Chapter 21

Reyes' thrusts were brutal and merciless, every powerful stroke driving deeper into Luna's ravaged body. His hips slapped against her bruised buttocks, making wet, slapping sounds as he claimed her violently.

Luna's moans of pain morphed into strangled gasps, her breathing becoming shallower with each violent thrust. Blood trickled down her thighs, staining the filthy alleyway floor crimson.

"You like this, don't you?" Reyes growled, his voice husky with lust and power. "Admit it, you want more of this."

His words pierced through her broken spirit, digging deep into her soul. She bit down harder on her bottom lip, her eyes filled with a mix of hatred and shame.

His hands roamed freely over Luna's body. His fingers scratched and clawed at her breasts and stomach, leaving fresh trails of blood in their wake.

His thumb brushed against her sensitive nipple, twisting and tweaking it mercilessly. "Tell me you want this," he demanded harshly, his voice low and commanding.

Luna's body trembled under the barrage of sensations, her mind spiraling into a chaotic abyss. She couldn't think straight anymore; all she knew was the monstrous cock inside her, stretching her battered flesh to its limits, the rough touch of his hands on her bruised skin, and her own shameful arousal building up inside her.

Reyes growled in frustration, his thrusts becoming even more savage. His hips bucked violently, pushing deeper into her already ravaged depths. Blood mixed with their sweat, creating a sticky mess on their bodies.

As he reached his climax, his cock swelled inside her, and he roared, his orgasm taking him over completely. Hot semen filled her, coating her insides with his seed.

Luna's eyes darted towards the lifeless form of El Jaguar, and she saw a faint twitch in his finger. Her eyes lit up with hope, an unlikely spark of determination igniting within her.

She bit down hard on his neck, her teeth digging into his flesh deep enough to draw a loud yell from him. With all her remaining strength, she wrapped her legs around his waist, using them like vice-like grips to pry him off her.

Reyes struggled to maintain his hold on her, his grip loosening slightly. Taking advantage of the brief moment of weakness, she pushed him back, sending him crashing against the wall behind him. She broke free from his grasp and scrambled to her feet, panting heavily. Her body ached from the brutal encounter, but adrenaline coursed through her veins, giving her renewed strength.

Reyes was momentarily stunned, rubbing his sore neck and chest. His vision was blurry, and he could feel blood trickling down his face from where Luna had bitten him.

"You fucking whore!" he roared, lunging at her with renewed fury.

Luna dodged his wild swings, her eyes filled with determination as she circled around him. She feigned a step forward, causing him to flinch in anticipation of another attack. Instead, she ducked beneath his outstretched arm, rolling gracefully over his back and landing behind him.

In one swift motion, she wrapped her legs around his waist once more, her nails digging into his exposed flesh.

Reyes groaned in pain, his balance off-kilter from her sudden assault. However, he managed to turn around, snarling at her. His hand shot out, grabbing her hair tightly, yanking her head backward forcefully.

"You think you can best me?" he growled, his breath hot against her earlobe. "You?!"

Despite the blood loss and exhaustion, there was an undeniable power emanating from him—a primal rage that made every muscle in his body coil with pent-up energy. Luna struggled to break free from his vice-like grip, but it was futile against his strength.

Her vision began to spin again, and she fought against the growing blackness creeping into her awareness.

Reyes' grip tightened, his arms wrapping around Luna's waist, lifting her off the ground effortlessly. He held her upside down, her head dangling inches away from the dirty pavement. His eyes burned with unbridled hatred, rage, and lust as he glared down at her.

"You think anyone wants a used-up whore like you?" he spat out, his breath hot against her exposed neck. "No one will ever want you again."

In that moment, Luna felt something snap inside her. She summoned every ounce of remaining strength she had and kicked him square in the groin, aiming for his previously injured testicle.

Reyes grunted in pain, releasing his hold on her hair abruptly. Both of them stumbled forward, their bodies colliding with a loud thud. Luna fell to the ground, rolling over onto her back, gasping for air. Her vision was spinning wildly, and she couldn't tell if she'd actually hit her target or not.

Reyes' face contorted in agony, and he doubled over, clutching his crotch. Blood trickled down his leg, staining his pants crimson. However, his eyes flashed with determination, and he quickly regained his composure.

"You think that hurt me?" he growled, his voice hoarse from their earlier exchange. "Wait till you feel my wrath!"

Before Luna could recover, he lunged at her again, driving his knee into her stomach with devastating force. The impact knocked the wind out of her, and she convulsed, writhing in pain. He followed up with a swift punch to her jaw, sending her flying across the alleyway.

Blood trickled from multiple cuts and bruises on her battered body, painting the filthy pavement crimson. She landed heavily on her side, her mind reeling from the barrage of blows.

Reyes stood over Luna, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he caught his breath. His eyes blazed with unadulterated rage and lust. He reached down, grabbing her by the collar of her torn dress, and yanked her roughly to her feet.

He delivered a powerful blow to her stomach, sending her flying back into the wall behind her. She landed hard, her head hitting the concrete with a sickening thud. Blood trickled down her face, painting her features crimson.

Before she could recover, he followed up with a swift kick to her abdomen, knocking the wind out of her again. With each blow, her body trembled, and fresh bruises appeared on her already battered form.

Luna's vision spun wildly, and all she could do was try to protect her midsection as best she could. Her body ached from the constant barrage of blows, but she refused to give in.

He continued to pummel her, his fists connecting with her abdomen and ribcage with sickening force. Blood spurted forth from multiple wounds, painting them both in crimson. Each punch landed harder than the last, each blow more brutal than the one before.