Chapter 45 Access

"What?" Michael said as he came too.

"Hey it worked" Gracie said with a smile as she sat back down.

"Mike can I get some breakfast please?" Alexia asked teasingly

"Oh of course here coming right up, also do you all normally only wear nighties around the house?" Michael asked as he dished out Alexia's breakfast and handed it over.

"Thanks Mike and no we don't today is special." She said with a wink.

"Now can you tell us about Athena?" Alexia asked.

"How do you know about Athena?" He asked back

"Responding to primary user Michael, you entered short term brain shock when you where kissed on the lips by the worlds most popular celebrity Alexandria before she told you that your her love."

"That's how.". Jane pointed out

"Wait Alexandria?" Alexia asked

"Indeed persons identity on official documents is Alexandria Alexia Demonte." Athena replied

"Ugh I don't like being called Alexandria please call me Lexi or Alexia." Alexia requested.

"Request denied, persons designation by Athena can only be amended by primary user Michael Vandal or with high enough access level."

The girls all looked at Michael again with accusation that said 'what did you do'

Michael scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and explained how it came about that after randomly giving the AI the name Athena he was granted primary access.

"Amazing, Michael do you realise what you have done?" Jane asked

"Err I inadvertently messed up your homes security system?" Michael checked

"While it could be seen that way yes, what I mean is you successfully gained primary user access."

"Our security AI, excuse me Athena is the result of a work project between two of our companies, Diamond Security which leads all the security companies under our names and Silver Software Research and Development that as the name suggests work on researching and developing any and all types of software."

"Even tho these two companies created Athena and all the other AI's that act as the security for our major properties we have never been able to give anyone primary access."

"It was always seen as a bug in the original program that no one could figure out how to fix, however since the AI's worked fine apart from that and it would mean going to back to square one and designing a whole new AI it was deemed fine to leave it."

"Besides any issues regarding the need for a primary user to change we could bypass by having an engineer connect directly to the AI's core processor using a dedicated laptop with the correct security and thereby rewrite it manually." Jane finished the long explanation

"Wow I did not realise it was that big of a deal, still the fact that someone can access the security for this apartment worries me even if they need a dedicated computer and need to gain access to Athena's central core." Michael replied.

"It's fine Michael it's not like we are in a Mission Impossible movies where someone would sneak in and access all our information." Gracie said with a laugh.

"Still I am worried, the last thing I want is someone accessing Athena and reprogramming her in a way that could endanger all of you." As Michael said this all the girls smiled at home feeling warm that he cared so much.

"Athena who is currently able to access your central mainframe?" Michael suddenly asked

"Responding to primary user Michael, current access to central mainframe can be accessed by Primary User Michael Vandal,"

"Persons Alexandria Alexia Demonte"

"Persons Jane Elizabeth Ventor"

"Persons Gracie Helen Silver"

"Persons Sarah Jane Michaels"

"Additional persons include registered employees under the umbrella corporation The Emerald Lake with the necessary security clearance." Athena finished

Michael thought for a while before saying, "That's to many, Athena restrict access to your central mainframe to only those present in the penthouse kitchen unless authorization is given by one of those same individuals to an employee under the umbrella corporation of The Emerald Lake that had the same necessary security level as before." Michael finished.

"Command of primary user Michal Vandal received."

"Implementing security changes as designated by primary user."

"Implementation complete"

"Access to central mainframe of this security program recognized as Athena has now been restricted to only the following personnel"

"Primary User Michael Vandal"

"Persons Alexandria Alexia Demonte"

"Persons Jane Elizabeth Ventor"

"Persons Gracie Helen Silver"

"Persons Sarah Jane Michaels"

"Unless authorization is given by previous stated users to employees under the umbrella corporation The Emerald Lake with the necessary security clearance"

"Thank you Athena."

"You're welcome Michael."

The girls all looked at Michael with smiles as they knew he did this to protect them before Gracie's smile changed to a mischievous grin and said jokingly "Mike why do I feel like your trying to lock us away so you can have your way with our bodies he he."

Mike calmly drank some coffee before replying "Says the girl who had sexual intercourse with Jane last night and in Sarah's room know less so she had to sleep with Alexia."

At this Gracie and Jane showed horror on there faces while Alexia and Sarah burst out laughing.

"But but how did you know? You were asleep in the limo." Gracie asked with embarrassment and confusion.

"Athena if you would please explain." Michael said.

"Of course Michael, as Gracie already knows I monitor the entirety of the penthouse to keep the residents safe, my system is equipped with life detection which allowed me to monitor the changes in Gracie and Jane's bodies in ways that indicate sexual interaction.

Would you like me to explain in more detail the exact indicators?" Athena asked

"NO" Gracie and Jane shouted at the same time.

"Request denied due to access level being insufficient."