Chapter 285: I did indeed break the taboo of being a corpse salvager.

"Hello, fortunate one!"

"What are you trying to calculate?"

Wang Yue finished speaking and immediately used the skill [Clearly Understand] to look at the person across from him, [Corpse Retriever: Professional for Thirty Years].

In the next moment, the entire life trajectory of [Corpse Retriever: Professional for Thirty Years] appeared before Wang Yue's eyes.

After grasping the fate of the other person, Wang Yue just silently watched him.

On the other side, [Corpse Retriever: Professional for Thirty Years], upon hearing Wang Yue's question, did not rush to respond.

Instead, calmly opened the gift reward and gave a divination coin first.

[Corpse Retriever: Professional for Thirty Years Rewards Carnival X1]

Then he faced the camera and said:

"Master Wang, there's no need to hurry!"

"I see many people in the barrage questioning me, accusing me of deceit and false advertising."

"I want to explain, actually, I have not lied or exaggerated."

"Although I may appear younger, I am already 40 years old."

"I belong to the second generation of corpse retrieval. I started helping my father retrieve corpses when I was 10."

"Now, it just happens to be 30 years. Do you still think I am deceiving in my advertising?"


In the live broadcast room, upon hearing [Corpse Retriever: Professional for Thirty Years] speak like this, the viewers were shocked, with mouths agape and eyes wide, looking unbelieving.

After 3 seconds, the barrage on the screen began to scroll frantically.

"Oh my goodness, I would believe it if you told me you were 25, but 40??? Is it fake?"

"I want to cry, I look like I'm 40 at 24, and you look 30 at 40. Can you tell me your skincare secret?

Please tell me?"

"Does being in water often help hydrate the skin?

Does it have anti-aging effects?

I've decided, I'll become a swimming coach, teaching only girls, and spend 24 hours a day in the water for beauty and anti-aging..."

"Taken to retrieve corpses together at 10 years old??? What kind of father is that?

@Corpse Retriever: Professional for Thirty Years, it must have been tough growing up like that."

"So scary, so scary. Seeing those things at 10, are you sure you don't have nightmares at night?"


Seeing the comments in the barrage, the viewers were all shocked.

"The Corpse Fisher: Professional Corpse Fisher for Thirty Years" smiled faintly on his pale face, then slowly spoke:

"To be honest, at the beginning, I was almost scared out of my wits."

"It was my dad who used the methods of corpse fishing to protect my soul, but I ended up with a fever for three days."

"I didn't want to hear anything more after that, but it was still my dad who lifted me up and brought me there."

Upon hearing this, the viewers in the live chat room were speechless!!!

Everyone was amazed, thinking, this person must not be their biological parent, a real parent could never do such a thing!!!

The viewers silently mourned for "The Corpse Fisher: Professional Corpse Fisher for Thirty Years" for three seconds in their hearts...

And "The Corpse Fisher: Professional Corpse Fisher for Thirty Years" continued:

"Gradually, I stopped being afraid of these things and started assisting my dad."

"He began teaching me the taboos of a corpse fisher, and what to watch out for when fishing corpses underwater."

"For example, when lifting a body, one must not raise it over the head of the corpse fisher, we corpse fishers have a saying: 'Body over the head, eternal sleep, bad luck will follow!'"

"And also, when salvaging, one must not look at the face of the corpse, the body must face downwards underwater so that it cannot see you, unable to come looking for you!"

"Moreover, one must not fish out a corpse standing upright in the water.

Legend has it that such bodies carry heavy malevolent energy, which can make the body move in the water."

"Do not fish corpses on stormy days. Because stormy weather can easily trigger corpse mutations, resulting in more vicious revenants!"

"Do not attempt to fish a body unsuccessfully three times.

This means the body wishes to stay there, forcibly retrieving it will bring calamity to the whole family."

"There are countless taboos and precautions like these!"

"If these taboos are broken, great terror will occur, and lives will be lost!!!"


"The Corpse Fisher: Professional Corpse Fisher for Thirty Years" went on to list a heap of taboos and precautions in one go.

The viewers in the live chat room were dumbfounded!

They never expected there to be so many taboos in this profession.

They used to think it was just about diving, finding the body, and bringing it up.

Who would've known there were so many things to watch out for.

And with so many taboos, can a person remember them all?

What would happen if a mistake was made accidentally?

For a moment, the barrage of comments on the screen went crazy.

Curious, what terrifying events might occur if taboos are broken?

"@CorpseRetriever: Professional for thirty years, buddy who retrieves corpses, have you made a mistake?

What terrifying things happened at that time?"

"Wait a minute, I've seen some firefighters go underwater for retrieval, but it seems like they don't have so many rules, right?"

"@CorpseRetriever: Professional for thirty years, looking at you now, have you already broken some taboo and hurried to find Master Wang to help you solve it?"

"@CorpseRetriever: Professional for thirty years, quickly start talking about it..."

Audience in the live broadcast room are all very curious about what will happen if a taboo is broken.

[CorpseRetriever: Professional for thirty years] Did he really come to Wang Yue to change his fate because he broke a taboo?

The gossip hearts of the audience were stirred up, one by one going crazy with questions in the barrage.

Seeing the questions asked by the audience in the barrage, [CorpseRetriever: Professional for thirty years] seemed to be recalling certain memories.

His already pale face became even more colorless.

Then, facing the camera, he slowly said:

"I did break a taboo of a corpse retriever."

"It was when I was 18 years old, on a stormy day, when a villager from the village urgently ran to my house, saying that his child was swept away while swimming in the river and begged me to save him."

"My dad was not at home at the time. When I heard the urgent situation, I knew I had to act quickly and went with the man."

"When we arrived at the scene, we found that the river was flowing rapidly, and we couldn't see where the child had been swept away."

"Having learned from my dad for so many years, I also gained some of his true teachings.

Soon, relying on my experience as a corpse retriever, I found where the child might have been swept to."

"It was under a high bridge where children had drowned before.

This was definitely a setup by the man to find a scapegoat."

"At that moment, the rain started pouring again from the sky, accompanied by lightning and thunder."

"Because time is life, retrieving him earlier could still save him!"

"Though I knew the taboo of a corpse retriever, in that situation, I couldn't consider so much and without hesitation, I just jumped in..."