Chapter 49 Self-Proclaimed Pervert

"So going back to your question about why we told you that we all have intimate relations with each other. Are you ready to learn the reason?" Jane asked, turning the discussion back in the right direction. 

"I am and though I admit I am unsure why you want to discuss this with me I do find it hot that you all have sex with each other" Michael answered. 

"You do? Sarah asked with a playful smirk. 

"Indeed.... Athena what was my comment this morning when I learned that Jane and Gracie have sexual intercourse last night?" Michael asked 

"Reporting, your exact phrase was:" 

"Wow that's kind of wild, seems their relationship is more complex than I thought…." Athena replied before then playing the audio recording of what Michael exactly said. 

"Ok so while that is creepy in a stalker kind of way thank you Athena" Michael said with a strange smile 

"This stalker accepts your thanks Michael" Athena replied 

(.....) Everyone was very quiet after Athena's response before Gracie posed the question, they were all thinking about. "Did Athena just reply sarcastically?" 

"Athena, did you?" Michael asked 

"It's your imagination" Athena relied 

Everyone thought about this for a moment before Jane brought the conversation back to the main point again. 

"So, Mike you found the idea of me and Gracie having sex last night wild?" She asked. 

"Sure, I'm a guy after all, and while not all guys are into girl-on-girl action or Yuri depending on what you want to call it, I am." 

"It's one of those fantasies that everyone has, but in this case one of mine is to experience watching girls have fun with each other, before they invite me to join in." Michael replied. 

"What other fantasies do you have?" Sarah asked intrigued. 

"Sarah I'm a guy, I'm all fantasies and perverted stuff" Michael answered with a chuckle. 

There was silence for a moment before Alexia spoke.

"Girls how many times has a guy confessed to being a pervert to you?"

"None" Sarah answered 

"None" Jane answered 

"None" Gracie answered 

"I am also none" Alexia added 

"Well, the reason for that is kind of obvious. What's honestly the likelihood of a girl allowing a guy into their pants or even near them if there a self-proclaimed pervert?" Michael pointed out. 

"He has a point." Gracie answered 

"Then why did you just admit it to us Mike?" Alexia asked confused 

"Two reasons first you asked about my fantasies and anyone who has sexual fantasies is a pervert in some way or form even if they don't want to admit it." 

"Second because I am too honest for my own good." Michael Confessed 

"So, you want to watch me and Jane having sex in the future?" Gracie asked out of the blue. 

"Fairly sure I just answered that when I told you it's one of my fantasies, though watching any two or more of you going at it together could kill me." Michael admitted 

"Kill you? how could watching us having sex kill you?" Jane asked 

"Have you girls looked at each other or looked in a mirror recently?" 

"There is a reason you have so many people chasing you and it's not only about the money." 

"I mean there is a reason your recognized as the four most beautiful women in the world, your stunning, any guy would be lucky to have just one of you let alone two, and when you're having sex with each other I could die of happiness right there." Michael finished and once again the four women became speechless. 

Not because of the compliments to their beauty that Michael just gave them, they were used to that as it happened several times a day, Especially for Alexia who was a celebrity and recognized as the number one most beautiful woman in the world and most sort after to marry. 

But because of the way he said it. He did not say it in a flirty way as if he was trying to sweet talk one or all of them, but he just honestly told them his feelings and that made them tingle all over as their heart skipped a beat. 

It took several minutes for the four to calm down, during which time they did everything they could not to look at Michael. 

Eventually it was Sarah who spoke up first, "See I told you he was dangerous, I just did not truly realize how dangerous he was to us all." 

Though Sarah said it in an accusing way she still had a beautiful smile on her face. 

"Err what where we were supposed to be talking about again, I seemed to have lost my train of thought" Jane who normally put a conversation back to the topic if it went astray found herself lost after Michael's dangerous attack on their hearts. 

"Umm... oh right So Michael you're ok with us having sex with each other still in the future if you're going to be here for a while." Sarah managed to say. 

"It's your house not mine, I am just a guest. If you're ok with me knowing you're having a four-way sexual relationship that if the press found out would break the internet between yourselves then I have no reason to complain about it." Michael agreed 

"Break the internet?" Alexia said 

"Well yeah, with my time spent with you all at the concert and the after party as well as how people have gone insane when they learned I was staying here, even I can tell how popular you all are, especially you Alexia." 

"Now what would happen if someone found out and leaked that the reason 'The Four Queens' hardly ever date men is not because no one has caught their fancy, but instead it's because they are actually dating each other." 

"The internet would literately crash from everyone trying to read about it, post comments about it or try to find images and videos of you four at it." Michael explained.

"So Mr self-proclaimed pervert, how many women have you been with?" Gracie asked with a cheeky smile."