Chapter 54 Dee

"Hehe it seems they want to see more of you in that sexy Lexi." Sarah said with a chuckle. 

"Hmm it's been a few years since I last did an underwear shoot, maybe I should." Alexia said with a giggle. 

"Should do what?" Michael asked as he came down the stairs. 

"Michael how are you feeling?" Gracie was the first to ask with concern. 

"I'm fine just needed some air, it's a nice day out you girls should go up for some fresh air yourself, though I would change your clothes first just in case ha-ha." Michael said with a chuckle as the end. 

"Speaking of clothes Alexia's fans are wanting another picture of her in the nightie she is wearing right now." Sarah said with a giggle. 

"Oh ok, are you going to?" Michael asked. 

"What do you think?" Alexia asked. 

"I have no idea" Michael replied to causing Alexia to slump her shoulders as he went to the kitchen and asked, "Anyone want a coffee?" 

"Yes Please" all four women answered. 

"You know why he avoided answering right?" Gracie asked. 

"Because he has no idea with how the celebrity world works and he does not believe he has the right to give me his opinion on the matter." Alexia replied 

"Pretty much" Jane replied with a nod. 

As Michael came back into the living room a few minutes later with five coffees on a try he looked at the TV which was still showing the entertainment show covering Alexia press release and the comments which Sarah was still reading. 

As he looked at the comments section he laughed before saying "ha-ha so she is still doing that even now." 

"Who are you talking about? "Gracie asked curiously. 

"Lexi suck my D." Michael answered and as he did all the girls turned to him with shocked looks. 

"Wow how forward" Sarah said with a giggle. 

"Whistle" Gracie whistled. 

"lucky" Jane said with a cheeky grin. 

Alexia of course had the biggest reaction, blushing madly before replying with a shaky voice. 

"We… we… have not even properly kissed yet so don't you think we are moving a bit fast for that…. but I mean if you want to." 

Michael just looked at her and sighed before saying "the user LexisuckmyD that's leaving comments from your press announcement." 

"Ohhhhh" Jane, Gracie and Sarah said 

"Oh, I see." Alexia replied while looking down slightly disappointed and fidgeting with her fingers. 

(Wait is she disappointed?) 

"Alexia are you…" Michael about to ask but was interrupted by Sarah who suddenly jumped up off Gracie's lap and appeared in front of Michael. 

"You know LexisuckmyD" Sarah asked in excitement. 

Michael did not immediately respond as he looked at Alexia before he sighed. 

"Yes, I know who that is." he finally replied, turning to Sarah. 

"Who and how do you know?" Sarah asked again in excitement. 

Michael sat on the sofa before saying. 

"I am unsure of what her real name is but to people on the street she is known as Dee." 

"She?" Sarah asked as all the girls looked interested. 

"Yup LexisuckmyD is a girl" Michael confirmed though he noticed that Alexia was bright red again, so he coughed before continuing. 

"As I said she is known on the streets as Dee, she is a self-proclaimed genius when it comes to anything computer related." 

"Now I'm no expert on computers only knowing just above basic but everything I know I learned from Dee and even I can tell she really is a genius with them." 

"Anyway, back when I was still running with my crew before Kelly got arrested and even after, whenever we need tech related, such as bypassing a cars alarm system or copying a credit card we got the equipment we needed from Dee." Michael continued. 

"Being such a genius, she gets bored easily so one day she came up with a novel way to pass her boredom when she had no work and was not working on a project." 

"That solution was trolling." Michael said. 

"Trolling?" Jane quizzed. 

"Yup, specifically trolling the fans of celebrities." 

"Go to any celebrity with a big enough fan base and you will find a username that has the celebrities name and then suck my D." 

"For example, 'LexisuckmyD'" and Michael saw Alexia go res again, "or 'JakesuckmyD'" 

"It does not matter if the celebrity is male or female, as long as they have a fan base you will find Dee's toll account." Michael finished 

As if to check Jane grabbed her phone and went to Amanda Jones, a big-name film stars social media on the social media app 'P'.

"Wow look it's AmandasuckmyD" Jane suddenly said. 

"Wait so you're telling me that all the accounts on celebrity social media or official website is your friend Dee?" Sarah asked excitedly. 

"I can't say if it's every account but a lot of them will be her, why are you so excited." Michael asked curiously. 

"Don't mind her she just loves reading troll posts and so is a fan." Gracie said shaking her head. 

"How is it possible for one person to comment on so many accounts so quickly?" Jane asked out loud. 

"Apparently, she wrote a computer program that enables her to switch between the accounts quickly and that posts her comment because she only ever posts that one sentence every time." 

"Oh! also that's why she has never been kicked by any admins on your social media account, they're not able to do it because of her hacking skills." Michael revealed. 

"Should we be concerned about this friend of yours?" Jane asked 

"No as I said all she does is send that one message all the time as am sure you noticed." Michael explained. 

"As long as you don't do anything crazy like send the police after her now, I have revealed this to you then she will just carry on what she is doing." 

"Dee will generally leave the celebrity alone and only does that message to get a rise out of the fans." Michael explained.