Chapter 55 Passphrase

"Dee will generally leave the celebrity alone and along does that message to get a rise out of the fans." Michael explained 

"Tho thinking about it if you like I could drop her a message and ask her to help keep an eye on Alexia's social media and website in case anyone does try anything in the future." Michael suggested. 

"Would she do that? I thought you said she only does it because she is bored." Alexia asked. 

"I did and she does though it you're willing to pay her for any help she provides and not interfere with her harmless trolling chances are she would agree and then you will have some extra security." Michael replied. 

The girls looked at each other for a moment before Alexia asked, "what do you think?" Looking at the other girls. 

"You know I like reading the posts and it's true what Mike said as I have never seen this Dee ever post anything other than that one message." Sarah stated. 

"If Michael is recommending her, I say we try her out, so far Mike has done nothing but help us." Gracie suggested. 

"An extra layer of security can't hurt and if she is good as Mike says then she could be helpfully in more ways than one in the future." Jane said. 

Michael looked at Jane before saying "Don't expect to be able to request her services for a while, it takes time for Dee to trust people and also she would do a background check on all of you." 

"That's fine go ahead and contact her." Jane said giving the ok. 

"Sure" Michael said pulling out his phone to send a message. 

Michael: Hey Dee, it's been a while. 

"Might take time to get a repo.... never-mind she already replied" he said looking at his phone. 

Dee: Who is this, how did you get this number and from who? 

"Oh, right I changed my number after the whole Michelle Rodriguez incident." Michael thought out loud before he replied to the text. 

Michael: Its Mike from the street, I changed my number after a certain incident in the past. 

Dee: Which Mike from the streets? Give me the passphrase. 

Michael: Oh, come on really? That passphrase is so embarrassing for me to type. 

Dee: Which is why I set it up so that fools like you won't go changing their number and forcing me to do a check on your number to confirm who you are, now do the passphrase or get lost. 

Michael: Dee, the almighty goddess of cyber tech, I bow down in your presence to lick your feet as I beseech you to help this noob out. 

As Michael finished typing in the pass phrase the girls who were spying on his text message all laughed. 

"I had no idea you were into licking feet Mike" Jane said with a laugh. 

"While I know you only mean that as a joke, I will say that I have no problem licking my future lover's feet if she is playing the domination role" Michael said as a joke back to the girls making them all blush. 

"I wish that was true" Sarah said with a sultry look. "But we know you're only kidding since you refuse to be with anyone after what happened. 

Michael looked at the girls and considered how best to reply before deciding to go the normal route of absolute candor. 

"While I can't say if I will ever be able to get past my issue of being worried about making women filthy from my tainted self, I do hope to be able to get past it and if I ever do I have no problem with being dominated at times." 

As he finished speaking and turned his attention back to his phone, he failed to see the four girls all looking at each other with sparkling eyes and happy smiles. 

Dee: Well, you know the passphrase so which Mike are you? Tell me something only you know about me. 

Mike: You get bored easily, so you created the '...lickmyD' identity to troll celebrity fans. 

Dee: .... 

Dee: Mike, shit I thought you were dead; I mean you dropped off the face of the earth, 

Mike: Yeah, some stuff happens but before we talk more do the background check on this number, I know you're already starting and let me know when you confirm it's me. 

Dee: Sounds like Mike I know after all you know me so well. 

With that might looked back at the girls and said, "this will take her a few minutes." 

"Hey Mike, give me your number," Sarah suddenly said, causing everyone to look at her. 

"You don't, have it?" Michael asked curiously. 

"Well, you never gave me it so why would I." Sarah asked back. 

"Well after the background check I figured you all had it now." Michael answered. 

"Ah ok, no I never copied it off there, if I want someone's number, I will ask for it, so enter it." Sarah said holding her phone out. 

"Ok sure" Michael said taking her phone and inputting his number. 

"Me too" Jane said handing her phone over to which Michael added his number. 

"And me" Gracie replied and handed her phone over to which Michael entered his number again. 

"So, everyone has my number happy now?" Michael said sarcastically shaking his head. 

After that Michael took a sip of his coffee and said, "Ok let's talk about what happened earlier." causing all the girls to give their complete attention. 

"Who wants to ask the questions they are not sure they should ask first?" Michael asked the girls.