Chapter 281 A Murder Case Triggered by a Glass of Soy Milk

You let out a sigh, not getting up right away, but instead taking a bath and talking to someone on the phone.

"Unbeknownst to you, there was something abnormal in the bathtub, a mutated presence, launching an attack on you."

"Combine that with your inherently fertile body type, and that's why you suddenly got pregnant."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, everyone in the live stream room was stunned...

Millions of online friends collectively stared at the screen, eyes wide with disbelief.

They couldn't believe their ears, shocked to discover the truth of the matter!!!

It took a full 3 seconds before the barrage section erupted.

"Oh my God... I'm speechless, even with 100 brains, I couldn't have imagined this..."

"This is undoubtedly the most absurd thing of this century, completely baseless in science, I can only call it a mutation!!!"

"Isn't this too much of a coincidence?

Is there a doctor in the room?

Come out and explain if this can really make someone pregnant.

Could it be that my children are already piled up in the swimming pool?"

"I just want to know, in this situation, the man shouldn't be considered a criminal, right? Anyone familiar with the law?

Please clarify..."

"Children born in this situation should naturally be very fair-skinned..."

"The ID [Little Fairy, I Conceal Nothing] was picked, seemed pretty normal at first glance, but now it's evident that nothing is hidden!!!"


[Little Fairy, I Conceal Nothing]was also left dumbfounded at this point.

She had never expected the situation to turn out like this.

It was just… She didn't even know how to describe her current feelings.

At that time, she really didn't take it seriously when she saw it.

Never did she imagine that just because of her slight carelessness, it provided the other party with an opportunity.

What is this???

Could it be considered a homicide triggered by a cup of soy milk?!!!

Moreover, it seems like you still have no way to deal with the murderer, as they didn't really do anything to you.

For a moment, "Hidden Fairy Me" felt a sense of being at a loss so much that she could cry.

After a long time, "Hidden Fairy Me" finally came back to her senses.

And then, she spoke to Wang Yue on the screen:

"Thank you, Master Wang, for telling me all this and helping me understand why I inexplicably got pregnant."

"In this situation, I can only accept my misfortune!"

"But fortunately, what I'm carrying is not some devil's child, and I wasn't forced to play poker by someone, so that's the silver lining in this unfortunate situation..."

"Hidden Fairy Me" suddenly touched her belly and continued:

"This child has no connection to me.

Tomorrow morning, I will go to the hospital to have it aborted."

"As for that male colleague, now that I know what kind of person he is, I will stay away from him in the future."

The viewers in the live broadcast room were a bit surprised to hear "Hidden Fairy Me" say this.

If it were themselves facing such a situation, they would probably have rushed to that man and given him a few big slaps long ago.

Make the other party pay again.

But everyone has different personalities and choices.

On this, the online friends couldn't say much,

they could only console "Little Fairy I Hide Nothing" in the barrage, saying that abortion is not a big deal, after the miscarriage, live well and stay away from perverts...

Another online friend said, why go to the hospital, just buy some medicine and swallow it, then it's done.

At this moment, Wang Yue looked at "Little Fairy I Hide Nothing" on the screen and calmly said:

"Should I tell you what will happen next?"

"Little Fairy I Hide Nothing" was confused, would something bad happen next?

Is that why Master Wang said that?

Thinking this, she hurriedly said:

"Okay, Master Wang, please tell me what will happen next."

Wang Yue nodded and slowly said:

"Because of your easily impregnated body, you didn't get pregnant when you were with your ex-boyfriend before."

"Over time, you've had 8 abortions."

"And every time you went to these small hospitals, small clinics, the procedures were not done properly, which have already caused harm to your body."

"This time you will still choose to go to a small hospital for treatment.

During the surgery, there will be severe bleeding.

Although your life will be saved in the end, you will completely lose the chance to be a mother."

"Little Fairy I Hide Nothing" turned pale upon hearing this.

Indeed, that was what she was thinking, just go to a small hospital to handle it.

After all, she had so many experiences before, handling this kind of thing was simple.

Never did she expect that it would almost cost her life, and more so, completely lose the chance to be a mother.

The online friends were all dumbfounded in front of the screen.

A simple abortion surgery could lead to severe bleeding?

Is this small hospital operating without a license?

Or did the doctor fall asleep during the operation?

Or did he overwork the night before, causing shaky hands today?

And hasn't "Little Fairy I Hide Nothing" had too many miscarriages before?

A total of 8 miscarriages?

Were no precautions taken at all?

So many times, and still afraid of not being able to conceive in the future!!!

Is it because of my easy-to-pregnant body constitution that it's so terrifying?

No matter how many times I miscarry, can I still conceive again?


The [hidden little fairy] who had come to herself, with a face filled with lingering fear, said to Wang Yue:

"Master Wang, what if I go to a big hospital for an abortion?"

"Shouldn't anything go wrong then, right?"

The [hidden little fairy] looked at Wang Yue nervously at this moment, waiting for his reply.

Wang Yue said lightly:

"If you have an abortion at a big hospital, there shouldn't be any major bleeding issues."

"But you have had too many miscarriages before, already causing damage to your body."

"After this abortion, although you can still easily conceive in the future, it has also become habitual miscarriages, unable to keep the child..."

After hearing this, the [hidden little fairy]'s brain buzzed.

She almost collapsed to the ground!

In the end, her previous ignorance had harmed herself!

If she had met the right person before, this situation would not have occurred.

If she had taken protective measures earlier, such a thing would not have happened.

For a moment, she deeply regretted it!!!

Then looking at Wang Yue on the screen, she seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and quickly asked:

"Master Wang, what should I do?"