Chapter 287 Master Wang, can you help me?

Until three days ago, I once again violated the taboo of corpse retrieval!!!

The viewers in the live stream room were all stunned!


No way??

Violated it again??

After the viewers reacted, the barrage fell into chaos once again, enduring the fierce bombardment from the viewers.

"No way, what did you do this time?

No wonder your complexion looks so bad, is it because of the backlash of the taboo?"

"Oh my god, I can't take this anymore, such a good person, is he going to die again?"

"This time, violating the taboo didn't result in immediate death, so it shouldn't be too serious, right?"

"@CorpseRetriever: Specializing in corpse retrieval for thirty years, are you okay now?

Do you need to come to our hospital for a check-up?

I can give you a free full-body examination."

"Heaven, if you must take someone, take me on the upper bunk!

CorpseRetriever is such a good person, please spare him!"

"Yes yes yes, if you must take someone, take me on the lower bunk, CorpseRetriever is such a good person, please spare him!"

"You on the upper floor?"

"You on the lower floor?"

"Holy crap!!!"


CorpseRetriever Jiang Da'an looked at the barrage full of worries for him and the injustice for him.

He showed a faint bitter smile, then continued slowly:

"Three days ago, a man came to me. He said his wife had an argument with him, then jumped into the river while pregnant, and he hoped I could retrieve his wife for him."

"When I heard this, I immediately went with him."

"When we arrived at the scene, I realized that the river was vast, and it seemed like a difficult task."

"However, I still hoped to find his wife for him, so we rented a speedboat and, based on the experience of a corpse retriever, searched for possible locations of the body."

"After searching a few places to no avail, I quickly found another possible location where the body might be."

"Then, I dove into the water to search, and indeed, I found the body of the pregnant woman there."

"When I found her, she was standing upright in the water."

The third taboo in corpse fishing is to not fish out a corpse standing straight in the water, as these corpses are filled with great grudges and malevolent energy, which can make the corpse move in the water.

Upon witnessing this scene, I immediately returned and informed the man who hired me when back on the speedboat.

Upon hearing this, the man knelt before me, pleading for my help.

He confessed to mistreating his wife and expressed remorse, not wanting his wife and child to be restless in death, especially submerged in water.

He begged for my assistance in laying his wife to rest peacefully.

Upon hearing this, the viewers watching the livestream were speechless.

All of them despised the man.

Do you regret it now?

Do you realize you wronged your wife?

Why didn't you realize earlier?

If it wasn't for your argument with her, would she have gone to the river pregnant and committed suicide by jumping in?

Moreover, the corpse fisherman just mentioned that a corpse standing straight in the water carries intense grudges and malevolent energy.

The fact that she had such immense grudges and malevolent energy could imply that you might have killed your wife, disposed of her body in the river to cover it up, and orchestrated this act to stage a suicide.

Once the body is cremated, there will be no evidence left to be found.

People will only think that after your quarrel, your wife made an unfortunate decision to end her life by jumping into the river...

Then, viewers on the live chat began calling out, urging to alert the authorities and not to associate with such a person.

The corpse fisherman, Jiang Da'an, looked at the barrage of comments on the screen, shook his head bitterly, and continued slowly:

"At that moment, he seemed pitiful, and he genuinely realized his mistake, hoping his wife and child could rest in peace."

"I was conflicted.

On one hand, violating the taboo of the corpse fishermen could cost me my life.

The first time I broke the taboo, it led to the death of my father.

If I break it again this time, it may bring about great horror, putting my own life in danger."

After much deliberation, I finally agreed to help him retrieve his wife!


The viewers in the chat were all calling him foolish!!!

One should never gamble with their life for such a person!

Corpse fisherman Jiang Da'an continued on, lost in his own thoughts:

"After agreeing to help him, I had him bring a long rope, with one end tied to the speedboat and the other in my hands as I dove back into the water."

Arriving next to the female corpse, he tied one end of the rope around her.

Then he returned to the speedboat, started the engine, and pulled her body back to shore.

At that time, nothing particularly terrifying happened, and I thought everything was fine.

Little did I know, strange things would unfold that very evening.

We had a dog at home, and that night, for some unknown reason, it, which was usually well-behaved, kept barking incessantly, disturbing the neighbors who lodged complaints.

No matter how much we tried to calm it down, it kept staring and barking furiously at a spot, which soon escalated to desperate wails, ending in its sudden inexplicable death.

It died in a particularly gruesome manner, as if it had been brutally beaten to a pulp.

The following two days, our fish and turtle at home also died, one after the other.

And every night, I began to faintly see a figure, the pregnant woman's corpse that had been salvaged earlier.

Sometimes she would stand at the foot of the bed, staring straight at me; other times, when I looked into the mirror, it felt like she was standing behind me...

Even when I tried to bury my head under the covers while sleeping, I dared not look at my phone, fearing that its bright screen would reveal her ghostly pale face...

Moreover, in recent days, I have been feeling increasingly unwell... something is very wrong!

He paused, coughed twice, and continued:

"So, I came to seek Master Wang, hoping he could assist me."

"I never expected to get a slot in his schedule."

"Master Wang, I know you are a divine being, so could you please help me?"

"Could you check if she's seeking revenge on me?"

"If so, can you ask her to leave and find another reincarnation?"

After the body salvager Jiang Da'an finished speaking, viewers in the live broadcast room started commenting in the barrage:

"Master Wang, please help him! Such a good person, it wouldn't be fair for him to just die like that..."

Oh my, how could there be such a kind-hearted person in reality like you?

Instead of thinking about eliminating her at this critical moment, you're actually thinking of asking Master Wang to help her reincarnate."

"Hey, where is that woman?

Listen, can you bear to harm such a good person?

Aren't you afraid of divine retribution?"

"They helped pull you out of the water, letting you rest in peace, yet you want to harm them.

It must be said, you are not even worthy of being a ghost..."


Wang Yue looked at the body retrieval worker Jiang Da'an, a playful smile playing on his lips.