Chapter 38 Approved

"There are no small charities, all of you do work that is indispensable to the future of man kind." Michael's voice suddenly interjected causing all three to see him lading Gracie back to the group

"Ah Mike good timing, Michael Vandal let me introduce Philip Hargreaves CEO of Children's Homes Rebuilt." Sarah said introducing the two.

"My Hargreaves a pleasure to meet you please forgive my interruption." Michael said.

"Not at all thank you for your kind words Mr Vandal it's nice to meet you." Philip replied.

"Oh the Mr Hargreaves we worked with recently on restoring deteriorating children's homes? Thank you Mike." Gracie asked before thanking Michael for the drink he offered her.

"Indeed Miss Silver I just came over to thank Miss Michael's again for the support."

"Is that so, as someone who grew up in a children's home I am happy to know that you're all supporting the cause." Michael announced.

As he finished speaking all four present as well as Alexia who heard as she was making her way over to get her second dance from Michael looked at him in shock.

"Mike we never knew you grew up in a children's home." Gracie stated.

"Am sure you have not yet received the background check am sure you're conducting on me then." Michael replied with a laugh.

"Mike" Sarah with an apologetic face was about to say something but Michael stopped her.

"Don't worry Sarah if I was in your place I would do the same, after all we have not know each other long and you need to be sure I am trustworthy and don't have a sketchy past.

As the ladies smiled at him gratefully he addressed Philip "tho I would like to carry on talking with you Mr Hargreaves I am afraid there is a beautiful hostess that is eager to start the dance I promised her, I hope you and 'The Lake Foundation' can work closely together in the future."

Michael turned and offered his hand to Alexia "my beautiful hostess shall we?"

Alexia accepted his hand but then addressed the group in her boss lady mode"I agree with Michael and think we should work closer with Children's Homes Rebuilt and even expand into building new homes, what's your opinion on the Co Owners of The Emerald Lake."

"Approved" Jane replied simply

"Approved" Gracie said

"Approved" Sarah added last

"Very well motion past, Sarah would you handle this?" Alexia asked before turning to Michael and saying "shall we where she lead a dazed Michael to the dance floor.

"It would seem you're not the only one with work tomorrow now Jane." Sarah sighed

Jane nodded as she added "honestly I am not sure if meeting Mike is good or bad at this point."

"Maybe I should leave before I find myself with more work." Gracie joked.

"Ummm excuse me ladies but what just happened?" Philip asked confused.

"Well if I had to guess Mike's random comment about wanting us to work closer just made that happen." Sarah said while thinking deeply.

"I see that is amazing news may I ask what the best way to thank Mr Vandal is for his support." Philip asked.

"On this we are not sure because he tries to refuses anything we ever give him and unless we have a good reason he won't accept it." Gracie commented.

"He has refused even yourself?" Philip asked shocked

"Indeed that's what makes him special" Gracie said again.

"If I may suggest Mr Hargreaves just mention Michael's name when you hold a press conference in the future, that will not only help build Michael's reputation in the business circle but also help us with our goals." Jane advised.

"I will thank you but if I may also ask, who is this Michael Vandal for the four queens to hold him in high regard." Philip asked.

"The three ladies looked at each other before smiling where Sarah said "that Mr Hargreaves is private."