Honey, I don't care

"I know, and shut up." said the man in the most rude way possible.

Aleyah immediately pouted and pursed her lips when she received a reprimand from the man. Couldn't he have said it a little softer? Always stiff and keeping his distance just like people during Covid. Aleyah didn't stop sulking after that and the man didn't have the slightest sympathy for her.

The man rolled his eyes when he noticed the reaction of the woman beside him. For some reason, she often looked at him sarcastically with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Did she really think that was a good way to make him apologize? It won't. Ah forget about this woman, there are other things he needs to think about.

The two policemen were close. He needs to think, what should he do to avoid them? They will meet soon. It would be strange if he suddenly turned around or crossed the road without any reason. This woman would ask him where he was and that would make things even more difficult for him.

Unfortunately he wasn't wearing a hat or mask today. He could only hope the police didn't glance and remember his face. He is the mafia's most vigilant secret agent and is meticulous in every detail. This is also what makes his mission always smooth and completed without any obstacles. Then Aleyah is a calculation variable that is never in his calculations. She is a walking disaster and he was too late to realize it. 

But the good news was that the woman was silent and sulking throughout the journey so he didn't need to speak again until the police heard his voice. So he was sure that even this time it would be fine, he- they wouldn't attract attention.

The two policemen had already walked past them. Without greeting, without glances and without the slightest suspicion. He quietly let out a sigh of relief, a very small sigh that the woman beside him didn't hear at all.

"Hey, both of you."

Suddenly one of the policemen who had just passed them spoke. Aleyah immediately turned around, unlike the man who was still waiting for the second call from the police.

"What's wrong, police officer?"

The man was annoyed, why did the woman even ask innocently like that? Did his order to remain silent wasn't clear enough?

"Stop right there, I want to ask something." they added and he was sure that they would soon approach where he was standing.

Damn it, this is the worst, the man thought angrily. And after a few moments, the man was too stunned to speak. The woman chatted intimately with the two policemen. It turned out they called Aleyah, not him. They seemed to know each other and he couldn't escape or enter into their conversation.

"Saturday night want to watch a movie together?" asked one of them named Jeremy. Aleyah nodded in agreement then realized the person next to her was still silent. "Oh yeah, this is the nice man who is helping me carry the groceries. Buddy, introduce yourself, they are my friends." said the woman, again provoking the man to say his name.

The man didn't make a sound, he just nodded slowly then turned around to continue walking. Aleyah laughed awkwardly, "Haha, he's a shy and quiet friend, see you later, everyone." said the woman as a farewell.

Aleyah had to run a little to catch up with the man. "Couldn't you be friendlier?" Aleyah scolded when she arrived beside the man.

The man glanced behind him for a moment then stopped to speak to the woman. "How can you be friends with them?" he asked in disbelief.

"Hm... we have been friends since childhood until high school and we just met again a month ago. Actually, he was born and raised here but his family moved out of town several years ago. Then miraculously he had a job in this city again. The world is very small, isn't it? And then–"

 Suddenly the man sighed heavily, "Short answer." interrupted the man harshly.

Aleyah pouted again, "You and your impatience..." Aleyah scolded in annoyance then folded her arms in front of her chest again. "I don't want to talk to you anymore."

"I mean why are you hanging out with them? Didn't your father warn you not to get close to... " the man pondered his decision, "you know, a man." he continued. He did not mention the police to not invite suspicion.

"Yes, papa told me not to get close to you." 

The man nodded in agreement, "Then you disobeyed your father's words." he said.

Aleyah became annoyed again, "I'm an adult so I can do whatever I want. Besides, what do you mean by how can I get along with them? It would be weird if I didn't greet them and act like a stranger."

She raised her face arrogantly. "I know why you are so skeptical. You're always suspicious of everyone, that's why you're so secretive. And I am sure you definitely don't have any friends."

"Stop making arbitrary conclusions. You don't know me at all."

He just didn't understand why Smith would let his daughter hang out with state security officials. That is, the only reason why the bakery is still operating is because it is a place for the exchange of information from clients to NYX members. It's the property of a mafia organization, the bakery is part of the criminal underworld. What was he thinking by letting his daughter associate with the police?

Aleyah got rid of her frustration as quickly as lightning when she saw the notification on her cellphone. It was Jeremy who sent him movie tickets. She would watch her favorite actors and all the annoyance in her heart would immediately disappear. She is not the type of girl who is vengeful, she forgives easily and can easily forget. This makes her a kind-hearted girl who is naive and careless.

"You know what? I am right, you don't have any friends and I am gonna give it to you." she said with a broad smile. "Oh yeah, next Saturday night we will watch a movie. Want to join us?" she asked innocently.

Where did this woman's courage come from to easily invite him to watch a film? She doesn't remember what her father said? How could she invite a stranger into her plans? She didn't have the slightest suspicion of people, especially strangers like him who were clearly not good people.

"You want me to hang out with them? Seriously?" asked the man again in disbelief.

Aleyah nodded, "Yeah, it will be fun. They are very nice people, we will become close friends in no time. So what do you think?"

"You're the most stupid person I've ever met." he taunted then continued walking.

Aleyah jogged again, "Watch your mouth while I'm still talking nicely to you. I warn you." she continued while pointing her index finger.

The man put the groceries in front of the bakery. "Is it possible that they often come to your bakery?" he asked again.

"Of course, they must have bought cakes from here earlier."

The man did not discuss anything more with the woman. It's clear that Smith is hiding the secret behind this bakery from his daughter, perhaps both of them. He didn't need to discuss anything more with this woman. Aleyah's ignorance meant that he had to maintain confidentiality. He had no right to preempt Smith's decision.

Besides, he had to immediately keep his distance from this woman. She was clearly going to make his job difficult.

"Why are you so curious about their relationship with me?" This time it was Aleyah's turn to ask.

The man shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Aleyah made a mischievous smile on her face then stepped closer to the man. "Could it be that you're jealous?" she asked mischievously.

The man was wearing his black jacket and bent his body. "You almost made me laugh." he said without the slightest sign of the laugh he meant.

"I'm not being funny." Aleyah replied firmly. "They said your reaction showed signs of a jealous person." she continued.

"Says who?" asked the man while raising his eyebrows.

Aleyah didn't mention that she knew it from the internet, books and novels. He would be laughed at if he said that to this cold cynical man.

"What makes you believe that I will fall in love with you? Your confidence is baseless." he said, glancing at the woman from head to toe.

Aleyah dresses very simply. To the point where it could be said to be too childish for an adult woman. Thick glasses, oversized trousers and a t-shirt with a picture of an old local band. Shoulder length hair that is tangled and untidy. Her face was a little sweet but that wouldn't be enough to make Aleyah attractive in his eyes.

"What are you looking at? I could make anyone fall in love, I just don't want to because it would be too troublesome."

"You and your fanciful stories..." the man sneered back, ending with a laugh full of mockery.

"What did you say? Do you really want a proof?"

"Honey, I just don't care."

Aleyah became very speechless. She was ridiculed, insulted and belittled by this brash man with tissue-thin patience. And what did she do? Nothing, she lost the debate and this made her even more upset.

The man lifted the corners of his lips before completely disappearing from the corner of the alley. He taunts her again, ah this is embarrassing.