Chapter 286 The Price of Breaking Taboos

Although I knew the taboo of being a corpse retriever, I couldn't care about that much in that situation and jumped down without hesitation...

Hearing this, the hearts of the viewers in the live stream room all skipped a beat.

At the same time, they were moved by the dedication of "Corpse Retriever: Professional for Thirty Years."

Suddenly, the barrage on the screen started scrolling rapidly.

"@CorpseRetriever: Professional for Thirty Years, the world needs more people like you. Thumbs up to you, may good fortune follow you all your life..."

"This is truly noble and touching.

If you don't win the bravery award of the year in Longguo, I won't watch..."

"Your bravery and selflessness have brought warmth and hope to others. You are a hero of this society, we salute you!!!"

"Your leap of faith has shown me the kindness and courage of humanity.

You are the light of this world.

Thank you for bringing positive energy to this world..."

"I can only say that this act is foolish but full of love.

I could never sacrifice myself like that... because I must first be responsible for myself and my family..."

"Quick, continue talking.

What horrors did you encounter after jumping down?

What happened next?"


The barrage was full of praise for the character and courageous act of "Corpse Retriever: Professional for Thirty Years," with only a few voices criticizing him for being irresponsible to his own family.

There were also some onlookers who just wanted to know what happened next.

Wang Yue watched "Corpse Retriever: Professional for Thirty Years" with a calm expression, showing no signs of emotion!

At that moment, the corpse retriever cleared his throat and continued speaking to the camera:

"After entering the water, the current was very strong, and I was almost swept away myself!"

"Fortunately, I've been swimming with my dad since I was young, so my swimming skills are not bad.

Coupled with my previous strength and good physical condition, I quickly stabilized myself!"

"Then, I arrived at the spot where I thought the child might be and started diving."

"After about three minutes underwater, I finally found him on the right side of a stone pillar."

"He was completely naked, head down, buttocks up, as if stuck by something."

"Seeing this, I knew that the child was beyond saving!"

"To end his suffering underwater, I swam over immediately, ready to bring him ashore and hand him over to his family."

"I placed him facedown, clutched under my armpit, and prepared to float to the surface!"

Suddenly, I felt something tripping me up, and as I looked down, I saw that some water plants had entwined around my feet out of nowhere!

I struggled desperately at that moment, but it was no use.

I couldn't break free, and I ended up swallowing several mouthfuls of the river water. Gradually, I began to feel the lack of oxygen setting in!

As I was on the brink of losing consciousness, it seemed as if the body that I had just trapped under my arm came back to life!

His eyes stared like brass bells, his face incredibly pale, as if he had just emerged from a pile of flour.

He even wore a sinister smile, staring coldly at me!

By then, I had no strength left to break free, my brain was severely deprived of oxygen, and my last thought at that moment was, am I going to die?

Is this the terrifying consequence of breaking taboos?

And then I passed out!

The viewers in the live streaming room were horrified, their hair standing on end, goosebumps scattered all over the floor.

In front of the screen, they felt as though cold eyes were watching them from outside the dark window.

Suddenly, an urge to pee took over, scaring them into burying their heads under the covers.

It seemed as if this was the only way to feel safe!

However, the fear did not dissipate!

Yet the burning curiosity in their gossipy hearts kept them from leaving!

Comments flooded the screen:

"Did the corpse transform?"

"What happened next?"

"What happened afterwards?"

"How did you survive?"

"Quick, tell us, did the child spare you in the end?"

The corpse salvager, Jiang Da'an, suddenly felt dejected, his emotions sinking, and he continued:

"When I woke up again, I was already in the hospital."

"I didn't know how I was rescued, at first, I thought it was the villagers who saved me."

"Later, I found out that it was actually my father who heard the news and rushed over to save me!"

"And he remained in the water forever!"

"He spent his life salvaging bodies, for decades. Of the bodies he pulled from the water, not a hundred, but perhaps eighty, allowing them to rest in peace and their families to see them one last time..."

"Never did I expect that in the end, my father sacrificed himself to save me!!!"

The corpse retriever Jiang Da'an suddenly slapped himself twice, then excitedly said:

"I regret it so much, I am devastated. I shouldn't have broken the taboo of being a corpse retriever, then my father wouldn't have been killed..."

On the screen, tears suddenly fell from Jiang Da'an's eyes...

And the female viewers in the live broadcast room were crying even harder!!!

Male viewers also felt a sense of indescribable discomfort.

For a moment, the barrage on the screen kept flying, unable to stop at all.

"W...I can't stop crying, my mom thinks I've been dumped and immediately arranged 30 blind dates for me...but I can't explain..."

"Just got off work, in the elevator, ended up crying and others thought it was haunted.

When the elevator door opened, those waiting for the elevator screamed and ran away..."

"@CorpseRetriever: A professional corpse retriever for thirty years, I want to say your father is also amazing, hang in there, stay strong, speak up if you need anything, we will help you!"

"Why do good people never have good endings? Bad people always have a good time!!!"

"I initially thought, what kind of dad is this? Taking a 10-year-old to retrieve a corpse? Now I want to say, this is the greatest dad!!!"

"Salute to that great dad, rest in peace! No more disasters in the next life..."

"Rest in peace! No more disasters in the next life...+10086"


Corpse retriever Jiang Da'an looked at the screen full of well wishes, a bit choked up, and said:

"Thank you... Thank you all!"

"My father will definitely receive your blessings!"

Then Corpse retriever Jiang Da'an adjusted his emotions, and continued:

"That time, it was my first time breaking the taboo of being a corpse retriever!"

"I also paid a heavy price for it!"

"Since then, I have still been in the corpse retrieving industry, because those families whose relatives have fallen into the water, they need me, I need to help them find their loved ones back!"

"Of course, I have always remembered the taboo of being a corpse retriever, dare not to make the same mistake again."

"Until three days ago, I broke the taboo of being a corpse retriever once again!"