Chapter 17. Aftermath...[2]


Inside The Mirror...

As Valeria's skilled fingers danced across Eve's eyelids, she orchestrated a symphony of slumber, lulling her into a deep and dreamless sleep.

With Eve's gentle snores serving as a soothing serenade, Valeria's gaze shifted, like a magnet drawn to its polar opposite, towards Cris, whose unconscious form lay sprawled before her like a sacrificial offering to the gods of fate.

The weight of her gaze settled upon his still features, and Valeria's countenance transformed, her visage a topographic map of guilt, etched with the fine lines of remorse and the deep crevices of regret.

As she began her deliberate approach, her footsteps whispered secrets to the floor, each step a calculated move in a choreographed ballet of caution.

The air was heavy with anticipation, thick with the promise of revelation, as Valeria's slender fingers trailed behind her like a bridal veil, leaving a trail of tension in their wake.

Valeria settled in beside the unconscious Cris, her slender fingers gently cradling his head as she positioned herself in a serene Lotus pose, her lap serving as a makeshift throne for her prized possession.

Her gaze drifted lazily over Cris's countenance, drinking in the sight of his chiseled features, his dark black hair a rich, velvety canvas adorned with subtle, fiery red highlights at the tips, like embers glowing with a soft, inner light.

As she beheld his tranquil face, a dreamy haze seemed to envelop her, her eyes glazing over with a mixture of contrition and adoration.

With a soft, sorrowful sigh, Valeria's lips parted, releasing a whispered apology that hung in the air like a fragile, shimmering mist: "Sorry, Cris, For Earlier... Please, Forgive Me."

Her voice trembled with remorse, her expression a poignant blend of sadness and guilt, her eyebrows furrowed in a delicate, penitent arch.

Yet, as she continued to speak, her tone underwent a jarring transformation, her words dripping with an unsettling, obsessive intensity: "But Cris, I Know From Now On, You Are Mine... And Mine... And JUST MINE...!!!" The possessive glint in her eyes flashed like a warning beacon, illuminating the dark, turbulent depths of her psyche.

As she gazed upon Cris's supine form, her voice dropped to a husky whisper, her words dripping with an unwholesome, covetous longing: "Everything Of Yours Is Mine, Your Heart, Your Body, Your Mind... Every Last, Lingering Thought, Every Fluttering Heartbeat, Every Whispered Secret, My Little Brother..."

Her eyes roved over his features, her gaze lingering on the curves of his lips, her voice growing thick with an almost palpable, aching desire: "And Those Lips Of Yours, Too... Oh, Those Lips..."

The air seemed to vibrate with her unspoken hunger and her eyes were glimming blood red, her very presence seeming to draw Cris into her orbit, as if she were a dark, gravitational force, warping the fabric of reality to ensnare him.

With a tender, yet unsettling, deliberation, Valeria's lips descended upon Cris's, her kiss a gentle, yet possessive, claiming of his unconscious form, as if she sought to brand him with her own, inescapable mark.

The sound of her kiss was like a soft, velvety sigh, a promise of eternal, all-consuming devotion, a vow to ensnare him in her web of obsessive, yandere passion, forevermore.

Outside the Mirror...

As the image of Valeria's lips tenderly brushing against Cris's cute features flashed before their eyes, the collective gasp of the Cultivators was so profound that it seemed to suck the air out of the atmosphere, leaving a vacuum of stunned silence in its wake.

The very fabric of reality appeared to warp and bend, as if the laws of physics themselves were struggling to comprehend the sheer audacity of the scene unfolding before them.

And then, like a chorus of despairing angels, the anguished cries of the female fans of Cris erupted into the air, a cacophony of shattered dreams and crushed hearts.

The sound was akin to the shattering of a thousand delicate crystal vases, each one representing the fragile hopes and desires of a devoted follower, now lying in shards on the cold, hard ground of reality.

"WHAT... THE... HELL...!!!", a voice wailed, the words torn from the very depths of a soul in torment, as if the speaker's own heart was being ripped asunder by the brutal hand of fate.

"What... The... Actual... FU*K...!!!" another voice echoed, the tone a perfect harmony of shock, disbelief, and utter devastation, like a symphony of sorrow conducted by the maestro of heartbreak himself.

