Chapter 273: I'm totally on fire, I'm absolutely killing it!

On the villa side, the few remaining onlookers saw that everything here had been taken care of.

Long Two and Long Three had also left.

They got up one after another, and then said to Wang Yue, "Master Wang, since everything here is settled, we won't disturb you any longer.

We'll take our leave first!"

"There are still some matters back at the bureau waiting for us to handle."

Wang Yue smiled slightly at this, nodded, and said, "Alright, then I won't see you off."

"Officer Tang and Officer Qin, take care, come by when you have time!"

As Wang Yue bid farewell to Officer Tang and Officer Qin, whether it was forgotten or ignored, he did not say goodbye to Long Five who was beside them.

Officer Tang also had a smile on his face and said, "Alright, Master Wang, take care!"

"When we have the chance, we'll disturb you again.

Hopefully, Master won't find us annoying, hahaha..."

After saying that, the few onlookers left Wang Yue's villa.

Watching their departing figures, Wang Yue felt as if he had forgotten something.

After thinking for 3 seconds, Wang Yue remembered, didn't Officer Tang say last time that he would treat him to a meal next time?

Heh, it seems there will be many next times after this... so many next times...

Wang Yue smiled and shook his head, leaving the door open as he returned to the living room and sat back down.

A moment later.

Long Wu, who had just left, returned alone.

As if expecting his return, Wang Yue gave a slight smile at Long Wu reappearing at the door, and then lightly said, "Well, Long Wu, welcome back!

Please, have a seat."

Long Wu's face froze for a moment.

Then he realized that Master Wang had already known.

No wonder he had only said goodbye to Officers Tang and Qin earlier, and not to me.

I thought Master Wang wasn't familiar with me, so I didn't say anything.

Now it seemed that Master Wang must have known I would come back, so he didn't even bother closing the door.

Thinking of this, Long Wu felt inexplicably confident about what was to come.

Then Long Wu sat across from Wang Yue and said to him, "Master Wang, actually, the reason I came back to you this time is to ask for your help with something else to calculate for me."

"Do you mind?"

Wang Yue, with a smile on his face, calmly replied, "Of course not! I can calculate anything for you, whether it's about marriage, finances, health - any aspect works."

"However, this will come at a cost, as you know the rules: one divination costs 3000, and if it's inaccurate, it's free."

"How about it?

Are you sure you want to have it calculated?"

Long Wu nodded and said, "I understand.

Master Wang, I will directly scan the divination gold to you via WeChat pay."

"Would you mind helping me with a calculation, Master?"

Wang Yue placed the WeChat payment QR code from his phone on the table.

Long Wu also took out his phone and scanned the code to make the payment. [Received 3000 yuan payment for the divination gold via WeChat Pay.]

After receiving the gold, Wang Yue said to Long Wu, "Alright, that will do!"

"Hehe, do you need to experience the ability I have to read your past from your appearance like Long San did?"

"If needed, I can satisfy you, after all, it can enhance the trust between us."

Long Wu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head, saying, "No need, Master Wang.

I have just experienced your ability, which I call divine skill."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have made a special trip back."

"And, most importantly, although there is no one else here now, I don't want to die alone, hehe..."

Wang Yue also had a smile on his face, then said lightly, "Alright then, tell me!"

"What problem do you want to calculate?"

Long Wu nodded, organized his thoughts, and began to speak slowly, "It's like this, Master Wang."

"Several years ago, during a mission, I encountered a demonic cultivator."

"He seemed to have practiced Gu techniques and could turn people's heads into flying head demons."

"This technique is extremely vicious and very powerful."

"At that time, I wanted to kill him to prevent him from harming ordinary people in the country."

"But after fighting him, I found that I couldn't handle him, even if I burned my life force, I wasn't confident in keeping him alive."

In the end, he managed to escape, and for the next two years, besides training and completing missions, I spent all my time investigating his whereabouts.

Yet, it seemed like he simply vanished into thin air, leaving no useful clues behind.

Wang Yue remained silent, listening quietly as Long Wu continued his account.

This bystander feeling isn't too bad...

Seeing that Wang Yue showed no sign of speaking up, Long Wu went on:

"Later on, since he stopped committing crimes, I shifted my focus elsewhere."

"Recently, it seems like he has resurfaced, first in Peng City, then causing a commotion in Beautiful Country and being chased by locals before disappearing once more."

"Based on the information gathered, it appears he might have returned to the country."

"To prevent him from causing trouble back home, we must locate him as soon as possible."

"Seeing the Master's divination skills today, I couldn't help but ask if you could determine the whereabouts of that evil cultivator?"

"However, I don't have a picture of him at the moment, but if the Master can't do it, that's alright!"

"I'll come back with a picture of him later for the Master to divine."

After finishing his words, Long Wu felt a bit anxious.

He was unsure if Wang Yue could figure it out.

Nevertheless, he just wanted to give it a try.

After all, Wang Yue didn't even know what the guy looked like.

Face-reading would be useless without something to look at!

And without the person's birth details, a normal fortune-teller wouldn't be able to do much either.

But Wang Yue's vibes felt different to him, after all, Wang Yue's fortune-telling ability was too incredible.

That gave him a bit of confidence.

After listening to Long Wu's story, Wang Yue's mouth twitched.

Damn, can you speak or not?

What do you mean, I can't do it??

I definitely can, I'm simply amazing, let me introduce you to the undying kidneys of Vajra...

Just want to find someone, isn't that simple!

As long as his fate intersects with yours, there won't be any problem!!! ...