Chapter 46 Holograms

"What? We should all have top level access just below primary user why are you saying it's to low Athena?" Jane asked

"Request denied due to access level being too low."

The ladies all turned to look at Michael with looks that once again said 'what did you do'.

"Don't look at me I don't know what's happening, "Athena please explain."

"Of course Michael. Due to registration of new primary user Michael Vandal all access levels and personal settings such as form off being addressed where reset until such time as primary user Michael Vandal adjusts settings to how he wishes, access levels are as follows."

"Level 1 - Able to access diddly squat."

"Level 2 - Just above diddly squat so can access the TV and radio."

"Level 3 - access same as below but also personal settings I.E. the way the system address you."

"Level 4 - access same as below but also access to notifications penthouse receives, read only."

"Level 5 - access same as below but can now reply to notifications penthouse receives."

"Level 6 - access same as below and now have use of elevator without needing permission being granted by level 7 or higher."

"Level 7 - access same as below but can now access minor security settings I.E. adding and removing persons with lover access too or from the elevator access list."

"Level 8 - access same as below but can now use Athena to access external systems under The Emerald Lake corporation umbrella."

"Level Infinite - access to everything Athena has to offer, restricted to primary user Michael Vandal."

"Current access levels are as follows"

"Level 1 users are:"

"Persons Alexandria Alexia Demonte"

"Persons Jane Elizabeth Ventor"

"Persons Gracie Helen Silver"

"Persons Sarah Jane Michaels"

"Persons Liam Graham Nelson"

"Level 2 users are: none"

"Level 3 users are : none"

"Level 4 users are: none"

"Level 5 users are: none"

"Level 6 users are: none"

"Level 7 users are: none"

"Level 8 users are: none"

"Level infinite user is: primary user Michael Vandal."

"Wow Mike you turned our own security system against us, but what is this level 8 as we only had level 7 before?" Sarah asked.

"Request denied due to access level being to low"

"I guess that explains why the system always address's me by Alexandria now, Mike please fix this." Alexia said before glaring at Michael

Michael nodded before saying. "Alexia please set access levels of all people with me in the kitchen right now to level 8 and change for of address for Alexandria to Alexia."

"Command received.. processing"


"Command completed successfully new current access levels are as follows:"

"Level 1 users are:"

"Persons Liam Graham Nelson"

"Level 2 users are: none"

"Level 3 users are : none"

"Level 4 users are: none"

"Level 5 users are: none"

"Level 6 users are: none"

"Level 7 users are: none"

"Level 8 users are:"

"Persons Alexandria Alexia Demonte"

"Persons Jane Elizabeth Ventor"

"Persons Gracie Helen Silver"

"Persons Sarah Jane Michaels"

"Level infinite user is: primary user Michael Vandal."

"Form of address for persons Alexandria has changed to Alexia."

"Thank you Mike, now Athena please explain this level 8 as it was not present before." Alexia said

"Of course Alexia, level 8 was not available previously and was hidden because there was no primary user registered."

"Level 8 allows same access as below levels while also giving access to AI systems external from Athena but still under The Emerald Lake Corporation Umbrella."

"Can you give us an example Athena?" Sarah asked

"Affirmative Sarah, For example if Athena is given a command by persons with Level 8 or higher access Athena could access AI system Zulu Eight Uniform Seven which is the security AI of the main headquarters of The Emerald Lake Corporation or any other AI under The Emerald Lake Corporation Umbrella."

"Seriously? And what can you access from the other AI?" Jane asked

"Anything that Level 7 can Access via Athena."

"Since no other AI under The Emerald Lake Corporation Umbrella has a registered primary user, then primary user and level 8 access are unavailable at this time."

The girls were shocked as this was never explained to them when the system was first created.

"Why were we never informed of this before by the developers?" Gracie winded out loud.

"Maybe because no one has had primary access before Mike so they were unable to research all the features." Jane suggested.

"Oh I know, Athena show me live CCTV footage of Sarah's office in the HQ building." Gracie said excitedly

"Command accepted displaying now."

Immediately holographic images of an office with an expensive wooden desk in front of a large window and many book shelves appeared before them all.

"What holograms" Michael said shock

"Hey it worked" Gracie said happily

"Oh Mike the penthouse along with many of our more important locations all have holographic projectors installed tho until now we have never got them to work." Sarah explained.

"Holographic technology is a huge leap forward and if you could put them to market it would make you all a lot of money." Michael said

"Agreed that's why the technology was researched however as I said we never got the technology to work before now, I am guessing Athena was able to connect to the technology and rectify the fault." Sarah explained

"Hmm if that's the case we should feed this back to the relevant departments to see if they can use this new information to make the technology fit for market."

As they watched the holograms they noticed the office door open before an attractive lady in a business suit came into the office and left some documents on Sarah's desk before leaving again.

"Nice to see Emma is still hard at work." Sarah said with a smile.

At this point the news presenter on the TV that had been forgotten about suddenly said something that made them all look at it "We bring you some breaking news regarding the mystery man seen with The Four Queens last night."