Chapter 10

Luna fought back with renewed ferocity, her nails scratching at Isabella's exposed flesh as she writhed on the floor. The shock of the stab wound caused her to momentarily lose grip on the knife, and it slipped from her hold. With a growl, Luna's leg shot up, connecting solidly with Isabella's groin.

Isabella grunted in pain, doubled over, and dropped the knife. Luna used this opportunity to roll away from her attacker, grabbing the weapon by the handle. "Stay back!" she warned, pointing the bloodied blade at her assailant.

Isabella remained standing, her eyes blazing with rage and fear. "You dare defy me?" she hissed, her hand reaching for another hidden weapon strapped to her thigh.

Luna lunged forward, aiming again for her weakness. Isabella, however, reacted faster than expected, throwing a punch that connected solidly with Luna's jaw, knocking her off balance. They both fell to the ground, writhing in a chaotic mess of limbs and blows.

Luna was quick to recover, wrapping her legs around Isabella's waist and flipping them both over. Now on top, she straddled her adversary, pinning her down with her thighs. With renewed determination, she brought the knife down again and again, aiming for vital points. Blood spurted everywhere as they fought for control of the weapon.

Isabella writhed beneath her, her nails raking down Luna's back, leaving trails of blood that mixed with sweat. "You whore! You fucking whore!" she screamed between labored breaths. Her eyes were wild with pain and rage, but there was a hint of terror in them too—a sign that Luna's relentless assault was starting to break through her facade of composure.

After several minutes of brutal struggle, Luna finally managed to disarm Isabella completely. Bloodied and battered, she stood over her unconscious adversary, panting heavily. Breathing in deeply, she surveyed the carnage around them—the bloodstained floor, their torn clothes, and the pool of blood spreading rapidly.

With a growl of disgust, she staggered towards the door, ignoring the pain coursing through her body. Carefully, she unlocked it and stepped out into the empty corridor. Her naked form was covered in blood and sweat, and she winced as every step sent waves of pain reverberating through her bruised body.

As Luna emerged from the secret wing, she found herself alone in the empty corridor. Breathing heavily, she tried to regain her composure before dashing towards freedom. Her bare feet pounded against the cold floor, echoing loudly in the silence.

Suddenly, the door behind her slammed open, and footsteps reverberated down the corridor. Turning around, she saw El Jaguar's men storming towards her, their guns drawn. With a primal roar of terror, she sprinted down the hallways, turning left and right at random, zigzagging through the maze-like labyrinth of tunnels beneath the compound.

Her heart hammered in her chest as she grabbed a nearby fire axe, smashing it against a steel door marked 'Staff Only.' It groaned loudly before swinging open, revealing a maintenance shaft leading upwards. Without hesitation, Luna clambered inside, pulling the heavy door shut behind her as the sounds of pursuit grew louder.

Inside the shaft, Luna crawled upwards, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she evaded her pursuers. The metal walls were rough against her sensitive flesh, and the confined space made it difficult to move quickly. Above her, she could hear the sounds of gunfire and explosions echoing through the compound.

Eventually, she emerged into a maintenance room filled with old equipment and rusted machinery. Breathing heavily, she checked her surroundings cautiously before tip-toeing towards a ventilation duct leading to the surface. With a final push, she pulled open the grate and climbed out, landing unsteadily on the rooftop.

Luna landed heavily on the rooftop, her body aching as adrenaline began to dissipate. She looked around frantically, trying to orient herself in the unfamiliar cityscape. The sun was setting, painting the sky with vibrant colors, casting eerie shadows across the urban landscape.

Below her, cars honked loudly, and people rushed about their daily routines oblivious to the chaos unfolding above them. In the distance, sirens wailed, drawing closer. She had no choice but to blend in with the crowd or risk capture.

With a determined growl, she stumbled forward, limping heavily down the rooftops, searching for any source of transportation that could carry her far away from this nightmare.

Luna, her heart racing wildly in her chest, ducked behind a billboard as she heard footsteps approaching. Peeking out, she saw a young man walking, oblivious to the danger looming over him. With growing desperation, she crept closer, her eyes never leaving his path.

When he passed by, she lunged at him, grabbing his shirt and pulling him against the wall, her body pressing against his. "Give me your fucking clothes!" she growled, her breath hot against his neck. The man's eyes widened in terror, and without thinking twice, he fumbled with his pants, pushing them down to his ankles.

Grunting in pain, she pulled on his jeans and T-shirt, tying the loose ends around her waist. Finally, she released him, turning away hastily as if nothing had happened.

Luna ran down the alleyway, her bare feet leaving bloody footprints on the pavement. She ducked into an alleyway, narrowly avoiding a car speeding towards her. Breathing heavily, she leaned against the wall, her chest heaving as she tried to calm down her racing heartbeat.

Ahead, sirens echoed in the distance, growing louder. She needed transportation fast, something to get her far away from here.

