Dinner table

Aleyah glanced at her father, she could see that Smith's appearance was a little strange. His neck was a little red with nail marks and his clothes looked very dirty. Smith noticed the suspicion, "I lifted a few sacks of rice, there's nothing to worry about." he said while massaging his shoulders and neck.

"This is similar to what Aleyah did in my dream last night. She raised a hundred stocky pandas like a sumo with her big hands and body. Dad can bring a hundred bear cubs, can't you?" whispered Lucy while glancing at Aleyah.

Smith laughed a little, "You're sweet little silly, but daddy will do it if it makes you happy." he said and Lucy wrinkled her nose in reply, she was happy to hear that.

"Papa, you are not young anymore." Aleyah said worriedly, she didn't even pay attention to Lucy's jokes anymore. Smith expressed his gratitude for his eldest daughter's worries and he was very happy to hear the jokes of his beloved youngest child who was always cheerful.

Aleyah peeked at the window of her house, the man was no longer there. This was her chance, she wanted to know who the man really was or what his relationship was with his father.

"What have you been talking to those two people?" Aleyah asked after gathering courage.

"If your father told you, would you stop being curious?"

Aleyah nodded, "I'm afraid, they look more like enemies than your friends. Could it be that they really are your acquaintances?"

Smith sighed, "I want to borrow money from them, so don't think of anything else." He chose to lie, he had to find an excuse so they wouldn't ask again. He looked at the boxes in the corner of the house. That cold man threatened him not to move or leave the city even a little so he couldn't take his daughters to the capital. But he also didn't dare let them leave the city just by them self, considering that NYX was closely monitoring his movements and the warning, he didn't want to take the risk.

"And they said they don't have money so plans to move to the capital will be postponed, that's okay, right?"

Lucy and Aleyah both complained, "You don't need to borrow money for us. I have enough savings for myself, papa." said Lucy, annoyed.

"That's right, you has done enough for us. So don't do anything that will tire you more than this." Aleyah said patiently and gently. "I've also found a job, you don't need to worry about us anymore."

Smith smiled sincerely hearing his two daughters trying to comfort him, "That's great news, so what's the job like?"

"Jeremy introduced me to his friend. This friend manages a clothing brand. I want to apply for their marketing team because their brand is not very well known. I don't mean to be condescending, I'm just saying their weaknesses and I want to help them in the marketing department. But he had other ideas during a live interview yesterday afternoon." Aleyah said then glanced at the reactions of her father and sister. She had no other choice but to tell the truth.

"He asked if I wanted to try on their clothes. I don't know what he saw in me but he said I would fit perfectly into their new clothes. It will even make their brand look classy. He said that." she continued.

"Isn't that quite a good opportunity? You just need to dress up for work. That's literally my dream job."

"Yes, they will dress me up and do a photoshoot, if I agree. Then I was asked to try on one of their dresses and photograph it for make up preferences or concept, I didn't understand what they were saying about fashion and such. All I know is I have to send photos. And I need your help, Lucy."

Lucy clapped her hand, "I'm willing to help if you give me permission to try on those dress."

Aleyah nodded in agreement while showing the package sent from the brand she mentioned earlier. Lucy immediately rushed to find scissors and opened the package.

"Lucy, finish your food." Smith said, just as a reminder.

Lucy took out one of the dresses from the plastic wrap, stretched it and pressed it to her body. "Shut up.. I.. looked terrific! This dress really suits me." she said excitedly.

Aleyah shook her head then rolled her eyes upwards, "They're too long for you, we're not the same height."

"Papa, look at her, she's making fun of me again."

"You're going to wear those clothes?" Smith asked Aleyah after taking a good look at the clothes Lucy was trying on. The shirt was slightly open at the back.

"They sent three dresses, I'm sure the others will be prettier than this. Eat quickly, sis, I'll help you take pictures."

"Okay, wait after I cook warm water for papa." Aleyah said. Lucy sat back in her chair without taking off her dress and ate the rest of her potatoes.

"Try another job that is more certain. Try not to show off your body. I don't want my daughter to work for something like that."

"Gosh, you are so old-fashioned, papa." interrupted Lucy with her cheeks full of potatoes. "Just take the offer, sis. Any job is better than baking bread at home and working on this failing place."

Good morning viewers. Regarding Information, we are back on the sidelines of your activities, with me, Dimas Permana, who will provide the latest and most up-to-date news.

The sound of the television, which had previously not disturbed them, was now the center of attention.

Viewers, a dead body has been found in Rasabou, a sub-district in Malang City. The suspected corpse is Mr. A, the mayor who is currently in the news because of a case of embezzlement of funds. The discovery of this dead body was accompanied by the suspicion that Mr. A was a murder victim. The discovery of the body caused an uproar among local residents.

