Chapter 71 And that thing is?

After a few moments Michael recovered, and he reached out and actually did cup Sarah's cheek this time causing her to lean into his hand as she looked up at his eyes with her blue ones. 

"Thank you, Sarah, but we both know it's not that easy right?" Michael said 

"You're right it's not, but if you keep going as you have been Mike, it could be." Sarah replied before she took a step forward and kissed him. 

"Keep being yourself and I am sure you will make it my love." Sarah said after she broke the kiss once again, looking into Michael's eyes. 

"I will try." Michael said as he nodded. 

Jane and Gracie showed small smiles. 

"Two down two to go." Alexia said with a smile causing all four to look at her. 

"Right let's go" she said before anyone could ask anything and dragged Michael and Sarah along with her towards the elevator. 

Jane and Gracie followed behind and once they entered the elevator and the doors closed Alexia said "Alexia." 

However, nothing happened so they all looked confused before Michael said.


"Voice Identification Confirmed" 

Athena replied before the elevator started to lower. 

All the girls looked at Michael with dead eyes as Michael laughed sheepishly before explaining. 

"So, it turns out when I accidentally changed Athena's name it also changed to password to operate the elevator." 

"Sorry with everything going on it slipped my mind." 

The girls looked at him before looking at each other with mischievous looks. 

"Well Mike what would have happened if we had to leave all of a sudden but could not get the elevator to work." Gracie asked. 

"You could off asked me about it then." Michael replied 

"But what if you were unavailable or incapacitated?" Alexia asked with concern. 

Before Michael could respond they all heard Athena say. 

"Parking level" 

The doors opened and they stepped out towards the limo. 

As was now the norm Michael stepped forward to open the limo door for the four girls, but they just entered without a thank you and even gave him a humph. 

Michael shook his head before getting in and closing the door where the limo set off. 

"Ok so how do I make this up to you so you will forgive me?" Michael asked. 

"Well, we are glad you asked Mike because it's going to be very easy to get our forgiveness." Jane said happily 

"Oh, please tell me what I must do my Queens." Michael said in a sarcastic way. 

When they heard him addressing them as 'my Queens' they could not help but imagine Michael addressing them as his queens often in the future and they liked the idea,

After a moment Sarah snapped out of her imagination and answered. 

"Simple, all you have to do is make us feel good physically." 

Michael looked at them before saying." Physically, how physically are you talking about as we all know that you're holding back from doing too much with me because of your oath and contract or something like that." 

"We are indeed not being proactive in being physical with you for certain reasons." Jane replied before continuing. 

"But believe me when I say it's a good thing." 

"Though I am still unsure if I will be able to overcome my mental trauma to be more intimate in the future." Michael said before continuing with slight sarcasm.

"But for the benefit of the doubt let's say I did not have this issue please explain how having four of the most rich and beautiful women in the world not wanting my cock is a good thing?"

The girls all smiled at Michael before Gracie replied, making Alexia blush. 

"Well aside from 'The Virgin Queen' here the fact we are holding back shows that we a seriously considering you for something bigger than just being our lover." 

"If all we wanted from you was for you to be our lover and to use your cock then we would have already attempted to take it, then once we got bored of you, we would off thrown you away and moved onto the next man." 

"Wow harsh." Michael replied with a slight frown. 

"Gracie may have been a bit to blunt there, while me and Jane have both had one-night stands none of us has ever 'used' a man for his cock." Sarah started to try to explain without giving too much away. 

"Michael, you need to understand something, our place in the world is much more important and complex than you imagine." 

"While three of us have had relationships in the past, we all knew that they would never last because they were all missing that thing all four of us want but have never been sure if we would ever find." 

"And that thing is?" Michael replied once again, not expecting an answer. 

"Complete and absolute trust, faith and partnership." Alexia answered, causing Michael to show a surprised look at which the girls giggled. 

"We know you did not expect us to answer that Mike but that is not really a secret because that's what people look for in a relationship, however we are looking for them in a different way." Jane explained. 

"While the four of us, two in particular are open to a relationship with you." Jane said, looking at Alexia and Sarah. 

"A relationship was never required or part of our contract and oath, so we were never specifically looking for a partner or partners we could have a relationship with even though some of us have been in them over the years." 

Sarah continued taking over from Jane. 

"What we mean when we say, 'complete and absolute trust, faith and partnership' is."

"Trust so that we can always trust they will be there when we need them, trust they will always keep our secrets that we confide in them and trust they will never betray us." 

"Faith that they will always be by our side to help and protect us when needed." 

"Partnership as in a partner to help us in our work and someone we can talk to when in need." 

Gracie took over for the last sentence. 

"We are looking for someone who can give us those things completely and absolutely as we already give them to our sisters and will give them to that person." 

As Gracie finished and as Michael looked at them all he realized that the girls where so in-tune with how they switched between who was speaking he was thinking that they must have practiced this speech often. 

"And you're seeking just one individual to help you all and not multiple to help each of you?" Michael asked