Chapter 15

Luna moaned into the kiss, her resistance crumbling beneath his relentless assault. His touch was fucking incredible, making her forget about everything else but this moment, this connection. She wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him closer as he thrust into her tight channel.

Their bodies slapped together, creating a wet, sloppy sound that echoed in the empty warehouse.

The heat between them intensified, their breaths coming faster, heavier. El Jaguar's hands gripped her ass cheeks, squeezing them hard, marking her as his own.

Luna arched her back, meeting each thrust with equal fervor. Her nails scratched his back, leaving red lines in their wake, but he didn't seem to notice or care.

As they continued to fuck, sweat trickled down their bodies, mixing with their fluids, creating a sticky mess on the sheets below them. Their bodies moved in sync, their rhythm becoming almost hypnotic. Their moans transformed into animalistic grunts, lost in the haze of desire and lust.

El Jaguar's thrusts became faster and harder, slamming into her core. His cock hit her G-spot repeatedly, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Luna cried out his name, her nails digging deeper into his back, leaving bloody trails in their wake.

He groaned, his hips moving faster, pounding into her tight passage relentlessly.

Her orgasm built rapidly, a tidal wave of intense pleasure crashing over her. She cried out his name, her body convulsing violently around his cock. Her pussy clenched tightly around him, milking him dry as she rode out the peak of her climax.

Unsatisfied, El Jaguar growled, his hips moving faster, thrusting harder. His cockhead rubbed against her sensitive spot repeatedly, pushing her closer to another orgasm. "More," he panted, his breath hot on her neck.

Incoherent sounds of pleasure escaped Luna's lips as he continued to ravage her. Her body trembled with each powerful thrust, her nails digging deeper into his back, leaving bloody trails in their wake.

Their sweat mixed together, creating a sticky mess on their bodies. Their moans transformed into primal sounds of pure lust as they lost themselves in the rhythmic motion.

El Jaguar's pace increased, his thrusts becoming faster and harder. Each powerful thrust sent waves of pleasure coursing through Luna's body, making her scream his name in ecstasy.

As they continued their relentless dance, sweat dripped down their bodies, painting a messy canvas of their passion. Their breaths came in ragged gasps, their hearts pounding in sync with each thrust. His cockhead hit her G-spot repeatedly, driving her closer to another orgasm.

Luna's body tightened around him, milking him dry as she rode out the peak of her second orgasm. Her nails dug deeper into his back, leaving long red lines in their wake. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't hold back her cries of pleasure, nor could she prevent herself from coming again and again.

El Jaguar lost all sense of time and self-control, his animalistic hunger taking over. His hips moved faster, pounding into her wet core mercilessly. His hand gripped her hair tightly, pulling her head back, exposing her neck to his hungry mouth.

His teeth grazed against her sensitive flesh, leaving marks that would later turn into love bites. His lips trailed down her neck, sucking hard enough to leave bruises. His hands roamed freely over her body, squeezing her breasts roughly, pinching her nipples until they stood erect and red.

As their sweaty bodies continued to move in sync, their moans turned into primal sounds of pure lust. Their combined juices coated their bodies, creating a sticky mess on the sheets beneath them. Luna's walls contracted around him, milking every last drop of his cum, leaving nothing but emptiness in its wake.

El Jaguar growled, his hips bucking wildly, driving his cock deeper into her pussy. His balls slapped against her ass cheeks, creating a wet slapping sound in the otherwise silent warehouse.

Their bodies moved in sync, their sweaty skin sliding against each other's, creating a messy canvas of their passion. Their moans turned into primal sounds of pure lust as they lost themselves in the rhythmic motion.

In a final burst of energy, El Jaguar thrust hard, his dick exploding inside her, filling her up with hot seed. He groaned loudly, his entire body shaking with the force of his orgasm. After several long seconds, he finally pulled out, and semen dripped down between their joined bodies. Luna's pussy contracted around his shaft.

Panting heavily, El Jaguar smiled down at her, his eyes alight with satisfaction. "That was... fucking amazing," he panted, taking a moment to catch his breath.

Luna's body still quivered from the intensity of their lovemaking, her breasts heaving as she tried to regulate her breathing. She managed a weak smile, feeling surprisingly content despite the soreness and exhaustion. "Yeah," she managed to croak out.

Before she could reply, he flipped her onto her stomach, positioning himself between her spread legs. His cockhead pushed against her tight entrance, teasing her sensitive opening. With a groan, he thrust forcefully, filling her up to the brim.

Luna arched her back, her nails digging into the mattress as he began to pound into her from behind. Their bodies slapped together, creating a wet, sloppy sound that echoed in the empty warehouse. Her moans turned into animalistic sounds of pleasure as he took her faster and harder than before.

El Jaguar's thrusts became faster and harder, his hips moving in a relentless rhythm. His cockhead hit her G-spot repeatedly, driving her closer to another orgasm.

Luna's body tightened around him, milking him dry as she rode out the peak of her third orgasm. Her nails dug deeper into the mattress.

Their sweaty bodies continued to move in sync, their moans turning into primal sounds of pure lust. Their combined juices coated their bodies, creating a sticky mess on the sheets beneath them. Luna's walls contracted around him, milking every last drop of his cum, leaving nothing but emptiness in its wake.