Chapter 5

El Jaguar reacted lightning-fast, his body moving like a well-practiced dancer as he dodged bullets and retaliated with lethal precision. Luna followed suit, her lithe frame whirling through the chaos like a deadly tornado. She made sure to keep an eye on Reyes throughout the fight, waiting for the right moment to cut loose.

Rafaela, caught off guard by the sudden ambush, tried to cover up her surprise effectively but struggled against El Jaguar's superior strength. Meanwhile, Reyes engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Luna, matching her kicks and punches move for move. The two wrestled viciously inside the booth, their bodies pressed intimately together despite the chaos surrounding them.

Their moves became more desperate as they fought for control—Luna twisted and turned, trying every martial arts technique she knew while avoiding gunfire, while Reyes grappled her tightly, using brute force and pure determination to gain advantage. Their movements were fluid yet brutal, each impact of flesh against flesh causing visible bruises and cuts to form on both parties involved.

Reyes managed to land a powerful uppercut that connected with Luna's jaw, sending her flying back into the wall behind her. She somersaulted gracefully and landed on her feet, regaining her balance in seconds. "You bastard," she growled, lunging at him again.

Reyes dodged her swift kicks expertly, using his larger frame to pin her against the wall once more. With practiced ease, he pinned her shoulders against the cold stone surface, holding her there while attempting to cuff her hands behind her back. But Luna was relentless; she bit down hard on his neck, drawing blood as she squirmed wildly.

He grunted in pain, loosening his grip briefly as he tried to drive her head harder against the wall. This small opening was all she needed. Using her lithe legs, she wrapped them around his waist, kicking him forcefully in the groin before somersaulting over his body. Landing on her feet, she quickly rolled out of reach, panting heavily but grinning maliciously. "That's better," she taunted, rubbing her sore ribs where he had previously targeted her.

Reyes grunted in pain, clutching his crotch as he fought to regain composure. "You think this is over?" He growled through clenched teeth. "Think again."

Reyes lunged at her once more, tackling her forcefully into the booth's corner. Their bodies collided with a thunderous boom, sending glasses and bottles flying as they both landed on top of each other. Pinned against the seat, Luna struggled furiously but couldn't seem to break free. Reyes pinned her down using his weight, pinning her arms above her head while trapping her legs between them. Breathing heavily, he spoke softly yet menacingly in her ear. "I know about your boss. El Jaguar is involved in human trafficking too."

Luna's eyes widened in shock as the truth hit her like a ton of bricks. She struggled harder, kicking and elbowing him in vain attempts to escape. Her face was inches away from his neck, her breath hot against his skin. "Don't lie!" she growled between heavy pants. "That's impossible! El Jaguar... he..."

"He's one sick fuck," Reyes growled back, gaining more leverage over her. "And now it's time for payback." With sudden brutal force, he yanked her arm upward, stretching it behind her back. Tears welled up in her eyes as he fastened the cuffs together, effectively binding her wrists tightly. Standing up straight again, he loomed over her menacingly. "Now, we talk."

Meanwhile, outside the booth, El Jaguar watched with a growing unease as his prized asset was subdued by a mere cop. When he heard voices getting louder and more panicked, he snapped his attention back to the chaos unfolding within the club. He saw Reyes pinning Luna down, her body exposed and vulnerable. His hand reached for his weapon, ready to eliminate the threat swiftly if need be.

"Release her now," El Jaguar ordered coldly, aiming his gun at Rafaela's head, whom he had already beaten badly. "One move out of line, and she dies."

Reyes considered his options briefly, weighing the lives of both women against each other. Finally, with a growl of frustration, he reluctantly released Luna's bound wrists, giving her some much-needed respite. She stumbled free of the cuffs and glared defiantly at him.

"You win this round," she spat out between ragged breaths, rubbing her sore limbs. "But it won't be like this next time."

Reluctantly, he turned his attention back to El Jaguar, raising his hands in surrender. "Alright, you bastard. Let her go." His eyes flickered towards Rafaela, who lay motionless on the floor, blood trickling from several cuts sustained during their brutal altercation.

El Jaguar smirked coldly, lowering his weapon. "Good boy." Slowly, he released Rafaela, who groaned weakly as she struggled to stand up. He walked over to Luna arrogantly, towering over her once more. "Now, come with me, María del Carmen."

Reyes's eyes widened in shock and horror as he watched helplessly as El Jaguar executed Rafaela with a single, cold-hearted bullet to the forehead. Blood spurted out violently, painting a macabre canvas on the pristine white walls. Tears streamed down his cheeks unchecked as he stood rooted to the spot, unable to process what had just happened.

"Don't move," growled El Jaguar, turning around slowly, gun still aimed at Reyes's head. "One wrong move, and you join her." Luna followed him reluctantly, her eyes filled with rage and determination.

Reyes couldn't contain himself anymore. He lunged at El Jaguar, anger and grief consuming him entirely. But before he could reach him, the cartel leader simply pushed him away with ease, sending him flying into a nearby table with a loud crash.

El Jaguar laughed coldly, his voice echoing ominously in the silent club. "You think you can match yourself against me?" With quick reflexes honed by years of violence, he fired two shots into Reyes's legs, causing him to yell out in pain. As blood pooled around his feet, rendering him useless, he watched helplessly they both went away.