B, you can't just pick option G...

Did you get the script wrong?

Then, upon hearing Long San ask Wang Yue about his current location, Long Er's heart skipped a beat, muttering to himself, "Oh no, things are about to go downhill!"

Sure thing!

Here is the translated text:

Sure enough, the next moment he heard Wang Yue inside, saying lightly:

"Ha, I obviously know, he is eavesdropping outside the door!"

In his heart, ten thousand groundhogs were screaming: Ahhh~

Master Wang, what did I do to offend you?

In front, I thought you were looking out for me, but the next moment you sold me out???

Then without any hesitation, he turned around and ran, pushing his speed to the extreme.

At this moment, hesitation would lead to defeat, defeat would lead to being chopped up into pieces.

For the sake of future happiness, absolutely cannot be caught!

Inside the house, Long San heard Wang Yue saying that Long Er was hiding outside the door eavesdropping.

He was first stunned, then his face changed.

He disappeared from his original position, rushing towards the door.

When he came out, he just caught a glimpse of Long Er's figure.

Long San directly shouted:

"Long Er~"

"You coward, stop right there!"

Long Er's voice came from a distance:

"If I stop now, won't I be an idiot!"

Long San's chest was violently pounding with anger, cursing under his breath, saying that even if you are an idiot, insulting idiots is an insult!

Without further ado, he directly chased after him!

Next, on the road, there was a scene of Long San chasing Long Er, their speeds were so fast that it made people's heads spin...

Inside the villa, the onlookers were sweating for Long Er.

Long Wu initially wanted to catch up, fearing they would really fight in the end, but in the end, he gave up!

Thinking they wouldn't go so far as to cause a tragedy without any sense of propriety.

Of course, if it did escalate to that point, who knows what might happen then; we definitely shouldn't get involved!

Otherwise, it'll turn into watching a live broadcast of a disaster, wouldn't it?

At that moment, another bystander, Officer Qin, turned to Wang Yue and asked,

"Master Wang, it seems like Dragon Three is really angry; can she catch up to Dragon Two?"

"If Dragon Two gets caught up to, could she really be in danger of getting beaten up?"

Wang Yue smiled faintly and replied slowly,

"Haha, if Dragon Two is determined to escape, then Dragon Three won't catch up."

"But Dragon Three is cunning!"

"If she sees she can't catch up, she'll pretend to be injured, yell loudly, and then Dragon Two will walk right into her trap."

"And get a severe beating from Dragon Three!"

"It won't be too bad, just end up with black eyes like a panda, face swollen like a pig's head!"

"Every inch of her body will be tormented by Dragon Three."


Seeing Wang Yue's mischievous grin, the onlookers felt a chill run down their spines.

Has Dragon Two offended Master Wang?

Why does it seem like the worse Dragon Two's situation, the happier Master Wang appears?

The onlookers subconsciously took a small step back.

Struggling to recall in his mind, did he offend Master Wang?

Wang Yue also realized his own loss of composure, quickly regaining control of his expression.

Then he continued speaking:

"Of course, Long Er didn't just take hits, he fought back, like that what's-it-called, chest attack... butt slap, he did plenty of those too!"

"Finally Long San also got swollen in two places!"

"And now that the window paper has burst, they both understand each other's feelings, ultimately coming together!"

"But because of this incident, from now on Long Er has also been subjected to abuse."

"It's a typical case of tracheitis, the younger brother in the family is worrying..."


As he spoke, Wang Yue smiled again.

Seeing Wang Yue like this, the onlookers suddenly had an idea in their hearts.

Could it be that what Master Wang just said about Long San having feelings for Long Er, is a lie?

Is the purpose to make her be with Long Er?

So that Long Er will be abused in the days to come?

Ouch (⊙﹏⊙)...

That actually seems possible...

Poor Long Er...

Let's observe a silent tribute for you for another 3 minutes...


Meanwhile, in a grassy area in a park.

Long Er and Long San were currently staging an intense physical confrontation.

Blushing, Long San shouted:

"You, you reckless rascal, how dare you grab me there!!!"

"I'll break your dog claws..."

Feeling the touch from his hand, Long Er swallowed hard and then explained:

"I... I didn't mean to..."

But in return, Long San directly struck his left eye.


Long Er cried out in pain, his left eye instantly unable to open.

Long San wanted to give his other eye a taste too, but Long Er grabbed it with one hand.

"How dare you fight back..."

"I... ah~"

Long Er finally let go, only to be attacked again, another pitiful cry rang out.

And then he began to fight back.

For a moment, the two on the grass started a fierce battle.

"Ah, you pervert, how dare you hit my butt..."

"You kicked my butt too..."

"Ah, you rogue, what are your hands doing..."

"Uh~ that... it was an accident... ah~ you're not abiding by the rules of engagement, trying to wipe out my descendants!"

"Get your mouth off me... sniff sniff...."


Both of them were unleashing their true power, the situation was momentarily out of control, if it kept developing like this, it would definitely end in tragedy.