Chapter 66 Queens alone in the pool part 1*

*Warning contains Yuri content from about halfway though, if you don't want to read this skip ahead to chapter 70, you won't miss any important details* 


Up on the roof where the pool was located inside the large glass building, there was something that anyone interested in beautiful women would give anything to see. 

 Four of the most beautiful women in the world, including the recognized most beautiful women in world were relaxing in the shallows of a large pool. 

 The Four Queens were either sitting in the warm water or floating on it facing the sky when Alexia sighed and said, "It's a shame Michael could not join us." 

 "I agree however we are making him wait to see us in our bikinis for a bigger impact." Gracie said with a giggle. 

 "So, what do we think about his answers?" Sarah asked making them all went go to think about how Michael answered their questions earlier. 

 "He is kind, far kinder than anyone who has his history has the right to be." Alexia answered first. 

Not to mention he was kind enough to help me a celebrity he recognized, after what happened with Michelle Rodriguez in the past." 

"Then there is the fact he treats his friends like family and cares deeply for them as we have started to see since he recognized us as friends." 

"He willingly volunteered to help with the Jake Daniels situation at the C8 arena and also at the after party where he offered to dance with me thereby becoming known to everyone and sacrificing his privacy that he originally wanted to keep." 

 "He is smart, far smarter than his school grades give him credit for, I can't be sure if his life experiences have helped him or not, but even if they have, he is still smart enough to know his limitations with the position he has in the world." Jane answered. 

"Then there is the fact that he is up on world affairs which is not surprising and just shows he pays attention to the news, what is impressive is the answers he gave to our questions." 

"He was willing to give both a direct solution such as an EMP and a more long-term roundabout solution like bribing or threatening officials to get the job done." 

"In reference to the Jake Daniels situation it was his idea at the C8 arena and also all his doing at the party after whereby addressing you as Alexia, he presented himself as a close friend and showed that you would only dance with your close friends." 

 "As has already been talked about he does not seem to seek power or wealth, even though he has only been with us a little over twenty-four hours now he has never brought up the topic of money or asking for our help in anything." Sarah explained. 

"In fact, it's the opposite, we have always been the one who has brought up the topic of money while he has given us assistance more than once without us requesting it." 

"The only time we have truly helped him is with Michelle Rodriguez however he never asked for that help,it was our decision to warn her off, he could of requested our help but his solution at the time was to just pretend she was invisible or ignore her which worked well as being a celebrity the last thing you want is to be invisible or ignored." 

 The girls went quiet for a few minutes before Alexia spoke again. 

"I feel bad we could not reveal why we were asking all those questions." 

 "I understand what you're saying Alexia, but you know the reason why, until we are certain he is suitable to be the fifth we cant tell him anything or his life is at risk as Sarah helpfully showed earlier with the sniper shot." Jane replied ash Sarah just shrugged.

 For the first time since they arrived in the pool Gracie, who had just been floating around, spoke up. 

"Damn I want his cock inside me." 

 The other three looked over with dead eyes before Sarah said, "is this really the time to mention that?" 

 "I understand we are having an important conversation but ever since we kissed him earlier and I had my tongue battle with him I have been horny, and I need a release, you cant tell me it did not turn any of you on and also when he mentioned skinny dipping tell me that did not excite you." 

The other three did not reply because they could not refute her claims.

"One of you come help me." She said looking at her sisters. 

 "Who wants to help her?" Jane asked with a sigh. 

 "Does it matter we all know the two who don't go over there will start having sex with each other once they hear Gracie moan." Alexia replied. 

 "Fine then you go Alexia." Sarah said. 

 "Aww come on Gracie is not the only one who had a tongue battle with Mike and got turned on, I'm also in need of release." she admitted. 

 Jane and Sarah gave her the same look they just gave Gracie. 

 "Oh, like you two are any different, you also had your moment." Alexia said rolling her eyes. 

 "She has a point." Jane said, causing Sarah to nod in agreement. 

 "Enough talking over there and will one of you please come bury your face in my wet pussy." Gracie said. 

 Sarah and Jane looked at each other before Jane said. 

"Since I had Gracie last night I will take Alexia." Before moving towards her Alexia causing her to show a lustful expression to Jane.

As Jane got within distance, they both reached out and connected their hands interlocking their fingers before they pulled each other in and pressed their bodies together, both ample chests pressing against the other. 

They smiled at each other with lust before they kissed and started to let their hands roam the other's body as they floated in the pool kissing. 

 Over with Sarah she reached Gracie and pulled her towards her staying in the shallows, so she had a good footing before letting her hands slowly caress over Gracie's body spinning her slowly in the water. 

 "Mmm your touch is amazing as always cousin but please stop teasing me and eat me out" Gracie moaned with longing. 

 "What do I get in return for putting my tongue inside your wet pussy and satisfying you" Sarah asked in a sultry voice that would make any man hard. 

 "What do you want Sarah?" Gracie asked sounding desperate. 

 "I want us to all share Mike, no more feeling jealous like you were earlier, Mike did not deserve what you did to him. You know there is no reason for you too be jealous right" Sarah replied 

 "I know, I don't know what came over me, but I felt a bit left out when I was not able to lean on his body." Gracie replied quietly. 

 "I understand that, but you know we would have moved aside and given you time if you asked, also I get the feeling that Mike would also give plenty of hugs or other physical contact if we asked." Sarah said as she stopped spinning Gracie and looked in her eyes as she spoke to her while one of her hands started to rub over Gracie's clit protected only by her bikini bottom. 

 "Mmm cousin you're making me hornier please put your tongue in me already." Gracie started to plead in a voice full of lust. 

 "Not yet you still have one thing to promise me cousin." Sarah said as her fingers pushed aside Gracie's bikini bottom and a finger pushed slightly inside her wet pussy.