Chapter 65 What the world needs

Michael once again took some time to think of an answer while the girls went and got some snacks to keep them going until dinner later. 

 "Wars generally come down to two things, expansion of territory or religion." Michael began. 

"In the case of expansion, it once again comes down to wealth, the more land you have, the more resources you own and the more wealth you can make from said resources." 

"As for religion I honestly don't understand this one, I get there are many religions in the world and that's fine I have no problem with people being religious even if I'm an Atheist." 

"But if God or Gods exist and they are as described in different religions, let's take Christianity as an example." 

"If God created all mankind and created the commandments, would he really want his children to kill each other like in the crusades back in the sixteenth to seventeen hundreds when there is a commandment that says 'Thou Shall not Kill'?" 

 "So, Michael, how would you solve these things we have spoken about" Gracie began. 

"First how would solve the world's economy?" 

 Michael rose up off Gracie's lap to look her in the eyes before saying "You actually want me to think up ideas on how to solve these problems when they have been around since mankind invented currency?" 

 "No, we don't expect you to think of a solution Mike, we just want you to tell us what you think would be the best way to fix each problem." Alexia replied with a reassuring smile. 

 "Fine" Michael said before moving away from Gracie and grabbing some snacks to eat as he considered his answer. 

 "The best solution I can think off right at this moment is to get rid of money all together, without money there would be no financial issues or situations." 

"However, unless a genius invents faster than light travel and a group off pointy eared aliens are passing near our planet who detect this and decide to land to initiate first contact, this is unlikely to happen." 

"Other than that, the only way I can think is for the entire world to come under one currency but even then, there will always be the richer and the poorer in society so some major controls would have to be put in place to prevent the corruption that already exists from repeating itself." Michael finished 

 "Thank you for your opinion, Zefram Cochrane." Jane said and all the girls and even Michael giggled at her joke. 

 "Now the world's carbon footprint and those that are preventing it from being dealt with, how would you fix this?" Alexia asked. 

 "You mean aside from shooting all those involved?" Michael said sarcastically. 

 "Well, you can give that answer if you want after all there are no right or wrong answers, we just want to hear what your personal thoughts on what the solutions could be." Gracie said with a smile. 

 Michael thought again while continuing to eat snacks as the girls also ate snacks in silence while watching Michael. 

 "Off the top of my head the best solution would be finding a way to force or make those people and/or countries into working towards making the entire world go zero emission using battery power, wind farms, or any other more potent zero emission technology that gets invented or exists that I don't know about." Michael said before continuing. 

"As for how they would be forced to cooperate it would unfortunately have to be by any means necessary which I don't really approve off, from bribing them with incriminating evidence to threats and intimidation." 

"The only other way to sort this issue would be to electromagnet pulse or EMP the whole world and send us back to the Stone Age." 

 "Ok and what about wars how do we stop all wars on earth." Sarah asked and once again everyone was quiet as Michael considered his answer. 

 "Outside of a world changing event happening like our alien friends from the first answer turning up and all peoples on earth uniting because of a common cause or a common enemy, the only way to overcome this problem is to become what the world needs, the enemy of the entire world." Michael finished. 

 As Michael finished all the girls studied Michael to see how serious he was before Jane asked the question they were now wondering, "and would you become this enemy you think the world needs Mike?" 

 "I can't." Michael replied simply. 

 "Why not?" Sarah asked. 

 "Because it is impossible to do, we are not talking about terrorist organizations here but something more." Michael began 

"In order to be the enemy of the entire world that person would need wealth, resources and manpower to match the entire world and that's only the minimum." 

 "What if you had all that you needed in order to become the enemy of the world Mike would you do it?" Alexia asked. 

 "How can I answer that question?" Michael asked back before continuing. 

"I am just your average guy who happened to get lucky and meet all of you, if I had never met any off you then I probably would never have even thought about these topics so seriously since I have no real ability to change the world." 

 Everyone was quiet for a while as they ate the snacks and considered Michael's answers before Alexia spoke up.

"Thank you, Mike, for answering our selfish questions even if you don't know why we asked such questions."

"Now does anyone fancy heading to the pool and sauna to relax for a few hours before we go out for dinner tonight?" Alexia asked with a smile. 

 The girls all nodded and got up to go change before heading to the pool. 

 "What is that it? No more questions and I don't get to know why you asked such questions? Michael asked when he saw the girls had no intention of telling him anything and leaving it at that. 

 "Mike it's not that we don't want to tell you anything, but we can't like we have already explained." Sarah began to explain. 

"Even though we wish we could tell you everything we can't, all we can say is, 'if' you prove yourself worthy of knowing then we will answer your questions." 

"However, until then 'they' won't let us tell you anything." Sarah finished 

 "Who are they?" Michael asked but the girls just looked at him with sad smiles. 

"Ok then how do I prove worthy?" But again, the girls just stayed quiet with the same sad smiles. 

 In the end Michael sighed before saying, "Fine, have fun in the pool, I will see you in a bit." 

 "Mike, don't you want to come up to the pool with us?" Jane asked disappointed. 

 "Oh, and how am I supposed to do that? I did not bring any swim shorts as I did not know about any pool and thought I would only be here for one night and should have left by now." 

"Or do you expect me to skinny dip?" Michael asked with a strange look on his face. 

 At the mention of Michael skinny dipping in the pool the girls began to blush, and they were sorely tempted to accept his suggestion, but they knew they could not unless Michael became their fifth. 

 "Understood Mike you relax, and we will see you in a bit, but tomorrow we need to go get you some swim shorts and other clothes since you're staying here longer." Sarah said before the girls went to their rooms to get their bikinis and headed up to the pool where they would change so Michael could not see. 

Even though they knew they all liked Michael and were attracted to him to the extent they were already willing to kiss him, they decided to wait until he could join them so they could see his reaction at seeing all four of them in their bikinis at once. 

 As the four girls left Michael relaxed and thought out loud "what was all that about?" 

"It's not just simple questions from their refusal to tell me why they're asking me them and the fact they're claiming they can't tell me." 

"There is no point thinking about it now since I can't do anything about it so let's just watch TV and relax." 

"Athena please turn the TV on and bring up the TV guide." 

 "Very well Michael" Athena replied before turning on the TV and showing the TV guide where a holographic keyboard appears in front of Michael. 

 "Thank you, Athena." 

 "Your welcome Michael"