The sound of the news broadcast continues to dominate the entire room. They listened to the news carefully. The news brought them back to the terrible incident a few days ago.

According to the forensic team, the victim is thought to have died at exactly 22.00 on Thursday and was found at 21.43 on Friday. It is suspected that the perpetrator deliberately cut off the victim's little finger. Many residents witnessed the discovery of the victim's body because it was located in the bushes that residents often pass by.

"Aleyah please turn the television down." Smith asked. Aleyah immediately turned down and turned off the television.

"The mayor was killed by someone, they say. Many people say that if the mayor was killed so easily, low society like us would be killed more easily." Lucy muttered while looking down languidly. "Is this city no longer safe, papa? Are we in danger?" she asked again in a small voice.

"No my dear, no one will hurt you. If things get worse, you two should immediately move to the capital, just the two of you. I'll catch up with you two after completing the work contract with the boss in the rice fields. And my decision to sell this shop and house has also been made, I hope you understand."

Aleyah felt Smith talking to her and sure enough, Smith looked at her as he said it all. Her father knew for sure that she would raise any objections. And he's correct but Aleyah was silent this time, she could really feel her father's worry. 

"Take the job offer from that friend and convey my thanks to Jeremy. Lucy is right, the job is better than staying at this bakery."

Lucy cheered happily when she heard that. "I'm the one who's allowed to work, why are you the one who's happy?" Aleyah interrupted, teasing her sister.

Lucy just teased her back by sticking out his tongue and dodged when Aleyah wanted to hit him on the head with a spoon.

"Oh yeah, I have something for you." said Lucy then put an ancient ring near her sister's plate. "I am the best sister ever. Later, if you have any unused dresses, you can throw them in my room." she said, there are always shrimps behind the rock.

"I already threw this ring in the trash a few days ago."

"You're so mean... My room is not a trash can for your trash. You forgot it on my study table, luckily I was kind enough to return it." Lucy grumbled in disapproval.

"No, no, I'm sure I threw this thing in the trash outside. Are you sure you found this ring on your study table?"

Annoyed by Aleyah's words, Lucy volunteered to become the owner of the ring. Aleyah nodded and allowed it but the ring didn't fit on her finger. The ring didn't fit all her fingers, even her little pinky. Lucy was very confused, she was smaller and thinner than Aleyah who was tall and full, so she put the ring on Aleyah's finger while her sister was busy finishing her food.

"It fits you well. But I can't wear them?" Lucy said, puzzled and annoyed at the same time.

"Meoww!" shouted Mr. Kane viciously from close range to Aleyah. Lucy immediately picked him up and stroked the top of his head gently, "What's wrong, Mr. Kane?" Lucy asked repeatedly.

The cat continued to moan viciously at Aleyah who was trying to remove the ring on her hand. "Lucy, this thing won't let me go," said Aleyah, starting to panic and be confused. The ring seemed to suddenly shrink and enlarge by itself.

"Try washing it with soap, I have to calm Mr. Kane down."

Smith sighed and got up to get some cat food, "Try feeding him Lucy," Smith said to the youngest.

Aleyah suddenly felt dizzy, she looked back at the window. She saw black shadows in the shape of a human with blood-red eyes. They grinned like devils and began to fill his ears with their evil laughter.

Then the ring changed color to red, as red as ruby ​​and blood. Aleyah tried to take the ring off her hand but couldn't. The voices of the black shadows became clearer in his ears, "You can't escape this time. All you have to do now is help us." they said echoing.

Aleyah rubbed her eyes repeatedly and hard, but the image was still there. "Dad, I'm going to my room. I think my eyes are getting worse." said Aleyah, wanting to immediately run away from the dining table.

Aleyah immediately ran upstairs, the bathroom was her main goal. She had to get rid of this strange ring. They appeared right after she put it on, there was definitely something strange about this ring.

"Have your eyes checked by a doctor, Aleyah, don't take medicine without a prescription." Smith shouted from a distance while cleaning the dining table.

Aleyah threw the soap bottle into the sink. Her hands were scalded by the water and the ring would not come off her finger. She ran into the room before the shadows caught her. The door to her room opened by itself, it wasn't Lucy or her father who slammed the door to his room.

"Well, well.. It's about time for our revenge." said the teenage boy ghost.

Aleyah grabbed her medicine bottle and swallowed one pill without thinking. Aleyah opened her eyes, it turned out that the black shadow still had never faded from her vision. She took out two more pills and before she could swallow them, one of the black shadows had already penetrated her body.

Aleyah dropped the pills from her hand. She stood still and convulsed like someone who had been electrocuted.