old friend

The sound of footsteps interrupted the tension between Smith and the man. "Well, well.. What is happening here?"

"That was my doing." Said the person carefree, he didn't even hesitate to confest in front of that man. He helped Smith get up and brushed the dust off the old man's clothes.

"You have to respect elderly properly. Poor thing, he's crawling on the ground like a nasty cockroach." he said in another cocky tone.

The man didn't seem surprised. "I'm glad you finally confessed without doing anything with your arrows and bow. I just want to know whose side you're on so don't say too much." he said sharply.

"Long time no see," said the new man while stretching his arms, ready to receive a hug. There was a bandage on his earlobe. "Come on, don't be angry." he said again. He came like a storm in the middle of the calm night, it's no wonder that all they gave him was suspicion and anger. The new man lowered his arms and cleared his throat a little awkwardly.

"Okay, NYX people are always strict and serious. In short, I am on your client's side, namely Mr. Aiden. Complete information, my name is Lucas, sent by Mr. Aiden to carry out missions just like you big man. The difference is that I was told to finish the rest of your unfinished work." said the man named Lucas to the man who was still full of anger beside Smith.

"My work is neat and perfectly done." Said the man still without excessive expression. "The mayor will disappear without a word and everything will be revealed in 1o days. It was perfect timing because it coincided with the disappearance of all evidence. But you just messed up my job and now the government dogs are investigating this case." the man replied sharply as he stepped forward little by little until he arrived in front of Lucas.

The man did the same thing to Smith, but Lucas didn't shrink back or be afraid of him. Lucas had put the muzzle of his gun against the man's stomach and he froze so that the man's sharp weapon wouldn't scratch his neck. They both carried out sneak attacks.

"Are you sure you would do this to your client's men?"

"You're bluffing. I know who you are since you've shot me with your arrows. You're a member of NYX, who are you going to fool?" threatened the man with furrowed brows.

Lucas smiled sarcastically, he didn't expect the man to immediately recognize him from the very first. "It's because I'm sure you won't return to us. You have forgotten where you come from. And I was so surprised when I heard you came home at that time. It turns out you still remember the way home, even if it's because of the boss's health."

Lucas peered at the tip of the man's knife, "Are you going to prove them right? You're a crazy bastard who can kill your own people." he said sharply, almost sounding like a challenge.

The man grinned as a reward for Lucas' bravery. "Then let's test who deserves to live tomorrow, shall we?" the man challenged then clenched his palms.

Lucas chuckled, he raised his gun and the man did the same. After that, Lucas hugged his old friend for a moment and the man let him go without laughing or saying the least bit happy to meet him.

"I will explain the details to you later." Lucas said to the man, he understood the meaning of his old friend's silence.

Smith kept his distance from them. He sneaked in and wanted to escape. He had reached the outside of the alley but Lucas stopped his steps. "Where are you going, old man?" he asked, pointing the gun at Smith who was already outside the alley. Smith's body was illuminated by the moon so it was impossible for his shot to miss.

"Papa, what are you doing there?" shouted a woman standing in front of the bakery. Smith looked at her, glared at Aleyah then shook his head gently to warn his daughter not to come any closer.

Not long after, Lucas and the man appeared from the shadows, looking at who Smith was staring at. The man immediately grabbed Lucas' gun and hid it so the woman wouldn't see it. When he discovered the beautiful face of a woman, Lucas immediately smiled and whistled, "You have a beautiful daughter." he said with a mischievous look.

Smith smiled at Aleyah, "Come in first, I'll talk to my acquaintance for a moment." Drive it away in a gentle way. Smith hopes that his daughter will get back in quickly before anything untoward happens.

Aleyah immediately nodded and Smith bowed deeply, which stunned Lucas and the man. "They had nothing to do with this," said Smith, full of fear and despair. He said that to both of them but he emphasized his words to the man, someone who had been close to his eldest daughter recently.

Lucas let out a crisp laugh, "You're getting soft Smith. What will you do if I don't obey your words? Your daughter would look cuter with a hole in her head, don't you think?" he said without mercy.

Lucy, who was peeking in the doorway, was immediately pulled by Aleyah to immediately go back inside. Aleyah could see that his father was afraid, so it was possible that the two men were not good people, especially considering his father's strange behavior in the last few days.

The man just stared blankly at Aleyah, who had exchanged a little glances with him. Then something popped into his head after he saw that woman so he told Smith.

"You shouldn't have left NYX. That way you can provide the security they need. This is the consequence of a traitor so stop acting like a pathetic victim." interrupted the man in a calm but condescending tone.

Smith raised his head, this time he looked firm and not bothered by the man's words. "I did not betray. I want to live a normal life again but your adoptive father or your current leaders won't let me. My wife is a precious person to both of us and she chose me so there was no other way for your boss to alienate me like this." Smith explained at length.

"Stop your rambling, you shameless traitor!" Lucas said irritably with emphasis.

The man laughed, "You are very stupid if you think you can return to a normal life Smith."

"Stupid maybe yes but regret... I don't think so. My life is perfect after meeting them and it is worth what I sacrificed. Even if told to go back in time, I would still choose her and this life."