Chapter 284: The Corpse Fisher - Thirty Years of Professional Corpse Fishing

Wang Yue hung up after speaking!

[Xiaoxianxianwo shenchang bulou] had opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, Wang Yue had already disconnected the call.

She looked at the screen, chuckled, shook her head, and casually gifted a super sports car.

[Xiaoxianxianwo shenchang bulou gifts super sports car X1]

And the other viewers in the live chat also started showering gifts.

[Anyone trying to steal my crush @ gifts supreme cannon X1]

[Hey, go do your homework, you've been dumped, gifts private jet X1]

[Shut up and give me a kiss, gifts Lamborghini X1]

[Liángshān bó and zhūyìng come gift dream castle X1]

[I often slap Zhào Zilong gifts lollipops X999]

[Wind blows Jī'ér eggs, waves on Hóng Lake, gifts happy water X99]


Even though Wang Yue had disconnected the call, many viewers were still asking in the barrage, where is [Xiaoxianxianwo shenchang bulou] from and where is she now?

They didn't mind being the life preserver, wanting a chance encounter, wanting to give [Xiaoxianxianwo shenchang bulou] a complete home, to cherish her for the rest of their lives, to love her...

Wang Yue just smiled slightly when he saw it and didn't say anything.

Seeing Wang Yue silent, a large number of viewers went to direct message [Xiaoxianxianwo shenchang bulou], scaring her into closing her direct messages.

Even some old classmates of [Xiaoxianxianwo shenchang bulou] who hadn't contacted her for a long time, after watching the live video, all came to contact [Xiaoxianxianwo shenchang bulou].

They thought she used to be a high and mighty fairy, they never had a chance, now that the fairy is "in trouble," their chance has come.


As for the male colleague who added ingredients to her soy milk, even though Wang Yue did not mention his name during the live broadcast.

However, everyone in their company knew who confessed to [Xiaoxianxianwo shenchang bulou] and got rejected, and they were all gossiping about it.

After the boss found out about the incident, that male colleague was fired by the company.

And that male colleague never expected that his intention was only to tease [Xiaoxianxianwo shenchang bulou], but in the end, she ended up getting pregnant.

Can you believe such an absurd thing could happen in this world??

When did his prank become so powerful?

Before, the survival rate of the inspection was only 30%, right?

Just barely meeting the standard!

It must have mutated!!!

Moreover, at that time, he saw "Little Fairy, I'm keeping secrets" carrying things away without eating, thinking she was going to throw them away.

And he was a bit disappointed, never expected it would turn out like this...

At the same time, he realized his mistake, then started pursuing "Little Fairy, I'm keeping secrets" again.

After all, she was pregnant with his baby, the mother of his child.

He couldn't let her raise the child alone.

However, "Little Fairy, I'm keeping secrets" did not agree, couldn't stand the enthusiasm of that male colleague, and even quit her job, moving to another city to live.

As for the male colleague, due to this incident, he faced rejections while job hunting, no company wanted him.

Eventually, he had to return to his hometown, marrying a fat, sarcastic woman there, and they lived their lives childless!

He was constantly scorned by the sarcastic woman, even facing violence!

Yet he dared not fight back because the woman had three older brothers and four younger brothers.

If he dared touch a finger of hers, her family would break him!

Life was unbearably harsh, but he couldn't divorce!

Of course, these are stories for later.

Now, Wang Yue looked at the barrage still rolling crazily, joking in his heart, "This group of viewers seems to have a lot of good men!"

Then, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he slowly said:

"Alright, don't worry about 'Little Fairy, I'm keeping secrets.' She's not going to be as tough as you imagine, raising a child alone!"

"You probably wouldn't understand the joy of having a talented son admired by others since childhood!

It's a special kind of happiness!"

As Wang Yue spoke, the barrage on the screen turned into a unanimous voice:

"I also want a son like that, to experience the joy of 'Little Fairy, I'm keeping secrets'!"

Seeing this, Wang Yue shook his head with a smile.

He didn't want to burst your bubble.

Did you think I wouldn't notice just because of missing punctuation marks?

You clearly wanted to experience 'Little Fairy, I'm keeping secrets,' to feel the joy of being the little fairy!

This generation of viewers really defeated themselves.

Then Wang Yue continued:

"Alright, let's not discuss this anymore!"

"Now, let's welcome the next destined person!"

"His ID is: Corpse Diver: Professional corpse diver for thirty years!"

Upon hearing this ID name, the viewers in the live stream room knew for sure it was an old man!!!

And this ID seems to have a story behind it, maybe even a horror story!

For a moment, the adrenaline of the online friends surged, becoming excited and tense!

In the middle of the night, to have such a fateful encounter, is it really a good thing?

What do I do if I get scared alone later and ordered some private dishes for delivery?

That fateful person, the "Corpse Fisher: Professional Corpse Fisher of Thirty Years," heard Wang Yue say it was his turn next.

He quickly sent a request to join the conversation!

Upon seeing it, Wang Yue immediately agreed to the conversation!

Soon, a man in his thirties appeared on the screen.

Of average height, with a lean figure, his slender face showing a faint paleness, a subtle hint of worry between his brows!

At that moment, he looked tired, with an unmistakable weariness about him!

In a slightly hoarse voice, the man greeted the screen:

"Hello, Master Wang!"

"To all the netizens in the live stream room, good evening!"

"I'm sure you can tell from my ID that, yes, that's right, I am a corpse fisherman who specializes in salvaging bodies underwater..."

*cough cough cough...*

As the man spoke, he couldn't help but cough.

Looking at the man on the screen, the online friends in the live stream room were a bit stunned!

They had thought it would be an old man, but they never expected a young man instead.

And he's been a professional corpse fisherman for thirty years???

The next second, the barrage began to scroll wildly:

"Hello, are you thirty years old? Have you been in the corpse retrieval profession for thirty years?

Did you start retrieving corpses as soon as you were born?"

"False advertising, reported!"

"Bro, I know that advertising is usually exaggerated, but we can't be this exaggerated, can we?"

"I don't care if it's exaggerated or not, I just want to know, dare to call this ID to find Master Wang for fortune-telling, what fate will you have?"

"That makes sense, I'm curious too, but please don't make it too terrifying, or I might be too scared to pee..."

At this moment, Wang Yue looked at the man on the screen and said lightly:

"Hello, you, the destined one!"...