Chapter 39 He is dangerous

On the dance floor Michael lead Alexia in a slow dance watched by the crowd once again although this time there was music.

"Not quiet as romantic as the first dance but I am not sure any dance ever will be again" Alexia said

"Alexia why did you do that?" Michael asked as they danced.

"To help build your reputation in the business circles." Alexia replied with a smile.

"Why tho? After tomorrow you may never see me again." Michael asked and as he finished noticed Alexia's smile vanish.

"Why don't you like staying with us Michael?" She asked in a sad tone.

"Not at all I am enjoying myself it's just you only invited me out here to your concert and this party as a thank you for the drink." Michael informed her.

A mischievous smile spears all of a sudden as she asked in a sultry voice " and what if I make it worth your while to stay."

Michael swallowed hard as he felt Alexia push closer into him her large breasts squashing against his chest.

"Alexia what are you insinuating?"

"What do you want me to be insinuating Mike? I can offer you anything to persuade you to stay, money is no object." Alexia said as she looked into Michael's eyes as she could guess how he would reply but she wanted to see if he was being honest in that answer.

Alexia could always tell if someone was lying to her if she looked into someone's eyes as they spoke, she strongly believed in the saying that the eyes are windows to the soul as she had never been wrong in the past.

"Alexia you know my answer already don't you but you still insist on asking, very well I will tell you again that I do not care about your money or your status I am dancing with you and the other girls because your my friends and I like you all."

"If you want to me to stay longer and can clear it with my employer then I have no reason to leave." Michael answered

Alexia knew he was being completely honest but before she could answer Michael continued.

"However I suggest you wait until you read the full background check you did on me as there is something on there from my past that may change all of your opinions about me." Michael said with a sad look.

As the song finished Michael lead Alexia back to the others "Mike what is it?" Alexia asked but Michael did not reply.

"Jane may I have this dance?" Michael asked.

"Of course but is it not Sarah's turn as Sarah and Gracie looked at Michael confused.

"It would be but I believe Alexia has something important to discuss with Sarah so I will dance with her after that." Michael explained.

"Very well Mike please." Jane said and allowed Michael to lead her back to the dance floor.

"Alexia?" Sarah asked.

"What is the progress on the background check?" Alexia asked

"It's done, Emma just sent it through and it's waiting to be read why?"

"Mike said that if we are still willing to have him stay after the background check he will stay longer, however there is something in his past that may change our opinion of him." Alexia said in a worried voice.

"Did he give any hint or explanation?" Gracie asked.

"I see but I suggest we wait till after we are home or tomorrow before we read it, you still have people who wish to speak with you." Sarah advised while in thought.

"Ugh this is the first time in my life I only want to be in the company of four others." Alexia said as she left to mingle again.

"What are you thinking Sarah?" Gracie asked

"Mike, he is dangerous." Sarah replied simply catching Gracie off guard.

"Explain." Gracie simply demanded.

"I don't mean dangerous in that was but in our decision making, you saw how just a small comment from him made all of us invest huge amounts of money into children's homes.

When has there ever been anyone who could get us to do that?"

"Never not ever we can do that to each other even with how close we are." Sarah confirmed.

"I have been trying to persuade myself that he has no power over me but I know I am just fooling myself, if he asked something off me that did not go against my principles I don't see myself say no." Sarah said as she looked at Gracie.

"Hypothetically if he made a move on you could you say no?" Gracie asked seriously.

"No I don't see myself refusing him, at least not for much longer, how about you?"

"The same, so it seems we are both also becoming attracted to him." Gracie said with a sigh.

"What about Jane?" Sarah asked and as they turned to watch Michael and Jane dancing they saw that Jane was pressing into Michael far more than any man they had seen Jane with in the past, even her ex lovers.

"Never-mind we can already see the answer." Sarah said.

"Do you think it's time for that discussion?" Gracie asked.

"Let's wait until we read his background check and get any answers to questions we may have." Sarah said.

"You know what this means though right? If happens and everything falls into place we can finally come out in the open." Gracie said slightly excited

"I know, we have both been waiting for this for years.". Sarah said as she looked at her lover with love.

The party continued late into the night with nothing more to stop the band playing.

Michael who had never danced so much in his life kept finding himself rotating between the four queens in such a way that he danced with each four times before the party ended.

During the entire party people kept looking at him curiously as they waiting for the checks they had order on a man named Michael Vandal that had been accused of spiking by Michelle Rodriguez in the past.

Eventually the four ladies decided that they had enough so they along with Michael left this time with him escorting Alexia and Jane out to the limo.

As soon as the press that where still present saw Alexia on the arm of a man then went wild with taking photos and shouting questions, however the five just ignored as Michael opened the door and helped the four ladies into the limo before he got in first and closed the door.

The limo drove off towards the penthouse as all five relaxed tired after a full day off work.

"So Mike within an hour or so your face will be on every TV, newspaper and social media website in the world as they ask who the man Alexia is willing to offer her arm to is." Jane said with a smirk.

"That's fine, Alexia has already said that for some reason I don't know why you want me to become more well known in the business circles.

After that first dance this was inevitable." Michael replied with his eyes closed.

"Why did you do that Mike? Alexia could easily have accepted someone else to dance instead of Jake so why put yourself out there." Gracie asked.

"Once again it was those emerald eyes, I swear there a weakness of mine." Michael sighed as all the girls waited for him to continue.

"As Alexia stood there I could see the worry and determination in her eyes that she had to avoid Jake at all costs by accepting a dance from someone else even if she had to do that all evening.

So I found myself moving towards her in order to help her.

By addressing you as Alexia I informed everyone in the party that only those who are allowed to use that name may dance with you." As Michael finished there was silence as all the girls studied him.

"Michael please tell us what happened in the past." Alexia suddenly spoke in a voice so serious she even addressed him as Michael and not Mike.

Michael opened his eyes and looked at each of the four to see their serious and determined gazes before he sighed closed his eyes and said "I killed someone".