Chapter 3

Luna moaned into his mouth, her body arching involuntarily against his touch. She wrapped her legs around his waist, digging her nails lightly into his broad shoulders in response to the pleasure coursing through her system. Her breasts squished and bounced enticingly under his greedy exploration, nipples hardening further at his rough treatment.

Breaking the kiss briefly, he shifted slightly, positioning himself between her spread legs. "Tell me you're mine," he commanded huskily, rubbing his hard cock against her damp folds teasingly. His breath was hot against her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

"I'm yours," she panted out, her voice barely audible over their heavy breathing. He growled approvingly before thrusting forcefully, filling her tight entrance with a single brutal push. They both moaned loudly as he began to pump relentlessly, slapping her ass cheeks rhythmically in sync with each powerful thrust.

The pain quickly turned into a strange mix of pleasure and submission for Luna as El Jaguar took what he deemed his. His powerful thrusts shook the antique desk beneath them, causing papers and other trinkets to scatter across the polished surface. Their combined moans filled the otherwise silent study, echoing off the marble walls like primal calls of desire.

"You feel so damn good," he groaned, increasing the pace even further. His hands gripped her hair tightly, pulling her head back roughly while his hips battered against hers mercilessly. "Scream for me, María del Carmen." His words were thick with lust and dominance, pushing her limits both physically and mentally.

Luna's body trembled with each brutal thrust, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she struggled to keep up. Her nails scratched and clawed at his back, leaving crimson lines in their wake. "El... Jaguar," she managed to breathe out between heavy pants.

"That's a good girl," he growled, picking up speed even more aggressively. His cock slapped against her sensitive spots rhythmically, driving her closer to the edge of orgasm. "Cum for me, María del Carmen. Give yourself over to me completely."

Luna's body convulsed violently as she reached her climax, her orgasm ripping through her system like lightning. Her pussy clamped down tightly around his cock, milking every last drop of his seed from him. Panting heavily, sweat trickling down their bodies, they paused for a moment to catch their breaths.

"That was... amazing," she managed to croak out between heavy pants.

El Jaguar chuckled darkly, his voice reverberating in the otherwise silent study. "Not yet, mi amor," he groaned, rotating his hips slowly, keeping himself inside her quivering channel. "We're far from done here."

Luna groaned in frustration and disbelief, her body still shaking from their passionate encounter. "Please," she begged, trying to squirm free of his hold. "I'm... I need a moment."

However, El Jaguar showed no signs of relenting. Instead, he pulled out slightly before plunging back into her wet entrance with renewed vigor. "Every drop of your juices belongs to me now," he growled, pounding into her like a wild animal claiming its territory. Every thrust brought forth another moan or whimper from her lips, mixing with his own primal sounds of pleasure.

As the relentless assault continued, Luna's mind drifted in and out of consciousness. Each powerful thrust jolted her body, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her core. Her moans turned into whimpers, turning into incoherent sounds of pure ecstasy.

Despite the discomfort and humiliation she endured at his hands, a part of her couldn't deny the peculiar thrill she derived from being claimed so completely by this dangerous man. There was something primal about their connection—an animalistic hunger that defied logic or reason. Even now, as he ravaged her exhausted body, she found herself arching into each brutal thrust, meeting him halfway with equal fervor.

El Jaguar's pace didn't slow down, relentless in his pursuit of complete submission. His hips pounded against hers, filling her depths with each powerful thrust, causing their combined moans to reverberate around the study like a perverse symphony. The desk groaned under their combined weight, threatening to collapse beneath them.

Despite her own exhaustion and discomfort, Luna found herself losing track of time and reality, consumed entirely by their primal dance. Each climax felt stronger than the last, pushing her limits further until she thought she couldn't take anymore. But somehow, miraculously, her body continued to respond to him, begging for more.

As their bodies merged into one, sweat dripping down their foreheads and mixing together on their intertwined limbs, El Jaguar's grip tightened further. His hold became harder, more possessive as he claimed her entirely. Luna's moans turned into sobs of pure blissful agony, her nails digging deeper into his back, drawing thin lines of blood that mixed with their combined sweat.

Despite the pain, Luna found herself lost in the rhythm of their movements, unable to resist the powerful need that consumed them both. Her climaxes came faster and stronger than before, each one pushing her closer to some unknown threshold she feared crossing.

Luna's body shook violently with every orgasm, her juices coating his cock thoroughly. Blood trickled down El Jaguar's back, mixing with their sweat and cum to paint a macabre picture of their twisted union.

Finally, after what felt like hours, he groaned loudly, his powerful member throbbing inside her tight passage. With one final thrust, he released himself into her depths, filling her completely. Spent but not entirely satisfied, he pulled out slowly, leaving behind a trail of fluids connecting them together. Panting heavily, they both collapsed on the desk, their bodies intertwined in a tangled mess of limbs and fluids.

Breathing heavily, El Jaguar pulled Luna's body closer to his own, their sweaty bodies sticking together. He wrapped an arm around her waist protectively, as if claiming her once more, and slowly stood up from the damaged desk. "Come with me," he growled softly, practically dragging her along his luxurious quarters.

Leading her to his bedroom, he threw open the heavy curtains revealing a sprawling suite surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the lush landscape of his estate. The sun had begun its slow descent towards the horizon, painting the sky in hues of fiery orange and purple. They stumbled onto the king-size bed, collapsing on top of each other like two rag dolls. Their breathing gradually returned to normalcy, accompanied by occasional pants and contented sighs.

"That was... intense," Luna managed to croak out, her voice raw and husky. "I don't think I can ever look at you the same way again."

El Jaguar chuckled darkly, his eyes twinkling with satisfaction. "That's the spirit," he replied, reaching over to grab a nearby bottle of tequila and pouring two generous shots. Handing one to her, he raised his own before downing it in one go. "Now, rest well, María del Carmen. Tomorrow brings new challenges."

Luna accepted the shot tentatively, savoring the burn as it went down her throat. Nodding mutely, she lay next to him, their bodies still connected by a thin layer of sweat and cum. As exhaustion finally claimed them both, they drifted off into fitful sleep, each dreaming of what lies ahead in their dangerous dance of desire and deception.