Chapter 282: In your situation, there are only two choices.

Master Wang, what should I do?

[Little fairy, I hide nothing] panicked!

She did not want to lose her ability to be a mother in the future!

Now she can only place her hope on Wang Yue, hoping that Wang Yue can help her solve this matter.

At worst, like other fated individuals, she could provide several different choices of destiny!

Then [Little fairy, I hide nothing] directly rewarded two carnivals.

[Little fairy, I hide nothing rewards carnival X1]

[Little fairy, I hide nothing rewards carnival X2]


At this moment, the viewers in the live broadcast room also began to express their opinions in the barrage:

"It's okay, with the advancement of medicine now, you can save your eggs first.

When you have a husband in the future, you can have him retrieve the eggs as well.

After conception, you can spend money to find someone else to carry the baby for you.

This way, not only can you become a mother, but you don't have to experience the pain of childbirth, just enjoy the happiness with your husband, perfect!

Of course, the prerequisite is that you have money!"

"@Above, I can see the police knocking on your door the next day with that method!"

"If you just want to be a mother without considering whose child it is, you can choose to give birth to the child.

However, being a single mom will be very tough!

The love received by the child will also be incomplete!"

"If it's been soaked in soy milk, can the child develop normally?

Should we keep it?"

"What's so good about having children, there are too many things to worry about when you have a child, it's tiring.

Instead of that, why not earn more money, travel by yourself usually, and have money for retirement when you're old..."


The opinions of the viewers in the barrage were varied, and in the end, there was a heated argument about whether to have children or not.

Wang Yue glanced at the barrage, paid no attention, and then said to [Little fairy, I hide nothing]:

"In your situation, you only have two choices: to give birth or not to give birth!"

"And I just mentioned the consequences of not giving birth, which would lead to habitual miscarriages, but your luck is quite good."

"Next June, you will meet your future husband, you will encounter each other in the rain, he will be deeply fascinated by you, and then start to pursue you madly!"

"In the process of getting to know each other, you will be touched by his sincerity, and you will tell him about your past experiences, confessing that you were not mature before, and had too many miscarriages with your ex-boyfriend, leading to habitual miscarriages!"

"If you are together, it is likely that you will never have your own children in the future!"

He listened and said it was okay, he didn't care, he just wanted to be with you.

"Then he proposed to you, and you agreed!"

"After getting married, you adopted a child."

"In everyone's eyes, you are the model couple, almost never fighting.

He has always been devoted to you, full of love and affection."

"You feel lucky to have married such a good man!"

After Wang Yue finished speaking, the female viewers in the live stream room felt a pang of jealousy.

Why are all the good husbands taken?

If I could meet such a good husband, I wouldn't mind even if I couldn't have children, even if it meant shortening my life by ten years, I would still be willing!

For a moment, the atmosphere in the barrage changed:

"Why bother thinking?

Definitely choose to terminate the pregnancy, then walk in the rain every rainy day, waiting for the appearance of a good husband!"

"I've decided, from now on, whenever it rains, I will go outside and run, I want to intercept such a husband for myself!"

"Why are other people's husbands so good, and mine is just lazy, playing games at home all day, he's a waste, he hasn't even paid the bills recently..."

"@above, you're lucky compared to my husband, although he goes out to work, he never sends money back home, I hardly see him all year, it's as good as not having a husband at all!"

"What are you complaining about?

My husband drinks, gambles, and if he loses, he will physically abuse me.

I've been abused 366 times a year, he even threatened to kill my whole family if I divorce him... I can't take it anymore, I've already bought rat poison online, when it arrives, I'll end it with him!"


The barrage turned into a roast session, male viewers couldn't bear to watch and directly commented on the barrage:

"Damn, what kind of luck are you guys having? Encountering the worst of the worst in the world, huh?"

"Actually, there are plenty of good men in this world, like me.

When [Little Fairy I'm Keeping Hidden] meets me next year, I will definitely protect her and love her for a lifetime!"

"What are you talking about, meeting you? Shameless.

Clearly, she will meet me, and I will give [Little Fairy I'm Keeping Hidden] the best life!"

"All of you step aside, [Little Fairy I'm Keeping Hidden] and I are a perfect match.

She can't bear children, I can't either, I will love her with all my heart!"


The barrage was filled with declarations from seemingly perfect men, all claiming that [Little Fairy I'm Keeping Hidden] would meet them.

At this moment, [Little Fairy I'm Keeping Hidden] had a complicated expression.

To be honest, she was very longing for the kind of life that Wang Yue just described...

After all, who wouldn't want a husband who loves you and treats you well for a lifetime?

The only regret is that she can't give this good husband a child, always feeling a bit sorry for him!

Just when everyone in the live broadcast room thought that "Little Fairy I Conceal Everything" would definitely not want this child.

"Master Wang, what if I choose to give birth to this child?"

Suddenly, "Little Fairy I Conceal Everything" said to Wang Yue.

"What will happen in the future?"

"Will I still meet him?"

After "Little Fairy I Conceal Everything" finished speaking, the audience expressed their confusion one after another.

What else could you possibly be unsatisfied with such a good man?

Wang Yue then said slowly:

"If you choose to have the child, your destiny will also change."

"Next June, the time you were supposed to meet, you will be busy giving birth, missing the chance to meet him."

"He will also meet someone else at that time and be with them."

"Of course, although your destiny will change, it won't be too bad."

"You may have fewer romantic encounters, but you will have more descendants."

"Because what you are carrying is not just a strong little life, but also a clever little life!"

"You will be seen by others as the kind of child that everyone else has been, not only sensible, smart, with good academic performance, but also filial..."

"During this time, although people will introduce you to potential partners, none will be quite right for you.

In the end, you choose not to marry and raise the child alone."

"The child is particularly outstanding, not only goes to the best university in the country, but also brings back a beautiful daughter-in-law for you, and finally gives birth to two pairs of twins."

"You will live out your later years peacefully with them, blessed with many grandchildren!"