
"Aleyah Ananda Mikola," called her father as they sat around the dining table.

Aleyah took off her spoon and fork. "W-what's wrong?" her answer was full of fear. Her father rarely called Aleyah by her full name.

"What did I say about that guy that came the other day? Why did you even go home with him a few days ago?"

"That's not true, papa. You must have seen it wrong."

"Lucy told me, it's useless for you to lie. Look at you, now you dare to disobey my words and tell lies."

Aleyah glared at her sister, Lucy stuck out her tongue, "That's payback for going ahead of me. I told you I would make that man mine." she whispered mockingly.

"Girls, I'm talking. Can't you two take this seriously?"

"Sorry papa." said Aleyah immediately. Unlike Lucy, the youngest has the courage to deny her father's words. "Aleyah is the one who flirts with that man, why are you even scolding me..." she complained, pulling out a pitiful eye card to escape her father's reprimand.

Aleyah snorted in annoyance, touched her spoon again and admitted that she had been with that man a few days ago. "I'm not flirtatious. I just can't stand seeing people who are silent like him, I feel like I want to open their brains to find out what's in their minds."

"Ugh sis, don't talk about disgusting things while I'm eating."

Aleyah deafened her ears to Lucy's complaints. She persuades Smith to believe her and stop being angry with her. "I had to ask for help that day, papa. The beverages are really heavy, and besides, he's going in the same direction as me."

"You should have bought a motorbike." Smith interrupted between chewing. The anger never faded from his face which was starting to wrinkle.

"Yes, I admit that I was careless that day. But look on the bright side, the man turned out to be a good man, the proof was that he helped me get home. Even though his words felt like knives, sometimes. There's no need to be worried about it."

Smith sighed, "Once I say no, it still means no. If I see you or Lucy near him again, I will throw Mr. Kane away." Smith was talking about a stray cat they took in a week ago.

"No, not my cat!" Lucy shouted then hugged the black and white cat tightly which was sleeping comfortably. She looked at her older sister closely, "Just stay away from that guy Aleyah, is it that so hard for you to do? Kane was sacrificed because of your careless actions." Lucy protested loudly.

"I won't go near that man again, papa. Please don't kick Mr Kane out."

Smith took a deep breath then took another sip of water. The atmosphere returned to calm. Aleyah glared at Lucy who brought all this to her, if only she was good at keeping secrets, her meeting with that man a few days ago would not have reached her father's ears. Lucy ignored Aleyah and returned to her seat with Mr. Kane on her lap.

Not long after, a bomb was dropped on Aleyah when Smith told her to look for work in the capital. "The jobs there are better than in this small town. You can accompany Lucy to college and live with her too. That's the best decision for both of you."

"Then who will take care of you, papa? This bakery too?" Aleyah asked, her stubbornness appearing every time her father discussed closing the shop left by her mother.

"This bakery will close at the end of this year. I will immediately sell it for your living expenses in the capital." Smith furrowed his brows as he stared at his rice, "So I want you to focus on finding a job there. If you want, I will ask my friend to make you one of the managers in his company."

"You are going to sell the house and shop? All the memories of us and mother are in this house, papa. How could you do that? I want to continue my mom's bakery, I will."

"We give you education, not to languish in this place. You can definitely live freely outside the city, I will make sure you live comfortably so look for work in the capital. That's all your father asked for."

Aleyah gripped her palms tightly. She didn't agree but she couldn't go against her father's decision. Luckily, a knock was heard at the front door, making the tense atmosphere melt away.

Aleyah looked at her cell phone screen, a phone call came in and it was from Jeremy, her friend who sent her tickets to the cinema a few days ago. Not long after that, she said goodbye to Lucy, Mr. Kane and lastly to her father, who always didn't like her hanging out with men. In fact, Smith didn't like her going out with anyone. Even Jeremy, her own childhood friend.

"It's just Jeremy, papa. If I'm not mistaken, he moved from the capital, I'll ask him about work so let me play tonight okay?"

"Okay, just this once, don't come home late at night. But your skirt isn't too short?" Smith asked, not liking it when Aleyah was just about to go down the stairs. Aleyah wore a white dress above the knee and a purple cardigan as outerwear.

"No dad, it's not short. There was someone who said big sister was ugly a few days ago so she dressed up tonight." Lucy interrupted so that her father wouldn't make her sister change clothes. This is her apology for leaking the story about Aleyah's meeting with that man.

"It's cold outside," said the old man again. And with affection, he took the time to get up and get a jacket for his eldest daughter.

After that, Smith didn't make any more comments and let Aleyah enjoy time with her old friend. Jeremy drove the car after saying goodbye to Smith in front of the house.

"Where's Justin?" Aleyah asked, surprised because there were only the two of them in the car.

"He's on night guard duty so tonight it's just us. It feels like going back in time, we used to play together like this, right?" Jeremy asked nostalgically, hoping for an enthusiastic reaction from the woman beside him but Aleyah just nodded without realizing the man's expectations. She was busy putting on her seat belt and checking her hair which she had tied neatly.

Jeremy glanced at her a few times, "You look beautiful." he complimented in the sweetest way ever.

Aleyah covered her lipstick tightly. "Isn't it? I can be pretty if I want to, he's just so mean." she muttered then rubbed some of the red stains that crossed her lip line.

Aleyah never forgot that humiliation. She regretted that she remained silent when the man teased and insulted her. Aleyah made up her mind that from now on she would leave the house with beautiful makeup so that she would no longer be underestimated by this arrogant and cold man. Yes, if we meet again.

"And he is..?" Jeremy asked in surprise.

"We'd better not talk about him. That man is the most indifferent person ever, he also had the habit of being cynical towards anyone."

Jeremy laughed bitterly, "Whoever that guy is, he's lucky, I thought you were dressing up for me." he said then stopped the car in front of a red light.

Dee was stunned. She didn't know Jeremy would say something like that.