Chapter 31 Always With You

Outside the booth Michael noticed the two employees from before hovering a distance away as if not sure when they should return.

Michael waved them over before addressing them as they came near.

"Thank you for your help and as promised I will arrange a face to face with Lexi, make sure you hang around here till after the show where you can accompany us back stage."

"Of course sir thank you" both men said as Michael just smiled and lead Sarah back into there booth.

"Well Mike I must say you have a cunning mind, that went better than expected as I even got the shares of some of our companies back into our own hands." Sarah said as she sat back down.

"I also managed to record some great footage on my phone and as soon as we release it that Jake Daniels will be ruined." Gracie said.

"Indeed I can't believe he has the gall to claim that he took Alexia's virginity." Sarah added

"Yes I have half a mind to release that footage now but it's not a good time. Gracie agreed.

"Why not?" Michael inquired.

"Simple, if we release it now news like that will make a breaking news headline which everyone will learn and that would be all anyone can talk about tonight." Gracie explained.

Michael nodded in understanding.

"I have half a mind to kiss you as a reward for coming up with such a plan and even helping us get our shares back Mike." Sarah joked

"That's ok Miss Michael's I only wanted to help." Michael replied.

"Oh what's this you don't want a kiss from your 'better half'? After all that's what you called me just now." Sarah questioned teasingly.

"Ha ha I just don't think Miss Silver would appreciate her lover kissing someone else."

"Oh you would be surprised Mike after all I have the urge to kiss you for letting me get great material to ruin that prick." Gracie replied with the same teasing smile Sarah had

And before Michael could say anything they both leaned in and kissed him on the cheeks.

"Now Michael give me your details." Sarah suddenly said as if the kiss did not bother her.

"Eh" was all Michael could reply because he was shocked from being kissed on the cheek by two world class beauty's at the same time.

"Aww look Sarah, he has frozen up from shock".

"It's not to surprising Gracie honey since he just got a kiss on the cheek from both of us, right Mike?"

At this Michael just nodded in agreement.

Michael still being in a stunned state did not notice Gracie and Sarah share a look as if confirming something.

"Now Mike your details please." Sarah asked again.

Waking up this time Michael asked "why do you want them Miss Michaels?

"To transfer you the shares I just received from those two idiots next door, after all this was your plan and as I have said before you should be paid for services rendered." Sarah explained.

"That's alright Miss Michaels I believe I just received more than enough payment from both of you." Michael replied with a smile.

"Really?" Gracie asked

"Mike you do understand how much those shares are worth right?"

"I have no idea how much there worth and nor do I care, I did not help with Jake Daniels for money or a reward, I helped because I wanted too." Michael replied simply as Sarah and Gracie just looked at him their eyes sparkling.

"You have no idea the fortune you just gave up Michael." Sarah commented to which Michael just smiled

(Tho perhaps it will give you something worth even more) she thought to her self and Gracie was having similar thoughts.


Backstage in her dressing room Alexia had just finished getting ready and was about to go on stage when Jane entered with a huge smile.

"Oh what's got you so happy?" Alexia questioned

"Mike" Jane replied.

"Oh what about him!" Alexia quizzed

"We now owe him another big debt tho it seems he does not see it that way." Jane replied mysteriously.

"Get to the point I am due on anytime which am sure you as my manager should know." Alexia said rolling her eyes

"Ha ha I know I know, so Gracie just messaged me and…." There after Jane explained to Alexia what Gracie had just messaged her all about how they heard what Jake Daniels was saying and Michael's plan and how not only did they get a recording that can ruin his career but also got the shares in the companies back."

"Wow Mike did all that and he wants no compensation?" Alexia asked with her eyes gleaming.

"Correct, Sarah offered to give Michael all the shares they just got however he refused saying and I quote 'I have no idea how much there worth and nor do I care, I did not help with Jake Daniels for money or a reward, I helped because I wanted too'." Jane replied with the same look in her eyes.

"Wow he really does not seem to care about our wealth or status at all, he just treats us as he would his friends."

"Honestly in the beginning I was still a bit suspicious because how could anyone not know who we are or want to get close to us."

"But now I am almost certain that this is the case and he is not just getting close to us for his own gain." Alexia beamed

"Agreed it seems your feelings were correct about him and that the man you're attracted to might be the one." Jane replied with a smile.

"Right now I am even more energized to give the best show I can as my own reward to Mike for helping us." Alexia cheered before leaving the dressing room and heading for the stage.


As Alexia came on stage and the concert began the already lively arena exploded with cheers and chants of Lexi.

"Wow I heard she was popular but this is crazy" Michael said slightly shocked.

"Never been to a concert before Michael?" Gracie asked.

"Nope, been to a few gigs at clubs when I was younger but never a full concert."

"Well don't think all artists concerts are like this, after all Alexia is the most popular celebrity in the world for a reason." Gracie finished before they all started watching the performance.

Michael had to admit it was very enjoyable and Alexia seemed to be in her element and it was obvious she loved being on stage and delighting the crowd.

Near the end of the performance with only a two songs to go took a moment to address the audience.

