Chapter 16. Aftermath...[1]


Outside The Mirror...

In the midst of a dark, eerie silence, Valeria's lips were locked onto Cris's neck, her fangs sunk deep into his tender skin, as she indulged in the intoxicating, crimson elixir that flowed through his veins.

Her eyes, once a deep, mysterious black, now burned with an unholy, Scarlett red intensity, as if the very essence of her being was consumed by an insatiable thirst for her little brother's blood.

The world around her melted away, leaving only one, all-encompassing thought that echoed through her mind like a haunting mantra: "Cris's Blood... My little brother's Blood... Hehehee...!"

As she savored each delicious, velvety drop, her senses were heightened, and her very existence seemed to revolve around the rhythmic pulse of Cris's heartbeat.

The air was heavy with the sweet, metallic scent of his blood, and Valeria's own heart raced with an unbridled excitement, as if she had stumbled upon a long-lost treasure.

Her fingers, like skeletal branches, grasped Cris's limp form, holding him in a deathly grip, as if she feared that even the slightest movement might shatter the spell that bound them together.

But, like a sudden, jarring note, a cry pierced the stillness, shattering the hypnotic trance that had ensnared Valeria. Eve, who had been sleeping fitfully nearby, now stirred, her tiny, rosebud lips trembling as she let out a plaintive wail.

The sound was like a splash of icy water, dousing the flames of Valeria's passion, and snapping her back into the harsh reality of her actions.

As she gazed upon Cris's pale, unconscious form, Valeria's eyes, still blazing with that Scarlett red intensity, began to well up with tears. Her grip on Cris relaxed, and her fangs, still lodged in his neck, slowly retracted, as if drawn back by some unseen force.

The bloodlust that had driven her to such extremes now seemed to curdle in her stomach, replaced by a crushing sense of guilt and remorse.

With a sob, Valeria's lips parted, and a whispered apology escaped her lips, a gentle, sorrowful breeze that rustled the leaves of Cris's still form. "Sorry..." "Sorry..." "Cris, Sorry..." "Sorry..." The words tumbled out, a staccato beat of regret, as Valeria's face contorted in a mask of anguish.

Her tears, like diamonds, sparkled in the faint light, as she mourned the transgression she had committed against her own brother.

Unbeknownst to Valeria, however, a subtle, yet profound shift was taking place within her very soul. The romantic feelings she had harbored for Cris, once a tender, budding flower, had begun to twist and writhe, like a serpent slithering through the shadows.

Her obsession, once a gentle, loving sentiment, was now metamorphosing into an eternal, twisted passion, a hunger that would haunt her every waking moment, and forever alter the landscape of her heart.

As the tears continued to flow, Valeria's gaze remained fixed upon Cris, her eyes drinking in the sight of his peaceful, slumbering form. And in that moment, she knew that she was forever changed, that her love for Cris had crossed a threshold, from which there was no return.

The darkness that had long lurked within her, had finally emerged, its presence heralded by the Scarlett red glow that still lingered in her eyes, a beacon of the twisted, all-consuming passion that now drove her very existence.


As the torrent of tears finally began to subside, Valeria's quivering lips gradually relaxed, and her convulsive sobs slowly gave way to a fragile, hard-won calm. The stormy tempest of her emotions, which had threatened to consume her entire being, gradually receded, leaving behind a fragile, exhausted tranquility.

With a deliberate slowness, as if every movement was a monumental effort, Valeria carefully lowered Cris's limp, unconscious form onto the rough, rocky surface of the cave. The sound of his body coming to rest on the unforgiving ground was a soft, muffled thud, a stark contrast to the anguished cries that had filled the air mere moments before. As she gently arranged his limbs into a comfortable position, her hands trembled with a mix of fatigue and lingering fear.

Next, Valeria's attention turned to the tiny, helpless form of Eve, who lay listless and still, her small chest was going up and down as result of crying.

With a tender, maternal care, Valeria scooped up the infant, cradling her in her arms as if she were a precious, fragile treasure. Her eyes scanned the surrounding area, her gaze finally coming to rest on a small, earthenware container nestled in the shadows.

The container, adorned with intricate, swirling patterns, seemed to glow with a soft, golden light, as if it held the very essence of nourishment and comfort.

With a gentle, practiced motion, Valeria lifted the container to Eve's lips, and the infant's eyes fluttered open, her tiny hands grasping reflexively for the sustenance that would bring her back to life. As the warm, creamy milk flowed into her mouth,

Eve's eyes locked onto Valeria's, and a faint, flickering spark of recognition seemed to ignite within their depths. The sound of her contented, gurgling sighs filled the air, a symphony of relief and gratitude that seemed to wash over Valeria like a soothing balm.

As Eve's eyelids began to droop, heavy with the weight of her own exhaustion, Valeria's voice, low and melodious, began to weave a gentle, lulling spell. The words of the lullaby, soft and soothing, seemed to dance on the air, a hypnotic rhythm that wrapped itself around Eve's fragile, sleepy form.

The infant's breathing slowed, her tiny chest rising and falling in a slow, peaceful cadence, as Valeria's voice painted a vivid, dreamlike tapestry of comfort and reassurance.

Finally, as the last notes of the lullaby faded away, Eve's eyes drifted shut, her small body relaxing into a deep, restorative sleep. With a final, tender glance, Valeria gently lowered the infant onto a soft, cushioned surface, carefully arranging her tiny limbs into a comfortable, relaxed position.



Next Chapter "17. Aftermath...[2]"


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Lone Raut
