Chapter 14

Outside the facility, El Jaguar and Reyes led Luna and Lily towards a dilapidated warehouse that served as a makeshift shelter. Panting heavily, they stumbled inside, panting heavily. The dim light illuminated the dusty interior, revealing several makeshift beds and supplies strewn about.

"We need to rest," he panted, collapsing onto one of the cots.

El Jaguar helped Luna onto the cot beside him, his strong arms wrapping around her as he lowered her gently. He laid down beside her, his body pressed against hers, providing some semblance of comfort in their dire situation.

Reyes helped Lily settle down on another bed, making sure she was comfortable.

Because of the exhaustion, Luna couldn't fall asleep. Her body ached everywhere, and her head throbbed with pain. She couldn't stop replaying the horrors of the past few hours in her mind. Gently, she slipped out of bed, avoiding waking up El Jaguar, and tip-toed towards the door. Pushing it open quietly, she stepped outside, closing it behind her. The cool night air hit her flushed skin like ice, and she let out a shuddering sigh.

Reyes was standing outside too, his eyes glued to the distant skyline, lost in thought. He didn't notice her approach until she stood close enough to speak.

Luna cleared her throat, trying to keep her voice low. "How did you end up on the same side as him?" she asked, gesturing towards the warehouse. Her eyes flickered briefly towards El Jaguar's door, worry etched on her features.

Reyes turned his head slightly, his gaze meeting hers. "Long story," he muttered, his eyes returning to the horizon. "One I'm not really comfortable discussing right now." He paused for a moment before adding, "But we both want the same thing—to stop Isabella and her operation."

She nodded, her brow furrowing in thought. "I guess that's something we can agree on," she mumbled, her voice barely audible.

Reyes turned to her then, his eyes softening slightly. "Luna," he began, approaching her cautiously. "You need to get those wounds treated." He gestured towards the warehouse door. "I... I can help."

"No, it's fine," she protests weakly, trying to brush him off. "I'll manage."

He stepped closer, his hands reaching out to gently push aside her torn clothes. "No, really, I insist. I'm not half bad when it comes to treating wounds." His fingers brushed against her bruised and bloody skin, and she winced involuntarily. "It won't take long."

Reluctantly, Luna allowed him to help her undress fully. The cool air caressed her naked body, sending goosebumps rising on her skin. Reyes' hands worked methodically, cleaning and disinfecting each wound meticulously. His touch was surprisingly gentle but efficient, seemingly unfazed by the blood and gore covering their bodies.

He started with the deepest cuts on her chest and abdomen, cleaning them thoroughly with antiseptic before bandaging them up. He then moved onto her legs, carefully avoiding her bruised thighs, focusing instead on the more superficial wounds. Finally, he reached her neck, where Isabella had choked her. "This one will probably leave a scar," he muttered under his breath, but she didn't react.

As he finished, he stepped back, examining his work. "That should do for now." He offered her some water, which she gratefully accepted. Their bodies were mere inches apart, and she could smell his masculine scent mixed with the faint hint of gunpowder and sweat.

Luna drank the water gratefully, her throat feeling raw and sore. "Thanks," she managed to croak out, her voice still hoarse from the earlier struggle. She winced as he helped her dress again, wincing at the slightest touch.

"Don't mention it," he replied gruffly, avoiding eye contact. "Now, we should get back inside. It's getting late, and we don't know what else is out there." He held out his hand to help her up, and she hesitated for a moment before accepting his assistance. As they walked back towards the warehouse, their bodies brushed against each other accidentally.

Inside the warehouse, El Jaguar was still asleep, his breathing steady. They carefully entered the makeshift bedroom, ensuring not to wake him. Lying down on another cot, Luna curled up into a ball, trying to find some semblance of comfort in the unfamiliar surroundings. Reyes followed suit, lying down beside her but maintaining a respectful distance.

As they settled down, exhaustion finally caught up with them, and sleep claimed them both. Their breathing slowed, and they drifted off into uneasy slumber, plagued by nightmares.

The next morning, they woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside. Stretching, Luna winced as her muscles protested their recent exertions. Reyes was already gone, and she wondered where he had disappeared to.

El Jaguar stirred awake beside her, his eyes half-open. "Morning," he muttered, rubbing his stubble-covered jaw. "How are you feeling?" His gaze lingered on her bandages, concern etched on his features.

"Better," she lied, trying to sound more confident than she actually felt. "Thanks for saving me."

He gave a nonchalant shrug. "Don't mention it, who treated your wounds by the way?"

"It was Reyes, where is he now?" She replied.

"Reyes went out earlier, said he had something to do." He replied, stretching his arms above his head.

"Oh," she said, her eyes shifting away from his bare chest. She cleared her throat nervously. "Well, I guess we should probably... search for more weapons or something."

"Yeah, that sounds good," he agreed, sitting up straight. He stretched again, flexing his muscles, revealing his toned abs and the outline of his hardened member underneath the sheets. His eyes accidentally met hers briefly, and they both quickly looked away, blushing brightly.

El Jaguar stood up, his eyes raking over her body hungrily. "You know, I've been thinking about you since... earlier," he admitted, his voice husky with desire.

Luna froze, her heart racing as she tried to process his words. She didn't want this, not now, not after what they had just been through. But his proximity was too much for her to resist. "I-I'm not..." she began, but he slipped his hand under the sheet, brushing against her sensitive flesh.

"Don't lie to me, Luna," he growled, his breath hot on her neck. His lips brushed against her earlobe, sending shivers down her spine. "We both want this."

Before she could protest further, he pulled her close, crushing their bodies together. Their lips met in a hungry kiss, tongues tangling and dancing as their hands roamed freely over each other's naked bodies. His cock pressed against her wetness, seeking entry.