This was slightly unusual because normally she is known to only talk to the audience as specific times.

"So since this is the last concert of my current tour I decided to mix things up a bit."

"I recently encountered a situation that maybe me remember my grandma who passed away many years ago."

"Now now no need to awww it happened a long time ago and I have only fond memories of her" Lexi said as the crowd went awww

"However as I am sure my more diehard fans know there was a song I wrote very early on in my career before I was that big in the industry in honor of my grandma."

Several audience members suddenly shouted "ALWAYS WITH YOU"

"Indeed it seems I was right and some of you know the song I am talking about." Lexi giggled

"Well this song is unique as am sure you also know I have never performed it live…. Until now." Lexi finished and the crowd went nuts, being the first to hear a live rendition of a song from Lexi was huge.

Especially one that was expected never to be performed because in the past when asked why she never performed it live she only ever replied with 'it was not time'

As the music kicked in up in there VIP booth Gracie commented "oh ho so she is finally willing to perform it live, you know what this means don't you Sarah?"

"Of course and honestly I am happy and agree with her decision." Sarah replied with a wink.

Michael who did not understand there conversation decided to keep quiet and watch the performance since he always loved this song.

During her performance of the song people started to notice that Lexi always seemed to focus on particular location in the arena as if she was singing to someone in that arena.

"Oh ho our dear Alexia seems to be singing this song for a certain someone, any idea who that might be Sarah darling?" Gracie asked in a teasing tone.

"Well I am not sure Gracie babe, what do you think Mike." Sarah replied also teasing however when they did not get a reply they looked at Michael and noticed his full attention was on Alexia.

They both having each other knowing smiles before focusing back on the show.

Naturally there was one person who believed it was all for him and so when the song ended the three of them heard Jake screaming in excitement "SEE SHE WAS SINGING FOR ME, what did I tell you we are destined to be together."

To this Michael, Sarah and Gracie just rolled their eyes and continued to enjoy the show.


As the show finally ended and Lexi thank the crowd and wished everyone good night she received a standing ovation and people kept asking for encores but Lexi just smiled and waved before leaving the stage.

Michael and the two girls decided it was time to head down and meet Alexia a bit as they neared the exit to there booth they hear Jake's voice once again "you useless employee, wear where you when those two barged into my booth, I will have you job for this."

Then they heard him storm past there room.

"Miss Michaels…." Michael started but Sarah interrupted him "don't worry Mike he won't lose his job I will make sure of it."

"Thank you" Michael replied with a smile before they carried on.

As they left the booth Michael approached the two employees "don't worry you won't lose your job Miss Michaels here will make sure of it, now how about you follow us to meet Lexi like I promised you."

"Thank you sir" they bothers replied with excitement and followed behind.

When they reached the dressing room they knocked on the door and heard Alexia say "enter" before the five walked in.

As they entered the room Alexia and Jane smiled at Michael, Gracie and Sarah before looking at the other two men who where obviously staff members due to their clothes.

"Miss Demonte these two friends helped us out earlier with a little incident in the booth next to ours and as thanks I promised them a face to face with you, I hope you can oblige my selfish request." Michael stated

Light dawned in Alexia and Jane's eyes as Alexia approached the two men who got all excited " so your the ones who helped my friends out, thank you very much it's a pleasure to meet you both."

"Lexi this is a huge honor my name is Joe and I am your a huge fan." The employee from outside Michael's room said

"I'm Gary this is a huge privilege, can I get a picture and autograph please?" The employee from outside Jake's booth asked

"Oh me too" Joe added

"Hehe" of course come let's take some photos, Jane would you mind." Alexia giggled

For the next few minutes Alexia spoke and laughed with the two employees giving them autographs to share with their friends and family and posing for photos.

After they left Alexia turned to Michael with a grin and said "come here Mike it's your turn."

"For what?" Michael asked confused

"You photo with Lexi" Gracie giggled as she pushed Michael forward.

Michael shook his head and moved next to Alexia where she decided to hug his arm with her chest making it so Michael could free her breast against his arm.

Michael decided not to comment and just smiled for the photo, after it was done surprisingly Gracie said "my turn".

Michael moved away to make room however Gracie looked at him "where are you going?"

"I am making room for your photo with Miss Demonte."

"He he she is not the one I want a photo with." Gracie giggled before pulling him back and striking the exact same pose as Alexia just did pressing her chest against his arm.

After that both Sarah and Jane decided they wanted a photo alone with Michael.

"Since it's like this how about a group photo?" Michael suggested.

"Oh look girls alone it seems we are not enough, Mike wants us all at once." Jane said with a playful wink.

The other three girls giggled before getting into position.

Michael had to admit he fault like I was very lucky right now, Sarah was hugging his left arm while Gracie hugged his right.

Jane being the tallest of the four women hugged his back with are arms wrapped around his chest and her head on his shoulder while Alexia hugged him from the front resting her head against his chest.

As the camera timer hit zero the picture was taken but for some reason the girls did not move away straight away but remained holding him.

"This is nice' Alexia commented to which the other three nodded.