Chapter 7

El Toro, appeared in Luna's room, his eyes blazing with suspicion. "I knew it!" he growled, lunging at her like a ravenous animal. His hands wrapped around her throat, lifting her off the ground effortlessly.

"Let go of me!" she choked out, struggling futilely against his iron grip. But before she could land another blow, El Toro slammed her against the wall, pinning her there with ease.

In a low, evil tone, he said, "So, traitor, you think I didn't see? You thought I wouldn't find out?" His free hand reached into his waistband, pulling out a gun. "It's over for you now." The cold steel pressed against her forehead, inches away from her temple.

Luna's heart hammered in her chest as she fought to break free. Her mind raced, searching for any openings, any chance for escape. But he was too strong—too fast.

El Toro's grip on her throat loosened slightly, allowing a small foot of air to slip through. "Please... stop," she pleaded, her voice trembling with fear and desperation.

But it was futile as he raised the gun again, this time aiming for her head. Panic surged through Luna like electricity coursing through her veins. Frantic, she brought up her leg, connecting solidly with his groin. A grunt escaped from him as she twisted free, breaking his hold.

With renewed determination, she dived forward, landing a powerful kick to his stomach, doubling him over. Seizing the opportunity, she lunged forward, wrapping her arms around his waist and rolling them both onto the ground. Her knees found purchase against his chest, pinning him down while she straddled his midsection.

El Toro grunted in pain, his breath coming out in ragged gasps. He struggled futilely against her hold, but she was stronger than he expected. "You think you can fool everyone?" he spat out between labored breaths. "I saw everything; I know who you really are."

Luna froze, her heart stopping mid-beat. How could he have known? Her mind raced frantically, searching for any clues that would help her escape this nightmare. "Let me go," she growled through gritted teeth.

"No way," came the cold reply. "You're going to pay for betraying us." With surprising speed, El Toro pushed her off him, rolling away just in time to avoid her next blow. Pulling out a knife from his boot, he lunged toward her throat, but she managed to dodge it narrowly. They circled each other like predators sizing up their prey, each move calculated and deadly.

El Toro lunged again, this time catching her off guard with a powerful punch to the gut. The air rushed out of her lungs as she folded in half, doubled over in pain. He followed up quickly, launching a devastating kick to her side, sending her flying across the room into a nearby table.

The impact knocked the wind out of her once more, and she landed on broken shards of glass, cutting deep into her skin. Blood trickled down her leg as she struggled to regain her balance. "You think you can win?" he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt.

El Toro's relentless assault continued, his blows raining down on Luna like a storm of death. He kicked her in the gut again, sending waves of excruciating pain coursing through her body. Another blow landed squarely on her jaw, knocking her head against the wall behind her.

Her vision began to blur as she fought blindly, clawing and scratching at him, but he was too fast for her feeble attempts. She stumbled backward, trying desperately to create some distance between them. But it was futile; there was nowhere left to run.

With one final strike, El Toro delivered a devastating blow to her temple, causing stars to dance wildly in front of her eyes. Her knees buckled, and she fell unconscious, blood pooling around her face and chest.

Luna awoke to the sound of her own moaning echoing in the empty cell. Her body ached all over, and she couldn't move—her hands were bound behind her back, suspending her from the ceiling by ropes tied tightly around her wrists. She blinked several times, trying to adjust to the dim lighting and unfamiliar surroundings.

El Toro stood in front of her, his eyes cold and unforgiving. The rod he held menacingly in his hand glinted ominously in the harsh fluorescent light. "Welcome back," he said dispassionately. "Now, let's talk about your little 'adventure' with El Jaguar."

Luna winced as he slapped her abdomen with the rod, eliciting a groan of pain from her lips. "I... don't know anything about that," she managed to croak out between ragged breaths.

"Oh, I think you do," El Toro sneered, his accent thickening ever so slightly. He stepped closer, his breath hot against her ear. "I have ways of making people confess."

With lightning speed, he shoved the rod hard against her exposed pussy, causing another wave of agony to course through her.

Luna screamed, her body tensing involuntarily. Blood trickled down her thighs, staining the concrete floor beneath her.

El Toro smirked cruelly. "So, María del Carmen, no wait, Luna," he taunted, his voice dripping with venom. "You think you can fool everyone? I knew it was too good to be true when you showed up at the club that night." He slapped her across the face again, splitting open a fresh wound on her cheek. "Now, admit that you're an assassin, it'll be less painful—or suffer the consequences."

He circled around her slowly, examining her battered form like a trophy to be claimed. Each step brought him closer to her exposed pussy, and Luna's breath hitched in fear every time he neared. Her body began to tremble involuntarily, anticipating what would come next.

"I... I don't know anything about that," she managed to choke out through gritted teeth. "Now, just let me go."

