
After handing over the stolen jewels and becoming a victim of his adoptive father's ambition, he flies to the country Nick mentioned. If it weren't for his sense of care and kinship, he wouldn't have wanted to obey the old man's wishes. He had spent six months engaged in various dirty and evil jobs. He hadn't even slept well the last few days. Unfortunately his request to enjoy a holiday was rejected.

After finding out what happened to NYX, he has no other choice but to carry out the very last mission and then become the leader of a mafia organization for the next several years. At least until Nick becomes an adult.

He was on his way to the plane. He did not board NYX's private plane because he did not want to take the risk of being recognized by many people in this new country he was stepping on. He wore the same clothes as last night. He is a person who doesn't like delaying time so he immediately flew after receiving the challenge.

He carried another suitcase of the same model and color in his left hand. He had arrived on the plane. Now he was looking for the restroom, wanting to clean his hands from the red spots. Once he had enough, he came out of the bathroom and looked for a place to sit.

He loosened his tie, pulling it apart from the collar. He stretched it out and unbuttoned one button of his shirt. He wrapped his palms with the navy tie. He is one of those people who doesn't care about himself. When it comes to wounds, he usually goes to a friend who works as a doctor to take care of it. But especially this night he left the wound untreated. He gripped his navy tie tightly in his palm to stop the bleeding.

Not long after that, he arrived at a row of business class seats and immediately closed his eyes right after sitting on one of the seats. He sighed and glanced at the time on his watch. An hour of deep or light sleep would be his pleasure just now. He was about to sleep soundly but the noise in his head disturbed his peace. In fact, it brought him to a problem that he had always wanted to forget and avoid a long time ago.

It shouldn't have turned out like this. In general, mafia associations will be led by a family. Usually mafia families are the oldest and most influential families in a country. Rank in the organization usually takes precedence for people in the family. Everything is arranged according to traditions inherited from generation to generation, this mafia pyramid also applies to NYX. Nick is the person who has the right to be leader, as well as being the last person recognized by his father for that position.

On the other hand, the man was an adopted child who climbed the mafia caste pyramid quickly. He always gets praise for every job he completes. This made the old man really like him. He has a physique and intelligence that not everyone has. The higher the old man's hopes for him, the higher the other mafia members' hopes for him. After all, their goal in joining this mafia association is because of money. Then the man has the ability to bring it about. His reputation in the organization was bad but the superiors really adore him, moreover, they admired the man's obedient attitude.

"Are you okay, sir?"

A question from the flight attendant interrupted his thoughts. He turned his head and waited for what made her ask him. The woman looked gloomy and then she moved her index finger to point to the right side of his body. The man followed the direction the flight attendant was pointing, she was talking about his wound.

"No thanks." the man said briefly then he folded his arms in front of his chest and closed his eyes again. He intended to gently shoo her away but the flight attendant seemed to want to satisfy her curiosity.

"Do you need a bandage?" asked the flight attendant.

The man remembered something. He pulled away from the head of the chair and reached into his pocket. As he remembered, one of the NYX's guards gave him something. He showed the object to the flight attendant's. "I already had." He said without the slightest smile.

The flight attendant smiled, even wider and clearly wanted to talk to him more. She waited for the moment when the man bandaged his wound. So that she could help the man and get a chance to be close. However, the opportunity never came, the man's behavior made her even more surprised. Because the man put the bandage back in his pocket, folded his arms and closed his eyes again.

The flight attendant was ignored and she was very embarrassed. She got up and let the man enjoy the pain. Nick's warnings about women make him skeptical. However, even without Nick's words, he would still act coldly towards her or any women that will come into his life.

Right after the first sound of those heels, he moved to correct his sitting position then went back to sleep.

Now it was no longer the sound of the devil's whispers that disturbed his sleep. But something hard was stuck in his trouser pocket. He frowned then took his time to find out what was in his left trouser pocket.

There was a silver ring with a beautiful round, clear head on his hand. The head of the ring doesn't look like a diamond nor a pearl. The ring head looked like a half moon of clear glass embraced by two palms. However, it didn't look beautiful because it was dirty and the style was outdated, according to him.

Suddenly a question appeared in his head. Why is this thing in his trouser pocket? To eliminate any irregularities, he dived back into the events that occurred a few days ago. To be precise, when he was in China. When he managed to remember, he got up from his chair and walked towards the restroom, for the second time. Then he took the time to throw the ring into the trash.

A few days ago, when he came out of a museum with his loot, an old woman stopped him. Without saying anything, the old woman showed him the exact same ring. Then she said, "Someday your life will change because of this ring. Take it. Luck is coming your way, come take it."

"I don't believe in superstition." Rejected the man and then walked past the old grandmother.

The old granny looked very surprised and she held his hand again, "You will see the miracle after wearing it." she said, trying so hard to convince. The old grandmother stopped his steps again. "Ah no, don't put it on your finger. Put it on someone else's hand, your wife perhaps."

"For once," he raised his voice, started annoyed by that old granny, "I'm not superstitious and I'm not looking for a wife. Could you just, please.. leave me alone."

The old granny looked like a homeless person who was trying to sell her only possession. Out of pity, he gave her a 100 dollar bill and then left without taking the ring. So how did this ring get into his pocket? He doesn't usually let his guard down like this, this is very disturbing. What annoyed him even more was the old granny's audacity in throwing her rubbish into her trouser pocket.

At the end of the flight, he couldn't rest. The plane had landed and he was getting ready to get off. Tidying something on his head then wiping his eyes. This time he took the time to wrap the wound with a bandage. So as not to arouse suspicion among airport security officers.

He stopped for an ID check. He showed his identification card and passport in front of the sour-faced officer. The officer continued to examine his face and photo carefully.

"What business are you here for, sir?" Asked the airport officer while returning his passport. The man put the object in the pocket of his black coat.

"Business affairs. I sell men's clothing such as suits or shirts, if you want to know the details."

"Well, apologize if I ask about your personal problems, sir. Recently we have been warned to tighten supervision. News of the theft that occurred in China made our superiors strangle our necks. You are clean, please put your belongings on the tray for inspection."

The man complied with the officer's requests with rare regularity. He took off his watch, a small suitcase and had his body examined by an aluminum detector. It made a very loud sound as it stopped on his chest.

"Please empty your pocket sir," said the airport officer.

He didn't remember bringing anything other than the suitcase. He reached into his jacket pocket and found the ring inside. A clear headed ring that looks old and dirty. Without thinking, he put the object on the tray. After that the officer let him go.

"Welcome to Indonesia." said the officer politely as he handed over the ring which was the last item to undergo inspection.

The man did not respond to the officer's friendliness. He walked wide and fast and threw the ring again when he found a trash can. Due to the noisy incident just now, he attracted quite a lot of attention so he quickened his pace. Realizing the officer was looking at him while whispering to his friend made him alert. He quickened his steps and increased his alertness around him.

Someone called his name repeatedly and he had no choice but to run a little. "Mister!" Call that person.

Not long after that, someone grabbed his shoulder. The man took off the suitcase and twisted the person's arm. It didn't stop there, he slammed the person against the wall in a very strong lock.

"Ow ow ow.. you're hurting me!" the person shouted shrilly. The voice didn't sound like the deep voice of an airport security officer. He peeked at what the person he was dealing with looked like.

It turns out he locked and slammed the body of a young lady. The woman was groan in pain with her cheek pressed against the wall so that her voice couldn't be heard clearly. Her round glasses slipped off her nose and fell to the floor.

"What are you looking at?! Let me go!" The thunderous shout from that woman was able to attract the attention of all the airport residents.