"Did... that... Girl... FREAKING... KISSED... THE YOUNG HEAVENLY EMPEROR...!!!", a third voice shrieked, the words tumbling forth in a frantic, staccato rhythm, as if the speaker's very sanity was hanging by a thread, threatening to unravel at any moment.

"Is... this... Dream... or... What...!!!" a fourth voice stammered, the tone a perfect blend of incredulity and desperation, as if the speaker was clinging to the fragile hope that this was all just some cruel, twisted illusion, a nightmare from which they would soon awaken.

"How... Dare... that... Bitch... kissed... HEAVENLY EMPEROR-SAMA...!!!", a Japanese female Cultivator, resplendent in her traditional kimono, spat out the words with a venomous intensity, her eyes blazing with a fierce, righteous indignation, as if she was defending the honor of her beloved Cris against the perfidious advances of this usurping interloper.

"What..." a lone voice trailed off, lost in a sea of confusion and dismay, as if the speaker's mind was reeling from the sheer implications of this scandalous act, struggling to reconcile the ruthless, cold-hearted reputation of the Heavenly Emperor with the tender, intimate gesture of a kiss.

"Well... How... Can... Kissing... be... associated... with... Ruthless... and... Cold... HEAVENLY EMPEROR...!!!" another voice exclaimed, the tone a perfect blend of bewilderment and fascination, as if the speaker was grappling with the very fabric of reality, trying to understand how these two seemingly incompatible concepts could coexist in the same universe.


Ray's eyes narrowed into slits as he gazed at the scene unfolding before him, his mind seething with envy. "That ruthless emperor, Cris, had his first kiss at such a tender age, while I'm still in the adult ages, unable to even muster the courage to hold a girl's hand, except for my mother's, of course," he thought, his inner monologue dripping with bitterness.

The memory of his own awkward encounters with the opposite sex flashed before his eyes, making him wince in embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Eve's face remained a mask of neutrality, but her mind was a whirlwind of confusion. "Is she really kissing my brother, the same brother who's as cold as ice and cruel as a viper? Or is this some sort of illusion cultivation spell gone wrong?" she wondered, her thoughts racing with the implications of what she was witnessing. Her eyes darted back and forth, as if searching for any sign of deception.

Riya's mental tirade was a different story altogether. "That thieving, manipulative, Demonic Vampire... bitch! She stole Cris's first kiss, the one thing I've been dreaming of for ages! Even though Cris is my arch-nemesis, he is still My Husband,Ah.. i can't help but feel a pang of jealousy and envy. Ugh, why did it have to be her?" Her inner dialogue was a jumbled mix of anger, resentment, and frustration, with a dash of self-loathing thrown in for good measure.

Rev's thoughts, on the other hand, were laced with a hint of envy and a dash of skepticism. "Did that girl really kiss Master ? It doesn't seem like something this is an illusion, but I didn't think Someone had Courage to Kiss My Ruthless and Cold Master. But why I don't like this...?" Her eyes flickered with a mixture of curiosity and longing, betraying her otherwise stoic demeanor.

Hera's mental state was a powder keg of emotions, ready to explode at any moment. "I thought that I took his First Kiss, it was mine! But no, that sly, cunning bitch..No.. that thing had to go and steal it from me! My cultivation pressure is going haywire just thinking about it!" Her inner turmoil was a maelstrom of envy, jealousy, and possessiveness, threatening to consume her at any moment.

As for the other four women and the numerous female cultivators who made up Cris's fan club, their thoughts were eerily similar. "That Bitch Should Just Die," they collectively seethed, their minds burning with resentment and anger. The air was thick with tension, as if the very fabric of reality was about to tear apart at the seams.

All While Male Cultivators were Feeling Jealous Well, Not Of Valeria But Of Cris But Some Of them were Feeling Jealous Of Valeria too, As Some of them are Part Of Cris's Fan Club.

-(There are Few Things Doesn't Change As The Weirdess Of Some People Doesn't Change...

Quote From Lone Raut...)


Next Chapter "18. Living in Mountains...[1]", Sorry For Delay, And Once Again Because Next Chapter Might Come Later Because I want Finish An Small Minor Arc in My Other Book First.


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"Villain : Conquest"


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Good Day....

Lone Raut