Luna's eyes scanned the street, her gaze landing on a motorbike parked outside a dive bar. It was unlocked, its owner oblivious to the chaos unfolding around him. With a quick motion, she sprinted towards it, grabbed the handlebars, and yanked hard, sending the bike skidding across the pavement.

The surprised owner stumbled backward, his feet barely touching the ground as the bike roared to life beneath her. Desperate, she mounted the bike, throwing her leg over the seat and launched herself forward, revving the engine loudly.

As Luna tore down the street, her heart pounding in her chest, she didn't realize she was being followed. Detective Reyes, who had been searching for her relentlessly since receiving a tip-off, saw her speeding away on the stolen motorbike and took off after her.

He kept up with her, his cruiser's sirens blaring in the background as they weaved through traffic, narrowly avoiding collisions. His eyes narrowed in determination as he watched her disappear around a corner, knowing she wouldn't get far with the police hot on her heels.

Luna veered left and right, her mind racing with panic as she tried to lose Reyes. She knew she couldn't outrun him forever, especially in this crowded city. With a growl of frustration, she pulled over at a construction site, dismounting the bike and dashing inside the ruins of a half-finished building.

The sound of gunfire echoed through the darkness, followed by footsteps pounding on the concrete floor. She hid behind a pile of rubble, praying it would be enough to conceal her. The smell of gasoline mixed with sweat and blood made her stomach churn, and she could feel a headache developing behind her eyes.

After what felt like an eternity, the footsteps receded, and silence returned. Luna peeked out cautiously, her heart hammering in her chest. The coast seemed clear, but she knew it wouldn't last forever. Frantically, she rummaged through the debris, eventually finding a length of pipe and a rusty old gas canister.

With trembling hands, she connected the pipe to the valve on the canister, igniting it with a matchstick. The resulting explosion rocked the building, sending chunks of concrete flying in all directions.

Coughing from the smoke and dust cloud, she emerged from her hiding spot, sprinting towards the chaos caused by the blast. The explosion had temporarily blinded Reyes, giving her a brief advantage. She ducked down another alleyway, disappearing into the maze-like labyrinth of streets.

Luna, her mind racing with panic and exhaustion, stumbled down a dimly lit alleyway. Her body ached from the beating it had taken, and she knew she wouldn't last much longer without food or rest. As fate would have it, she spotted a man walking towards her, his eyes glued to her exposed cleavage.

With a seductive smile, she sauntered towards him, her hips swaying provocatively. "You look lost, darling," she purred, her speech heavily accented. "Maybe I can help you find your way?" The man swallowed hard, his gaze fixated on her cleavage, which was partially exposed by her makeshift attire.

Luna wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her curves against him. Her breath brushed against his neck, sending shivers down his spine. With practiced ease, she unfastened his wallet, rummaging through the contents until she found some cash.

The man groaned in delight, his hands roaming freely over her body as she continued to tease him. His erection grew harder against her hip, and she couldn't help but feel a small twinge of disgust mixed with the desperation driving her actions.

Finally, she pulled away, her eyes filled with fake sorrow. "I'm sorry, my love," she whispered, "but I must go." With a final squeeze, she slipped the cash into her pocket and ran down the alleyway, disappearing into the labyrinthine streets.

Exhausted and battered, Luna stumbled into a rundown motel on the outskirts of town. Her phone vibrated in her pocket, reminding her that she needed to call for help. With trembling fingers, she dialed a familiar number, her voice shaking with fatigue and fear.

"Hello?" came a deep, authoritative voice on the other end of the line.

"It's me, Luna," she managed to croak out. "I need help. I'm hurt, and so I need a doctor to take care of my wounds." She explained the situation briefly, omitting any details about El Jaguar or Isabella.

A few minutes later, a black SUV pulled up outside the motel. Inside, a middle-aged doctor emerged, his expression neutral as he ascended the stairs to Luna's room. He surveyed her battered form with professional detachment, his eyes lingering on her exposed chest and thighs.

"Luna," he said coolly, "You look like hell." With practiced ease, he helped her onto the bed, examining her wounds closely. Blood stains marred her body, and several deep cuts required stitches. He cleaned her wounds methodically, his gloved hands brushing against sensitive areas inadvertently.

Despite the pain, Luna winced and flinched at his touch, her body still responding involuntarily to the proximity of another man. The doctor finished bandaging her up, handing her some painkillers. "Take these," he ordered curtly. "I'll leave you to rest."

Luna, lying on the motel bed, closed her eyes as the painkillers kicked in. The doctor left the room, and she was alone with her thoughts for the first time since escaping El Jaguar's grasp. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she replayed the horrors she had witnessed in her mind's eye.

She knew she couldn't just walk away from this mess; too many lives were at stake. With a grim determination, she vowed to expose the truth about the human trafficking ring, even if it meant risking everything—including her life.