Chapter 32 We will destroy her

Eventually Michael who was not sure what was going on decided he should say something " err ladies I be leave we have a party to get to."

"Right the party" they all said at once as if removed from a trance

"Mike would you wait outside I need to change and discuss with the others about what happened with Jake earlier." Alexia requested to which Michael nodded and exited the room closing the door

After a few moments Sarah was the first to speak "damn that was close I can't believe we didn't want to let go."

"I know we need to be more careful until we are sure it's him." Gracie nodded in agreement.

"Well personally he already has my vote." Alexia suddenly said causing the other three to stare at her as she changed.

"Though not entirely surprising I still thought it would take longer to get your vote." Sarah said to which Alexia just shrugged and continued changing.

"So what do we do with the video?" Jane asked changing the topic

"We realise it of course that will ruin him and finally get him off Alexia's back, the question is when." Gracie replied.

"I suggest after the party? Along with the concert and Alexia's little trick just know off singing to Mike we will claimed almost all the headlines in the morning." Sarah added

"Do you think he liked it?" Alexia asked slightly worried.

"Alexia love he loved it, you should off seen him. His entire focus was on you and he did not even hear Sarah and I as we spoke to him." Gracie replied causing the most beautiful smile they had even seen on Alexia's face to appear.

Now they were her three closest friends and in more ways than one and they could claim that had seen all her different facial expressions, this one however was new to even them, it was from a women in love.

"Well there she goes we lost her, Mike will have to be the one now as she won't accept anyone else." Jane said with a sigh.

"What are you talking about?" Alexia asked confused.

"Girl you're in love with Mike." Gracie answered making Alexia freeze.

"Anyway back to the video I agree that we release it just as the party ends." Jane said

"What about Michelle Rodriguez? What's the plan if she sees and confronts Mike?"

Alexia who continued her changed answers in her cold boss voice "that's simple we give her a warning, if she decides to ignore our warning after that then we do what Mike just did for me, we find a way to destroy her.

No one hurts my Mike."

"Your Mike?" Her three friends questioned with an accusing gaze.

Sighing Alexia added "you know what I mean."

"Very well we will see soon enough if she is foolish enough to approach Mike Sarah said

"Good I'm ready let's go to a party. Alexia said as she approached her friends wearing a black ball gown evening dress.

As he heard the dressing room door open Michael turned to look and saw all four leaving the room with smiles as they looked at him, he had of course already seen Sarah and Gracie in there gowns earlier and Jane just now but he did not pay much notice at the time because of everything going on.

This was the first time he gave them all a proper once over and he had to admit his heartbeat increased as his mouth opened wide and stood there slack jawed.

"Oh I believe our dear Michael is blinded by Alexia's beauty" Gracie winked.

"Beautiful, you are all beautiful." Michael with complete sincerity said as his eyes seem to flow looking at the four beauties before him.

This time it was the four girls who froze, they expected Michael to compliment Alexia as he had not seen her in her ball gown before however the fact he complimented all four of them caught them by surprise.

They all smiled after a few seconds including Alexia who joked "well ladies it seems he wants us all in more than just a photo." While winking.

"Miss Demonte, Miss Ventor may I escort you out?" Michael asked as he offered his arms to Alexia and Jane

"Why thank you my prince." Alexia said with a gorgeous smile while taking his arm.

"Not prince but king Alexia, after all every queen needs a king." Jane said while taking his other arm before Michael lead them towards the limo

Sarah and Jane smiled as they followed while holding hands.

As they approached the limo the driver just stood near the drivers door having already learnt what Michael would do and true to form Michael opened the door for the for ladies allowing them to enter as they thanked him.