Chapter 17

Setting foot outside the dilapidated warehouse, Luna and El Jaguar began their search for Reyes. Their steps were cautious yet determined as they navigated through the dark alleyways of the city, their weapons at the ready.

They finally caught a glimpse of him up ahead. Their hearts skipped a beat upon seeing him conversing casually with two figures—Isabella and El Toro. Yet something wasn't right; there was an air of familiarity between them that sent alarm bells ringing in the back of Luna's mind.

As they approached, the trio noticed their approach, and Reyes broke away from the duo, hurrying towards them. "Luna! El Jaguar!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with relief. "Is something wrong? Why are you two here?"

"What's going on, Reyes?" Luna demanded, her hand unconsciously cupping her gun. "Why are you with them?"

Isabella stepped forward, her cold eyes locking with Luna's. "Reyes has been working for me," she announced calmly, her voice dripping with malice. "He's been feeding me information about your plans and helping me sabotage your escape route."

Luna's jaw dropped in shock, disbelief warring with rage on her features. "You bastard!" she snarled at Reyes, lunging forward only to be held back by El Jaguar's strong arm.

Taking advantage of the gap created by their surprise, El Toro moved quickly, grabbing a nearby trash bin and slamming it into El Jaguar's head, sending him sprawling onto the ground unconscious. Before anyone could react, Isabella tackled Luna to the ground, pinning her down with her weight.

Luna struggled futilely beneath her weight, her mind racing for a way out of this nightmare. She tried to kick and struggle, but Isabella's hold was ironclad. Despite being tied up and helpless, she spat in Isabella's face, spittle flying towards her eyes.

"Tsk tsk, that's not very ladylike," Isabella purred, reaching behind her back and unfastening her top. With a smooth motion, she slipped it off, revealing her breasts.

"So pretty," she purred, her voice laced with lustful hunger. El Toro joined in, his hand reaching down between her spread legs, fondling her wetness through her pants. "And you smell delicious too."

Luna squirmed underneath her attacker, struggling futilely. "Gonna enjoy this, baby doll," Isabella said, her voice dripping with malice.

El Jaguar, still dazed from the blow to his head, managed to stagger to his feet, ready to fight. But Reyes blocked his path, a nasty grin on his face. "Not so tough now, eh, Jaguar?" he taunted, brandishing his own weapon.

"Let her go!" El Jaguar roared, lunging forward. They engaged in a brutal hand-to-hand combat, their bodies colliding with powerful blows exchanged. Their kicks and punches sent shards of concrete flying as they fought ferociously.

Meanwhile, Isabella continued to tease and torment Luna, her hands roaming over her body, caressing her breasts and squeezing her bottom.

She whispered in her ear, "You want this, don't you?"

Luna squirmed and struggled, her mind racing for an escape plan, but all hope seemed lost as Isabella's hand slid downwards, reaching between her legs and roughly fondling her sensitive flesh through her wet panties. Her moans turned into angry growls as she tried to keep herself composed.

Isabella laughed darkly, her words carrying an undertone of delight in seeing Luna's discomfort. "You taste so good, baby doll," she purred, licking her lips hungrily.

Luna's mind snapped, and she bit down hard on Isabella's neck, drawing blood. Isabella yelped in pain, letting go of her hold on Luna momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, Luna rolled over and kicked Isabella squarely in the stomach, sending her flying into a nearby dumpster.

Isabella groaned, clutching her belly, but quickly recovered, charging at Luna with renewed determination.

As Isabella lunged at her, Luna ducked and rolled out of the way, landing a swift kick to the side of her knee, causing her to cry out in pain. Turning her attention back to El Toro, she launched herself at him with surprising agility, tackling him to the ground and straddling his chest.

Pounding her fists against his face, she yelled, "Don't you ever touch me again!" Her nails scratched his eyes and cheeks, leaving deep scratches in their wake.

El Toro grunted in pain, his vision blurry from the blows he took. Blood trickled down his face, mixing with sweat and dirt. He managed to grab hold of her leg, tripping her, and landing a powerful blow to her stomach. Luna's breath was knocked out of her, but she managed to roll out of reach before he could follow up.

