Chapter 16

El Jaguar growled, his hips bucking wildly, driving his cock deeper into her pussy. His hands gripped her breasts roughly, pinching and twisting her nipples mercilessly.

Luna's body arched against him, begging for more of his rough treatment. Her moans turned into primal sounds of pleasure as he continued to ravage her.

Their moans turned into primal sounds of pure lust as they lost themselves in the rhythmic motion. The sound of their bodies slapping together filled the empty warehouse, punctuated by their heavy breathing and grunts of satisfaction.

In a final burst of energy, El Jaguar thrust hard, his dick exploding inside her, filling her up with hot seed. He groaned loudly, his entire body shaking with the force of his orgasm. After several long seconds, he finally pulled out, and semen dripped down between their joined bodies.

Panting heavily, El Jaguar smiled down at her, his eyes alight with satisfaction. "You feel... fucking amazing," he panted, taking a moment to catch his breath.

Luna's body still quivered from the intensity of their lovemaking, her breasts heaving as she tried to regulate her breathing. She managed a weak smile, feeling surprisingly content despite the soreness and exhaustion. "Yeah," she managed to croak out, "but I think it's my turn now."

Before he could react, she rolled over, pinning him down on the bed with her weight. Her hand grabbed his dick, stroking him slowly, teasingly. "You've been a very naughty boy, Jaguar," she purred, her voice low and seductive. She leaned in close, her lips brushing against his earlobe before trailing down his neck, nipping lightly at his skin.

"Luna..." he groaned, his hips instinctively bucking against her touch.

Luna straddled him, her pussy hovering over his throbbing member. Her hand continued to stroke him slowly, teasingly, while she positioned herself perfectly. She moaned softly, her breasts pressing against his chest, her hard nipples rubbing against his skin.

"Tell me you want it," she whispered in his ear, her breath hot against his earlobe.

"Yes...." he groaned, his voice breaking. He arched his hips, thrusting upward, begging for release.

With a satisfied smirk, Luna lowered herself onto him, his cockhead sliding easily into her wet entrance. She rode him slowly at first, savoring the feeling of power and control she derived from this position. Her walls contracted around him, milking him dry as she rode out the aftershocks of their previous orgasm.

Her breasts bounced up and down rhythmically with each thrust, her nipples brushing against his chest. The sound of their bodies slapping together filled the empty warehouse, punctuated by their heavy breathing and grunts of pleasure.

Luna picked up the pace, her hips moving in a hypnotic rhythm. Her moans turned into primal sounds of pleasure as she rode him harder and faster. Her nails scratched his chest, leaving long red lines in their wake.

In sync with her movements, El Jaguar's hips rose to meet hers, thrusting harder, deeper into her body. His hands gripped her waist, digging into her flesh, marking her as his own.

Their sweaty bodies moved in perfect synchronicity, their moans turning into animalistic sounds of pure lust. Their bodies slapped together, creating a wet, sloppy sound that filled the empty warehouse. Luna's walls contracted around him, milking every last drop of him.

In a final burst of energy, she threw her head back, her hair cascading down her back like a waterfall. Her orgasm hit her like a freight train, her entire being convulsing around him. Her nails dug even deeper into his chest, leaving bloody trails in their wake.

El Jaguar groaned, his hips bucking violently, taking control of the rhythm, driving his cock deeper into her pussy. His hands gripped her breasts roughly, pinching and twisting her nipples mercilessly. His cockhead hit her G-spot mercilessly, driving her to another orgasm within seconds.

Luna's body arched off him, her nails digging deeper into his chest, leaving long red lines in their wake. Her moans turned into primal sounds of pleasure as he continued to ravage her. Her pussy clamped down on him tightly.

Their sweaty bodies moved in sync, their moans turning into primal sounds of pure lust. Their combined juices coated their bodies, creating a sticky mess on the sheets beneath them.

El Jaguar growled, flipping them both over so he was on top of her now. His strong arms held her legs high in the air, exposing her pussy to his relentless assault. His cockhead teasing her entrance, he began to pound into her from this angle, hitting her G-spot directly. His hands gripped her breasts roughly, pinching and twisting her nipples mercilessly.

Luna's body quivered under the onslaught of his brutal lovemaking. Her nails scratched at his back, leaving long red lines in their wake.

El Jaguar thrust harder, his hips moving faster than ever before. His cock hit her G-spot repeatedly, driving her to another orgasm within seconds. Luna's body convulsed around him, her nails scratching his back mercilessly.

El Jaguar continued his relentless assault, changing positions occasionally to keep things fresh and exciting for both of them. He would flip them over so she was on top, ride her from behind, or even have her straddle him facing forward, allowing him to grab her breasts and squeeze them mercilessly.

Luna's body arched into each thrust, her moans morphing into primal sounds of pleasure. Her nails scratched at the sheets, she lost herself in the rhythmic motion. Their sweaty bodies moved in sync, their combined juices coating their bodies, creating a sticky mess on the sheets below them.

In one particularly rough position change, El Jaguar flipped them both over again, pinning her down with his weight. His cockhead found its way back inside her, hitting her G-spot mercilessly. He held her legs apart with one hand while he used the other to roughly massage her clitoris, sending waves of intense pleasure coursing through her entire body.

Luna's orgasm hit her like a freight train, her walls contracting tightly around him, milking him dry once more.

El Jaguar groaned, his hips bucking wildly, thrusting deeper into her. His cockhead hit her G-spot mercilessly, driving her to another orgasm within seconds.

In a final burst of energy, El Jaguar groaned, his hips rising off her for a moment before thrusting down hard, his cock exploding inside her. Hot cum shot out of him, coating her insides with his seed.

Luna's body shook with the force of his orgasm, her moans turned into primal sounds of pleasure as she rode out the aftershocks of their encounter. Her pussy contracted around him, milking him completely once more.

Breathing heavily, they both lay panting, their bodies covered in sweat and their faces flushed from the intensity of their lovemaking. "Woah... fucking amazing," El Jaguar managed to croak out between gasps for air.

Luna, still catching her breath, rolled onto her side, resting her head on El Jaguar's chest. Their bodies were still intertwined, their sweaty skin sticky and wet. As they lay spent on the rumpled sheets, their breathing slowly returning to normal, Luna's mind began to drift back to reality. She remembered their mission and the danger they still faced. "We should... clean up," she managed to croak out, reaching for a nearby cloth to wipe the sweat from her brow.

El Jaguar nodded in agreement, his face flushed with exhaustion and satisfaction. He rolled off her, allowing her to clean herself before he joined in. Once they were both presentable again, they dressed themselves in their worn-out clothes and finally stood up.

As they walked towards the door, Luna couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that someone was watching them. She glanced around cautiously, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. But something felt wrong — very wrong.

"You alright?" El Jaguar asked, sensing her unease.

"Yeah, just a weird vibe," she replied, trying to dismiss it as paranoia. "We should go and look for Reyes, it's been very long and he hasn't returned."