Chapter 8

Back in the luxurious suite, El Jaguar paced restlessly, his mind consumed by thoughts of Luna. He knew she wouldn't be able to escape El Toro's grasp for long, but that didn't ease his growing worry.

As he brooded on the balcony, a familiar figure stepped out of the shadows—his mistress, Isabella. Her lithe form was draped in an ethereal white dress that accentuated her voluptuous curves, and she carried a glass of champagne elegantly in one hand. She sauntered towards him, her hips swaying seductively as she approached. "I hope my dear found relaxation," she purred, her voice velvet-smooth.

"Where is... she?" El Jaguar growled, not turning around to look at her directly. "Tell me what you know about her disappearance!" His tone was cold and menacing, hinting at the storm brewing within him.

Isabella raised an eyebrow, her red lips pursed in a mock surprise. "My dear," she purred playfully, stepping closer, "why would I care about some mere whore like her?" She sipped delicately from her glass, the ice cubes clinking against the rim before she set it down on a nearby table.

"You can't seriously believe I'd  know if something happened to that... Maria?" Her fingers traced the lines of his broad shoulders; they were hot against his skin. "Now, put away your worries and come here," she added seductively, reaching out to grab him by the collar of his shirt.

El Jaguar resisted her touch, but only barely. "Leave me alone," he muttered gruffly, trying to maintain some semblance of discipline despite the storm raging within him.

Isabella's eyes sparkled with amusement as she stepped closer, brushing against his leg lightly. "Such a stoic man you are sometimes," she teased, running her fingers up his thigh before trailing them over his crotch. "But everyone needs release, even someone like you." She leaned in closer, her breath brushing against his ear. "Especially when there is nothing else left to occupy your thoughts."

El Jaguar's resolve crumbled under her touch, his hands gripping her waist roughly as he turned around to face her. Their lips crashed together in a passionate kiss full of hunger and desire, their tongues tangling hungrily. His hands roamed freely over her body, exploring every curve and contour with renewed hunger.

Pulling away slightly, he growled, "I haven't had sex with you for some time now." Before she could react, he lifted her off the ground effortlessly, carrying her towards the bed like a prized possession. Once they reached it, he threw her down onto the soft linens, following suit moments later. Their bodies entwined in a frenzied dance, their moans filling the room as they lost themselves in each other once more.

Their coupling was rough and urgent, their bodies slamming together in a primal rhythm. El Jaguar's powerful thrusts matched perfectly with Isabella's moans of pleasure. His hands gripped her hips tightly, holding her still as he hammered into her wet heat relentlessly.

Sweat dripped down their bodies, mixing together to form a sticky bond between them. Each thunderous slap of flesh against flesh echoed throughout the plush suite, punctuated by gasps and moans of ecstasy. The coolness of the air conditioning contrasted sharply with the heat generated by their passionate encounter, heightening their desire.

Suddenly, El Jaguar stopped mid-thrust, his hips still buried deep inside Isabella. He pulled out slowly, leaving her panting and breathless. His eyes were empty of desire, replaced by a cold, unreadable look that sent shivers down her spine. "Leave," he commanded hoarsely, sitting up straight on the edge of the bed.

Isabella's body trembled slightly in post-orgasmic bliss, but she complied immediately, scrambling off the bed and gathering her discarded clothes. Without looking back, she slipped out of the room, closing the door behind her with a soft click.

El Jaguar lay motionless on the bed for several long minutes, his mind racing with thoughts of Luna. How could someone so fundamentally different from Isabella catch his interest like this? And more importantly, where was she now?

Luna's world was far from the luxurious suite. El Toro continued his brutal assault on her battered body, showing no signs of relenting. Her moans turned into unrecognizable sounds of pain and desperation as he mercilessly claimed her again and again. Blood trickled down her thighs, painting a gruesome trail on the concrete floor.

Her mind drifted in and out of consciousness, flashing images of better times with El Jaguar—their heated encounters and stolen moments of happiness that now seemed like distant dreams. But those memories were quickly replaced by agony as El Toro's cock slammed repeatedly against her sore entrance.

Isabella, tucked away in another secluded corner of the compound, was calmly finishing her plan. She retrieved a piece of paper from her purse and started writing meticulously with a fine-tipped pen. After several minutes, she added some makeup stains and fake blood splatter to make it look authentic, then wiped it clean before placing it back in a folder marked 'Top Secret.'

Returning to their room, she carefully placed the folder on the nightstand beside the bed where El Jaguar had been resting earlier. As she left quietly, she locked the door behind her, ensuring complete privacy for what would unfold later that night. Her eyes glittered with satisfaction knowing that by morning, Luna's fate would be sealed.

Later that night, El Jaguar walked into his suite, exhausted but still haunted by thoughts of Luna. He didn't notice the folder on the nightstand until he sat down on the edge of the bed, his eyes narrowing in confusion as they landed on the mysterious document.

Unfolding it carefully, he scanned through its pages, his brow furrowing deeper with each passing sentence. The contents were damning—evidence linking Maria, whose real name was Luna as written in the document,directly to rival gangs and illegal activities, including multiple unsolved murders. There was even a picture of her standing beside two known criminals, their faces obscured by tattoos.

He paced the room, considering the implications of this information. Could it be true? Was there any possibility of deception or manipulation? Finally, he decided to confront her about it tomorrow.

The following morning, El Jaguar woke up early, feeling the weight of his decision heavy on his shoulders. He dressed in simple civilian clothes and quietly left the suite, determined to confront Luna about the damning evidence he had discovered. As he searched the compound, he couldn't shake off the growing unease that something didn't add up.

On his way back to his office, he ran into Isabella strolling leisurely down the hallway. "Good morning, my love," she purred seductively, her lips curving into a sly smile. "I trust you slept well?"

"No," El Jaguar growled curtly, avoiding eye contact. "Where is... Marìa?"

Isabella raised an eyebrow in feigned innocence. "Ah, so you do remember her." She placed a hand lightly on his arm, her delicate fingernails digging subtly into his skin. "She hasn't returned yet. I think she decided to take some time alone after yesterday's... events."

El Jaguar sighed heavily, collapsing into her embrace. "Find her and bring her to me," he muttered grudgingly, relenting momentarily to her charms.

Isabella leaned in closer, her breath brushing against his ear. "Of course, my love," she whispered seductively, her hand trailing down his chest before cupping his crotch possessively. "But before that, why don't we bring back the memories of the good old days?" She pulled him towards one of the empty conference rooms, pushing him onto a table parked lengthwise along the wall.