Chapter 20

Meanwhile, back at the other end of the alleyway, Reyes continued his brutal assault on El Jaguar. The false cop landed punch after punch, each one landing squarely on El Jaguar's already battered face. Blood spurted forth from multiple cuts and bruises, splattering against the grimy walls.

El Jaguar, barely able to stand, tried to defend himself, but it was futile against Reyes' superior strength and training. His every blow seemed to land true, cracking bones and breaking ribs.

"You think you can beat me?" El Jaguar gasped between labored breaths. "You little fuck!"

Reyes just grinned, his eyes cold and unforgiving. "I'm nothing like you scumbags," he growled, delivering another powerful blow that sent El Jaguar flying into the nearest wall.

Blood trickled from numerous wounds across El Jaguar's body, painting him crimson. He coughed up blood, his once-impressive physique now reduced to bleeding wreckage.

El Jaguar, despite the brutal beating he had endured, managed to regain some semblance of his former strength. With a roar of rage and desperation, he lunged forward, grabbing Reyes by the collar of his shirt and slamming him against the wall. The impact knocked the wind out of Reyes, leaving him momentarily dazed.

El Jaguar followed up his advantage, his leg sweeping outwards, connecting with Reyes' exposed crotch. A loud groan escaped the former cop's throat as he doubled over in pain.

Using this opportunity, El Jaguar punched Reyes repeatedly in the gut, the force behind each blow enough to make the air around them crackle with power. Blood spurted forth from multiple wounds on Reyes' torso, painting his chest crimson.

Reyes struggled to catch his breath, his vision spinning as he fought to maintain his balance. "You bastard," he managed to croak out between ragged breaths. He tried to retaliate, but every swing of his arms felt heavier than lead.

El Jaguar, thinking he had the upper hand, prepared to deliver a devastating blow that would surely end Reyes' life. But just as he swung his arm back, Reyes' eyes flashed with sudden determination.

With superhuman strength born from desperation and adrenaline, he pushed off the wall, hurtling towards El Jaguar like a charging bull. His body collided with the latter's, sending them both crashing to the ground in a tangled mess of limbs and blood.

They wrestled furiously, their grunts and groans echoing in the dilapidated alleyway. Each blow landed harder than before, leaving both men battered and bruised beyond recognition. Blood spilled freely from multiple wounds, staining the filthy pavement crimson.

As they fought, neither man seemed to gain any significant advantage over the other. Their bodies slid across the ground, creating a chorus of heavy thuds and wet sound effects.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of brutal combat, Reyes managed to pin El Jaguar down, his knee pressing against the man's chest, holding him down.

He began to rain down blows upon El Jaguar's battered form. Each punch landed with terrifying force, sending waves of pain coursing through the incapacitated cartel leader.

Reyes continued to rain blows down on El Jaguar's face and head, each punch landing with brutal force. Blood splattered everywhere, painting both men in a macabre tapestry of violence.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of relentless punishment, El Jaguar's body stopped twitching. His chest rose and fell once more, but no breath followed, his eyes flickered and then went blank.

Exhausted and covered in sweat and blood, Reyes lifted himself off El Jaguar's body, panting heavily. He surveyed the carnage he had wrought—the alleyway was a sea of red, stained by their combined injuries and deaths.

Luna, having finally put an end to Isabella's reign of terror, staggered over to where El Jaguar lay lifeless. Her eyes widened in shock and horror.

Her eyes zeroed in on Reyes, she lunged forward, her fists flying towards his face. Bloodlust coursed through her veins, fueling her vengeance-driven attack.

"You son of a bitch!" she screamed, each punch landing with devastating force. Her nails scratched and clawed at his exposed skin, drawing more blood as they fought.

Reyes, battered and bruised, fought back with renewed determination. His eyes glazed over with the same murderous intent that had fueled him during the past few minutes' battle.

His fists connected with Luna's ribcage, sending waves of agony coursing through her. Blood spurted forth from multiple cuts and bruises, painting both of them crimson.

Reyes managed to push Luna against the wall, pinning her there with his body weight. His hands wrapped around her throat, squeezing tightly. "Whore," he growled, his voice hoarse from their brutal encounter.

Luna's vision began to fade, but she struggled against his hold, clawing at his face and chest, leaving deep scratches in his skin. Her nails dug into his shoulders, drawing more blood as she tried desperately to break free.

Reyes' grip around Luna's throat tightened, cutting off her air supply. Her eyes bulged in terror as she struggled to breathe. Blood trickled down her neck, staining his hand crimson.

Luna's body convulsed, her legs kicking wildly, but they only served to provoke more blows from Reyes. Each punch landed squarely on her bruised and battered torso, causing fresh welts to form on her already marred flesh.

"You whore!" he roared, his voice deepening menacingly. "Do you think anyone will ever want you now?"

Her mind raced, searching for any weakness in him, any chance of escape. But it seemed futile against the rage burning brightly in his eyes.

Reyes' breathing returned to normal, he released his hold on Luna's throat, only to slip his hand lower, palming her breasts roughly, squeezing them hard. "El Jaguar is dead, there's really no reason left for you to fight anymore," he growled, his voice dripping with false sympathy. "So stop fighting, there's really no point to it at all."

His words were like poisonous daggers piercing her already shattered soul. She stopped struggling, her body going limp in his grasp. Her eyes glazed over with defeat and despair.

Taking advantage of her weakness, Reyes pulled down his pants and boxers, freeing his already erect cock. He positioned himself between Luna's spread legs, his dickhead rubbing against her wet entrance. His hands gripped her waist tightly, holding her still as he pushed inside her, tearing through her defenses like paper.

Luna whimpered in pain and humiliation, tears streaming down her cheeks. She bit down hard on her bottom lip, trying to suppress the moans escaping her throat. Reyes thrust aggressively, pounding into her battered and violated body. Blood mixed with their sweat, creating a sticky film on their bodies as he claimed her violently.