Chapter 4

El Jaguar and Luna were awoken by the sound of gunfire echoing in the distance. Groaning softly, they quickly dressed themselves before making their way towards the source of the commotion. Racing through the sprawling estate, they followed the sounds of chaos until they stumbled upon a group of heavily armed men storming a nondescript warehouse.

Through the windows, they saw horrific scenes unfold—men, women, and children chained and cuffed like animals, being branded with tattoos marking them as property. The smell of blood and feces filled the air, creating an oppressive thick fog around the building. "We'll deal with these bastards later," El Jaguar growled, pulling out his custom-made .45 pistol from his jacket.

Without another word, they burst into the warehouse, guns blazing. Bullets flew everywhere, bodies fell left and right as they made their way deeper into the labyrinthine complex. Along the way, Luna couldn't shake off the memories that flooded back—images of her childhood, violations she thought were long buried resurfacing with renewed vigor.

El Jaguar and Luna fought their way through the maze-like corridors, killing or subduing anyone who stood in their path. Blood splattered against the concrete walls, pooling on the filthy floor as they dodged bullets and knives alike. The sound of gunfire echoed off the concrete walls, creating an ominous symphony of death.

Reaching a large room filled with cages holding dozens of terrified victims, Luna's eyes narrowed into cold assassin mode. "No mercy," she growled under her breath, charging forward like a ravenous predator. She shot two men who tried to stop her, kicking another in the groin before grabbing him by the collar and slamming his head against a nearby cement wall until he fell unconscious.

El Jaguar, surprised by her skills in combat, followed suit, taking down several more assailants while keeping an eye out for any potential threats. Their combined firepower eventually silenced most of the opposition, leaving them standing amidst a sea of limp bodies and broken equipment.

The remaining few stragglers, cowering in fear, surrendered immediately upon seeing their leader and his associates alive and well. Panting heavily, El Jaguar holstered his weapon. "You did well, María del Carmen," he praised her, reaching out to ruffle her hair affectionately.

Luna nodded curtly, her eyes still cold and unforgiving. "They won't be bothering anyone again," she promised grimly, pushing aside the lingering memories of her own tormented past. Her gaze then drifted over the pitiful remains of humanity left behind—men, women, and children, all victims of this brutal trade. She couldn't shake the feeling of satisfaction mixed with disgust as they moved on to secure the facility before alerting authorities about what they had discovered.

As they searched the sprawling warehouse, El Jaguar and Luna discovered more horrific scenes: piles of discarded clothes stained with blood and feces, makeshift beds covered in urine and feces, and even a pit filled with decomposing bodies—victims who didn't make it out alive. Their steps slowed as they navigated through these macabre tableaus, their faces contorted into expressions of revulsion and rage.

Luna couldn't hold back any longer. "I want them all dead," she growled between heavy breaths. "Every last one." Her voice shook with unbridled hatred and vengeance.

Meanwhile, in Colombia's capital city of Bogotá, Detective Alejandro Reyes sat in his cramped office, reviewing yet another gruesome crime scene photo taken at the warehouse raid. He sighed heavily, rubbing his tired eyes with a grimace. He knew this case was different somehow; something about it didn't sit right with him.

His partner, Officer Rafaela Garcia, entered the room, carrying two cups of coffee. "So, whatcha thinking, boss?" she asked, handing him one of the steaming cups.

"I don't know," he muttered, taking a sip of his coffee. "Something's off about this case. Something big." Setting down the cup, he turned to her. "There's no pattern to these disappearances, and they cover such a wide range of ages and backgrounds—it doesn't add up." He stood up suddenly, pacing the tiny space between his desk and the window. "We need to dig deeper, Rafe. Deeper than we ever have before."

Rafaela nodded, her brown eyes widening in concern. "I know, Alejandro," she said softly. "But we've been chasing shadows for weeks now; we need more leads." She hesitated before continuing, biting her bottom lip. "We found something interesting in our background checks on the victims—they all had connections to a wealthy businessman named El Jaguar."

Detective Reyes froze, his heartbeat picking up speed as he turned to face her. "El Jaguar? Is that some sort of nickname or code name?" His mind raced with possibilities and fears. Could this be connected somehow to the woman he'd seen at several events, the one codenamed 'Luna'?

Rafaela shook her head. "No, sir. It seems like it's not just a nickname; people actually call him that. And get this—the guy lives in Colombia, runs an international drug cartel based out of a luxurious estate outside of Medellín." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "There's also rumors about human trafficking…"

As Detective Alejandro Reyes processed the information, his mind began to piece together a gruesome puzzle. "So, this Jaguar character could be our prime suspect?" he asked cautiously, leaning forward in his chair.

Rafaela nodded slowly, her expression grim. "I don't know, sir. But I think we need to tread carefully. He's powerful and connected; crossing him could put us in serious danger." She handed him another photo of one of the victims. "Look at this one—she was only fourteen years old. What kind of monster does something like that?"

Detective Reyes's face twisted into a mix of disgust and determination. "We need to bring him down, no matter the cost," he muttered under his breath. Standing up straight again, he paced the cramped room, deep in thought. Finally, he turned back to Rafaela. "I want you to start running background checks on everyone connected to this guy—people who work for him, associates, family members... every single person listed as 'associated with.' We ain't leaving any stone unturned."

Rafaela nodded solemnly, agreeing with his grim assessment. "Consider it done, boss."

Over the coming weeks, Rafaela carried out her orders diligently, filling Reyes's desk with countless files and reports. The work was grueling and exhausting, but she couldn't shake off the image of those poor children being violated by monsters like El Jaguar.

Meanwhile, El Jaguar and Luna returned to the luxurious estate, their minds still processing the horrors they had witnessed. They sat down in his private study, sipping on brandy as they debriefed each other about what they'd seen. The images played like a gruesome montage in both of their heads: emaciated bodies piled high, bloodstained floors, screams echoing through empty corridors.

Finally, El Jaguar spoke first. "I underestimated you, María del Carmen," he admitted grudgingly, looking at her with newfound respect. "You proved yourself capable beyond expectation." He took a sip of his drink before continuing, thinking aloud. "Our best course of action is to destroy this operation quietly, making it seem like a random act of violence gone wrong."

Luna nodded in agreement. "We need to dismantle them piece by piece, starting with the leadership. I know where we can find some valuable intel." She stood up suddenly, straightening out her skirt. "Let's waste no more time; tonight's our chance."

Reyes and Rafaela, following a lead provided by their surveillance team, arrived at the exclusive nightclub where El Jaguar and Luna were known to frequent. Carefully navigating through the throng of well-dressed patrons, they made their way towards their target—a private VIP area decorated in opulence fit for a kingpin like El Jaguar.

As they approached, they overheard snippets of conversation that confirmed their suspicions: mention of drug shipments, bribes paid off politicians, and even rumors of human trafficking. Their hearts raced with adrenaline as they prepared themselves for what lay ahead.

Inside the plush booth, El Jaguar and Luna sipped on expensive liquor, unaware of the two cops closing in on them. Suddenly, lights flashed, music stopped, and armed agents stormed the venue, guns drawn. "Police! Hands up!" one agent shouted, pointing his weapon directly at El Jaguar.