Isabella stood back, watching their struggle with a twisted grin on her lips. "You think you can win this fight, Luna?" she taunted. "There's no hope for you."

Despite the pain coursing through her body, Luna mustered up some courage and lunged forward again, this time aiming a roundhouse kick at El Toro's midsection. She connected solidly, doubling him over in agony. As he bent over, she seized the opportunity to land a swift punch to his exposed jaw, knocking him cold.

El Toro, dazed but not defeated, groaned and slowly pushed himself back up. With a growl of frustration, he lunged at Luna again, grabbing her leg and yanking her down to the ground with him. Their bodies tangled together in a messy pile of limbs and sweat.

Luna howled in pain as he pinned her down, his weight crushing her into the concrete floor. His hands moved upwards, groping her breasts and squeezing them roughly.

Despite the pain and humiliation, determination flashed in Luna's eyes as she squirmed and kicked, trying to break free from his hold. Her nails raked across his exposed flesh, leaving shallow cuts that would later become painful scars.

El Toro chuckled darkly. "You're a feisty one, aren't you, Luna?" he growled, his voice filled with desire and malice. He planted a rough kiss on her earlobe before biting down hard, his teeth piercing her flesh.

Luna winced in pain, her body tensing up in response to his advances. "Bastard!" she screamed, struggling futilely against his hold. Her mind raced frantically, trying to find a way out of this nightmare.

Luna spat in his face, spittle flying into his eyes, temporarily blinding him. Seizing the momentary distraction, she wriggled free from his grasp and rolled away, gaining some much-needed distance. Rising to her feet, she circled around him warily, assessing her options.

El Toro growled, his eyes red with rage and arousal. He lunged at her again, this time wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her off the ground effortlessly. Luna squirmed and kicked furiously, trying to break free from his hold.

They crashed against a nearby wall, their combined weight causing cracks to form in the ancient structure. Luna's head collided with the cold concrete, sending stars dancing in front of her vision. Despite the pain, she managed to kick backward, connecting solidly with his groin.

El Toro grunted in pain, releasing his grip on her momentarily. Luna took advantage of the brief respite, rolling away and landing a powerful punch to his jaw. His head snapped back violently, and he slumped to the ground.

Taking advantage of El Toro's momentary daze, Luna quickly retrieved her top and slipped it back on, covering her exposed breasts.

She then turned her attention back to El Toro, who had recovered somewhat. He lunged at her once more, this time wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her off the ground again. She struggled futilely, her legs flailing wildly as they crashed against a nearby dumpster. Her head hit the metal surface hard, leaving a red mark on her forehead.

Despite the pain, Luna kicked with all her might, connecting solidly with his exposed groin.

El Toro howled in pain, clutching his groin as he fell to the ground. Luna didn't hesitate; she stomped down hard on his solar plexus, her heel connecting with a sickening crack. He convulsed, gasping for air, unable to stand up.

Luna's mind was consumed by vengeance and hatred towards him. She had endured torture and humiliation at his hands—he raped her repeatedly, treating her like nothing more than a plaything. Now, it was payback time.

With one final vicious kick, she launched herself forward, landing a powerful blow to his temple with all her strength. His head snapped back, and there was a sickening thud followed by silence. He lay motionless on the ground, blood trickling from the multiple wounds inflicted upon him.

Luna's rage fueled her actions as she continued to rain down blows upon El Toro, making sure he didn't stand a chance of surviving. Her fists flew like deadly weapons, connecting with his exposed flesh again and again. Blood splattered the ground around them, painting a gruesome picture of their encounter.

Each punch was a release of pent-up anger and frustration, a way for her to reclaim some semblance of control over her shattered life. Every groan and gurgle from him only served to further enrage her, fueling her desire for vengeance.

When at last, she felt no more resistance coming from him, she stopped, panting heavily, her entire body covered in sweat and blood.

She stood over him, looking down at his lifeless form with a mixture of satisfaction and disgust. "That's for taking what wasn't yours," she muttered under her breath.