Chapter 50 First Time

"So Mr self-proclaimed pervert, how many women have you been with?" Gracie asked with a cheeky smile."

"It's been a long time since I have had sex and to be honest, I am not very experienced, if we are basing on experience then I am the same as Gracie and Sarah having had sex only twice in my life and the last time I was raped" Michael revealed, shocking all the women. 

All four women stared at Michael in shock unable to believe what they just heard. 

(Mike was raped?) All thought in one way or another. 

Michael side and got up before walking over to the bar to pour himself a drink. 

"Would anyone like anything?" He asked but all he go in return where for women shaking their heads before her came and sat back down. 

He sighed before he said, "I really can't keep anything from you four, this is another story that Tommy and Sophie know nothing about and infarct other than the women who raped me no one knows, and she is dead now I heard." 

"So, what you're saying Mike is that if you did not reveal this to us, we would never have found out?" Alexia confirmed. 

"Correct, no level of background check and no amount of money could have discovered this because I am the only one still alive who knows. Michael confirmed before taking a sip of his drink. 

Jane, who had lifted her head to stare at Michael after the reveal, could only say one word "why?" 

"Why did I reveal this to you?" Michael asked 

Jane nodded

"To get you out of your embarrassed state and it seems to have worked." Michael chuckled before taking another drink. 

"Wait you revealed your darkest secret, and it was only to help Jane get over her embarrassment?" Gracie asked surprised. 

"First off, this maybe a dark secret but it is not the only one, and second why so surprised Gracie?" 

"If it helps Jane get over her embarrassment at something I personally believe she has nothing to be embarrassed or worried about then I am happy to reveal this." 

The girls all looked at him wondering how he could just reveal something like that out of know where just to help one of them feel better, did they underestimate how much he actually cared for them?

"Now this was not the first time I had sex as I lost my virginity to a friend from the streets about 6 months before this happened, but I was still only 15 when I was raped" 

"As you know after the fire with the person I killed in self-defense the police through me out on the streets." 

"There was no Orphanage to go back to because the fire had destroyed a quarter of the building and because all the ladies who ran it had died the council took possession and then they went and sold the land to the same damn company who most likely sent the hit man, Damn politicians, they were probably given an individual suitcase full of money." Michael explained hissing at the end as he spoke about the politicians. 

"So, I was alone on the streets and had to learn street smarts quick in order to survive, luckily I met a few kids who though wary of me at first soon let me into their group." 

"We soon hit it off and became close, watching each other's backs, fighting off local gangs together, pulling off some minor slightly outside the law jobs." 

"Anyway, we did anything to survive except get involved with drugs we never touched drugs as a couple of our group had history with family members and addiction." 

"So, I am living with this group for a couple of years, and I am close with this one girl called Kelly, man she was a firecracker, a pure redhead like Alexia just brighter like the color of fire." 

"Kelly was the go-to leader of the group because she never took shit from any other street group and knew how to play the game with the local crime bosses better than anyone." 

"So, one night after a job for a local crime boss we got an extra reward from him for a job well done in the form of a crate of beer." 

"Well, you can imagine it, a bunch of underage teenagers drinking beer with most having never touched alcohol in their life, so they had no tolerance." 

"Having grown up in the orphanage I naturally had never touched alcohol so after one I was tipsy, two I was drunk and then three, well it become hard to remember." 

"What I do remember is Kelly sucking my cock in an alley and letting me cum in her mouth before she swallowed it whole." 

"She then pushed me on the floor and showed me her dripping pussy telling me how badly she had always wanted me, and she would make me hers forever before she sat on my face and taught me how to lick her out and make her feel good." 

"After she climaxed, she went and plunged my hard cock into her pussy and rode me thereby taking my virginity, obviously I did not last long as it was my first time, but she did not care she just kissed me before saying there would be plenty of time to train my endurance." 

"The next morning, I woke with a hangover for the first time in my life, Kelly was nowhere to be seen and after asking around I heard she was doing her usual thing of meeting with the local bosses to find work." 

"When night fell and she was still not back and we got worried, turns out we were right to be."