Chapter 53 Press Release

Jane was right within 10 minuets the entertainment news program showed 'BREAKING NEWS' on screen with the special music. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we bring you some breaking news." 

"Within just the last few minutes the world's most popular celebrity Lexi has released a statement on her official website and social media which has already received tens of thousands of views." 

"The statement goes as follows." 

As the host began to read the press release a visual copy of it from the official Lexi website showed up on screen also. 

"Hello, my lovely friends and fans this is Lexi here and I would first like to thank everyone for their support during my yearlong world tour that has just ended." 

"I also want to thank all those who came to see me at any of my shows and for those who were not able to attend I apologies there was not enough room and hope you can join me next time." 

"I also want to give a special shout out to Mr. Stevens, who made the very generous donation of 300 million pounds last night at the after party towards the new charity foundation 'The Lake Foundation' that me and my friends who you all like to call 'The Four Queens' have set up." 

"With that out of the way there are a couple of pressing issues that have come to my attention that you my darling fans seem to be upset about so I would like to address them personally." 

"First and I would like to address the recent video that was posted online of Mr. Jake Daniels claiming to have deflowered me and that we are in a relationship." 

"This is of course not the case, I am not and never have been in a relationship with Mr. Daniels and to my knowledge I have never had any physical contact with him." 

"I can't for the life of me think of any reason he would come up with such outlandish claims so I would like to request a formal apology from Mr. Daniels for these false claims and accusations." 

"Next I would like to address the concern you my lovely fans seem to have regarding my close personal friend Michael Vandal." 

"I have already been contacted by the police this morning with a welfare check because of numerous reports being made to the police that I am in some way or another in danger." 

"This is not the case at all, and Mike is here at the request of myself because he helped me out of a sticky situation recently and I wanted to thank him, so I invited him to stay with me and my friends and watch the final show of my yearlong world tour and attend the after party as my guest." 

"While Mike is indeed staying in my penthouse in London with me and my friends, he has been nothing but a gentleman to all of us even making us all breakfast this morning." 

"I would kindly like to request that all my darling fans stop contacting the police regarding this as it is taking up their time that could be better served protecting the innocent and catching the criminals." 

"Well, that's all I wanted to say to you all for now so please accept my love and I hope to see and talk to you all again soon." 

"Love you all" 


The three girls watched and listened as the TV host read out the press release before covering it a second time to make sure nobody missed anything. 

"Well Daniels is definitely ruined now and won't be a celebrity anymore, though I wonder if he will have the courage to make a formal apology." Gracie stated as she gently stroked Sarah's long brown hair who was still using her as a lap pillow. 

"It doesn't matter if he does or not, as you said he is ruined and that was not the real reason off the press release in the first place." Jane replied, who was now using Alexia's lap as her pillow, while Alexia mimicked Gracie and was running her hand gently through Jane's black hair. 

"Athena please split the screen and on the new half bring up the press release from Lexi's official website. I want to see the comments, they are always fun to read." Sarah spoke up with excitement. 

"Of course," Athena replied before the TV screen split in two with the left half still showing the entertainment news program going over the press release and the right half showed the official statement for Alexia. 

Then just as Sarah was about to get up and use the TV as a touch screen to scroll down a holographic panel like a keyboard appeared in front of her. 

"Oh, this is new but also very welcome. thank you, Athena," Sarah replied before she used the arrow keys to scroll down the page. 

"Your Welcome Sarah" Athena replied 

LEXI4LIFE: Lexi I love you. 

Lexibiggestfan: The yearlong world tour was epic thank you Lexi. 

LoveLexi: Dickhead Jake Daniels dares to make up shit about my love. 

OfficialStevens: Thank you for the lovely dance last night Lexi and I am proud to have donated to a good cause. 

MetropolitanPoliceOfficial: Thank you Lexi for the press release. 

LexisuckmyD: Lexi suck my D 

LexiNo1Fan: @admin please ban above post, also LexiNo1Fan for Life. 

Lexi4Life: Lexi is mine for life go away No1 fan. 

LexiNo1Fan: Too slow @Lexi4Life 

Lexi4life: gah will beat you next time, also @admin block that D guy 

OfficialLexifanclub: Glad to hear you safe and remember folks the Lexi Official fan club has Lexi merch you can only get from us. 

Lexisguardian: I am glad to hear your safe Lexi, but could you post a picture or video to show that you really are please? 

Lexibiggestfan: Oh, good shout Guardian +1 

LoveLexi: +2 

LexiNo1Fan +3 




Lexi4Life: + 752 

"Seems you should post something to show you're really ok" Gracie suggested. 

"Your right let me take a selfie and post it." 

At which time Lexi sat up and took a selfie of mainly her face before lying back down on Jane's lap and posting it with a comment. 

OfficialLexi: Hey all here is the image you requested to show I'm fine can't show much as still in my nightie enjoy ;) 

OfficialLexi: Image 

LexiNo1Fan: Beautiful 

Lexi4Life: Gorgeous 

OfficialLexifanclub: A new photo for the fan club pictures page thanks Lexi. 

LexisuckmyD: Want those lips around my D ;) 

Lexibiggestfan: @admin why is this guy still here? Also, you look great Lexi 

LoveLexi: @admin kick D already. Lexi you look sexy. 

SexyLexi: You look sexy indeed though it's a shame we could not see sexy Lexy in her nightie. 

"Hehe it seems they want to see more of you in that sexy Lexi." Sarah said with a chuckle.