Chapter 9

El Jaguar resisted her advances for a split second before giving in, his resistance melting away under her skilled manipulation. With a growl of desire, he tore off her shirt, exposing her breasts—perfect globes covered in sweat and dust from their earlier encounter.

Isabella moaned softly as he grabbed her by the hair, yanking her head back forcefully. Their lips crashed together violently, their tongues tangling in a desperate dance of lust. Her legs wrapped around his waist, lifting herself up against him, crying out his name between heavy breaths.

He ripped off her skirt, revealing her toned thighs and damp folds, glistening with anticipation. Without hesitation, he buried himself inside her once more, groaning at the familiar heat enveloping him. His hips moved feverishly, matching the rhythm of their passionate kisses, while his hands gripped her firmly, holding her steady as they lost themselves in each other again.

Their lovemaking was rough and animalistic, their moans filling the empty room like war cries. Sweat dripped down their bodies, mixing together to form a sticky bond as they struggled against the cold metal table. Every thrust brought forth another sob of pleasure from Isabella's lips, her nails scratched his back, leaving trails of blood that mixed with their sweat.

El Jaguar released her hair, tangling his hands in her long, silky locks instead, holding her head tightly as he pounded into her. His eyes bore into hers, filled with an almost primal hunger that matched hers. Time seemed to stand still, and all that mattered in this moment was the overwhelming need for release.

Isabella's moans escalated into high-pitched cries of ecstasy as El Jaguar relentlessly claimed her body. Her nails scratched his back harder, leaving markings that would join the others later. Their sweaty bodies slapped against each other in a rhythmic symphony of lust and desire.

Despite the violence of their union, there was an underlying tenderness that hadn't entirely vanished—a reminder of the bond they once shared. But it quickly gave way to raw animalistic passion as El Jaguar's hips picked up speed, driving them both closer to the edge.

Their climaxes were simultaneous, their bodies shuddering in unison as waves of pleasure coursed through them. Their moans turned into primal grunts and gasps as they rode out the intense orgasm together. El Jaguar released his hold on her hair, collapsing onto her body, panting heavily.

Isabella lay limply beneath him, her chest rising and falling rapidly, catching her breath. Slowly, she extricated herself from their entwined bodies, reaching over to grab a nearby tissue box. "That was... explosive," she managed between ragged breaths, wiping the sweat from their joined bodies. "You're still quite the animal, aren't you?"

El Jaguar, his chest heaving, finally pulled away from her, a half-smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You're quite the vixen yourself," he panted, reaching for his discarded clothes.

Isabella stood up and straightened her own clothes, sauntering towards him with a seductive sway of her hips. Leaning in, she planted a lingering kiss on his lips, their tongues tangling briefly before she pulled away. "I'll find that little thorn in our side for you, my darling," she purred, tossing him a playful wink before striding purposefully out of the room.

Meanwhile, Isabella made her way to the secret wing where Luna was being held captive. She approached the heavy, soundproof door marked 'Classified' and entered a dimly lit corridor, her heels clicking against the cold floor. As she neared the end, she could hear muffled sounds of struggle coming from inside.

Upon opening the thick steel door, she found El Toro standing over Luna. He turned, offering her a respectful bow before releasing her arm. "Madam," he said, his voice gruff but controlled.

Luna lay on the floor, her body bruised and battered beyond recognition. Blood stained the sheets around her, evidence of the brutal treatment she had endured. Her eyes were half-closed, and her breathing was shallow, nearly non-existent.

Isabella stepped inside the cell, her heels clicking on the cold floor. Leaning down, she ran a finger over one of Luna's bruised cheekbones, tracing the angry red marks left by El Toro's nails. "Look at you," she purred, her voice dripping with false concern. "Such a mess."

Luna winced slightly but didn't move, her eyes flickering open briefly before closing again. "What do you want?" she managed to croak out, her voice barely more than a hoarse whisper.

"Oh, I wanted you to suffer," Isabella replied coolly, her gaze hardening. "But it seems fate had other plans. Your precious records were found in your room, you know?" She took a step closer, leaning down so their faces were mere centimeters apart. "Your true identity has been revealed to El Jaguar, and I also planted some fake evidence and convinced him that you betrayed us, now he wants you dead you know, dead."

"Leave us" Isabella commanded El Toro.  Hearing her words, he flinched slightly before straightening up. "As you wish, Madam," he muttered, turning away from them and disappearing through the heavy door with a metallic click.

Isabella turned her attention back to Luna, who remained motionless on the floor. "So, now that you know your fate, do you have any final words?" she asked, her voice dripping with mock pity. Without waiting for a response, she grabbed one of Luna's bruised breasts roughly, twisting it cruelly before releasing it with a soft pop.

Luna cried out in pain, her eyes widening in shock as fresh tears spilled down her cheeks. "You bitch!" she managed to choke out between gasps for air. "You're just as bad as he is!"

Isabella's lips curved into a cruel smile. "Oh, I assure you, I am much worse," she purred, leaning closer until their breasts brushed against each other. "Now, beg for mercy like the whore you are."

Luna struggled futilely against her restraints, her body writhing in agony as she felt another hand reach between her legs, roughly probing her sore entrance. "I... I won't!" she spat out through gritted teeth, her eyes filled with defiance despite the pain.

Isabella chuckled softly before releasing Luna's breast, stepping back. "Such spirit," she praised, admiring her words. "But it won't save you now." With a swift motion, she grabbed hold of Luna's hair and yanked cruelly, causing her head to snap back violently. "Beg, or die here," she said coldly, her breath hot against Luna's temple.

Luna's eyes rolled back in pain as her head was pulled forcefully, but she refused to yield. "Never!" she cried out, her voice cracking with pain and determination.

Isabella chuckled darkly. "Then so be it," she muttered, releasing her hold on Luna's hair. With a swift motion, she grabbed the hidden knife strapped to her thigh and plunged it deep into Luna's abdomen. Blood spurted forth, staining the cold floor crimson as Luna screamed in agony, arching her back helplessly.