El Toro's brow furrowed in fake disappointment. "Liar," he growled, his voice low and menacing. With a sickeningly smooth motion, he unfastened the restraints holding her wrists, causing her to swing wildly before collapsing to the ground with a thud.

He loomed over her like a shadow, brandishing the rod ominously. "One more lie, and I will force this into you." She could almost hear the dripping of saliva as he spoke those words.

"I... I'm telling you the truth!" she screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Please, just let me go!"

El Toro's eyes flashed with pleasure at her pleading. "Such a pretty cry you make," he purred, moving closer still. The point of the rod pressed against her labia, teasingly circling around her sensitive entrance before pulling back just as she tensed up in anticipation.

"Tell me the truth, and maybe I won't..." He paused dramatically, allowing her to squirm beneath his cruel torment. "Enjoy myself." With that threat hanging heavy in the air, he finally pushed the tip of the metal rod inside her, driving it deeper than before. Luna screamed in agony, arching her body off the ground in response to the invasion.

Blood trickled down her thighs, staining the concrete floor redder than before. Her cries echoed throughout the empty cell, reverberating off the cold walls like a macabre symphony.

El Toro didn't relent, continuing his brutal assault on Luna's body. He moved from her pussy to her clit, teasing and tormenting it mercilessly. Then he switched back to her ass, aiming for her sensitive spot with deadly precision.

Each thrust of the rod caused fresh moans and screams to escape her lips, mixing with her sobs of pain and despair. Blood trickled down her inner thighs, staining them an eerie crimson color. The metal head of the rod brushed against various sensitive points inside her, sending shockwaves of pleasure-turned-pain coursing through her entire being.

In a sickening twist, El Toro changed tactics again, plunging the rod into her rectum, stretching her tight opening wider than she thought possible. She cried out in equal parts terror and shame as he proceeded to brutally violate her both front and rear simultaneously.

El Toro's eyes glittered with satisfaction as he watched her body convulse in agony. The sound of her moans and cries of pain filled the silent cell, reverberating off the hard walls like a morbid symphony. He knew exactly how to push her buttons, how to make her writhe helplessly in ecstasy while hating every moment of it.

Without warning, he threw the rod aside, his hands gripping her shoulders roughly as he pulled her upright. Their bodies pressed against each other, hot and sticky with sweat and blood. His erect cock, already half-hard from earlier, found its mark without hesitation.

Luna screamed in renewed terror as he violently penetrated her tight passageway, tearing through her defenses like paper. Blood mixed with their fluids as he pounded into her mercilessly, claiming her brutally. Each thrust brought forth another primal moan from her lips, further fueling his sadistic pleasure.

Luna thrashed and squirmed, fighting against the rape with all her might. Her nails scratched and clawed at his chest, drawing thin lines of blood from beneath his shirt. She bit down hard on his shoulder, tasting the warm liquid that trickled into her mouth.

Despite her desperate efforts, El Toro was relentless, matching each slap and punch she threw with equal force. His thrusts became faster and harder, his hips moving in a brutal rhythm that left no escape for her battered body. Sweat coated their bodies, mixing together to form a sticky bond between them.

Luna's fight grew more frantic, her nails digging deeper into his flesh. She rocked her hips forcefully back and forth, trying to dislodge him from within her bruised body. But El Toro was too strong; he held onto her firmly, tightening his hold as his cock continued its brutal assault on her insides.

Blood trickled down his chest, staining his torso crimson where she had bitten him. Each powerful thrust brought fresh waves of pain crashing over her like a tidal wave. Her legs weakened, threatening to collapse beneath her weight, but she refused to submit.

Luna's determination was not in vain. Gradually, she managed to gain some degree of control over her body, her movements becoming more coordinated and precise. She used all her strength to push him away, but he held on tenaciously.

Finally, however, she managed to land a solid punch to his jaw, momentarily stunning him. Seizing the opportunity, she twisted fiercely, pulling free from his hold. Her body slipped out of his grip, landing heavily on the ground with a sickening thud. Panting heavily, she scrambled backward, putting as much distance between them as possible.

But El Toro wasn't finished yet; he lunged forward again, grabbing her by the hair and yanking her head back forcefully. With a final surge of energy, he rose up onto one knee, positioning himself behind her. He lined up his cock with her wet entrance once more, poised to continue their gruesome dance.

El Toro, his eyes blazing with raw anger and lust, plowed into her once more. With brutal force, he impaled her again, burying himself to the hilt in her torn, bleeding hole. Blood mixed with their sweat as he began to pound into her relentlessly, taking what he considered rightfully his.

Luna's screams turned into primal, animalistic sounds of pain that reverberated off the walls. Each thrust brought fresh waves of agony crashing over her like a tidal wave. Her body convulsed violently, her nails digging deeper into the scorched flesh of his shoulders as she tried futilely to dislodge him.

Despite her protests, tears streaming down her face, there was nothing she could do but endure the savage punishment inflicted upon her battered form.